The Value of Our Faith

What good is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can a person exchange for their soul? Mark 8: 36-37

All of the earth seeks after riches and possessions. We toil night and day to secure them. But God looks out upon the earth’s people to observe who’s faith shines brightly and is guided by His love.

He looks not at what mankind believes is valuable, but to those who’s hearts are inclined towards Him

We seek after money and power; precious materials; and how we might gain from them.

We labor to become skillful in the ways of our economy, but God’s ways are more valuable than this

Our material ways can only bring us so far. That which we can gain on earth, can only bless us for a time. For unless God is part of our effort, all our striving for wealth will become a trap that will leave us empty and misguided

Riches and possessions alone cannot help us. They might even tear us apart, or destroy us. At best, they are a tool that helps us survive in this world, but too often we become lost in the pursuit of them.

Better then, is to learn the ways of God, who is the source of all true riches and the power that guides the entire Universe.

Of more value then, is to trust in His Word and seek after His good council, so that we might gain true riches

For our relationship with God is of infinite value. Worth more than the sum of all earthly riches

His wisdom and love, lived out through our lives will purify us and make us rich, no matter what our sum of earthly possessions might be

For our time here is fleeting and our security only an illusion. Yet our faith in Jesus Christ protects and upholds us and links us with the eternal

Christ will change us. He will reassess our value, and proclaim us as priceless  by His summation

Our Lord overcame this world. He died upon the cross, and was raised to life again, victorious. He can raise up all those that He knows as friends and give them eternal life. By His power He can save our souls.

How infinitely great is our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. How wonderful and beautiful is He. For our lives are not meant to be spent in futility, but to be fully enriched through Him.    1/31/2011

A Rainy Day

For the Earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God. Hebrews: 6:7

There is something wonderful, and at the same time humbling, in carefully watching the gathering clouds of an approaching storm front. The south winds freshen and the skies grow darker and more ominous until suddenly there comes those first fat raindrops. The smell of rain in the air after a prolonged dry spell, is a fragrance that has no comparison. As the front moves through the rain intensifies and sometimes flows down in torrents. It washes everything clean and soaks deep into the earth, activating and invigorating all the life within it. Rainy days can be such a blessing for a garden and for the gardener, too. For they give us a time to rest and catch up on things inside the shop. But most of all, , it is the privilege of watching God’s renewing forces at work in His creation. A rainstorm is a marvel. It is a flowing, moving, active work of art set in play by a breath from the lips of our gracious God.

I find that storms are a gateway for my imagination to see into the larger picture of God’s creative work. Think of it, this Earth, and these natural cycles of rain and sun that wash over it; All meant for the blessing of His creation of living plants and organisms. We live in such an amazing and fragile world, there is nothing like in the entire known universe. in comparison to the width and breadth of the heavens above, this place where all of life exists is mostly within a few miles of the Earth’s surface. Life tightly hugs to this tiny speck of rock, and is lost against the backdrop of billions upon billions of galaxies. We live in such a soft and tender world, surrounded by an almost infinite space that is harsh and unlivable. This place, our garden home called Earth, is no accident, but the evidence of a kind and loving God made manifest in the physical realm. It is our home, a precious creation.

As I look out over my rain drenches garden, I am humbled beyond measure, to realize the many blessings God has poured out upon us. For He has given us every green herb and tree to be useful and beneficial for us. They give us food, medicine, and useful materials that we use and depend on each day. We have not begun to understand the uses, importance, and wonderful secrets that lie hidden within our gardens and found in every plant that grows upon this earth. There are lessons still to be learned that God has yet to whisper to us through the sounding boards of His own creation. What an infinite palette He has given us to work with. With them, He feeds those who are hungry and makes our lives better in so many ways. How much greater could we have been blessed?

After the storm has passed, I like to stroll out into the gardens. Everything is made fresh and new after the dust has been washed from their leaves and each root has soaked up its fill of life giving water. I like how the sunlight sparkles through the water droplets on the leaves and flowers after a good rain. It’s as if in their joy, each plant reflects the brilliant flashes of the love of God outward for all to see. For through the abundance of His blessing, we can see more plainly the exceeding love and goodness of our God.

Press On

Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 3:13-14

I am not perfect. No, I am far from being that. Nor have I attained greatness in any way.

But in spite of my lack, I press on that I may reach that which was given me to reach. So that I may lay hold of the things for which Jesus Christ has also laid hold of me.

For there is a purpose I my life. There is a reason that I am here; That I may glorify my Father in heaven with all that I have and with all of my life.

I have not reached yet what He has placed before me. I feel like I have not come close. But, one thing I do is to forget the things that are behind me and reach for those that lie ahead.

For there are many things from my past that I wish had never happened; And if I let them, they would weigh heavily upon my soul. They would place a drag on my life and keep me from being all I could be.

I thank God then that He has forgiven me, and taken away the sentence of sin that hung heavy upon me. That through His Son, Jesus Christ, I have a new life, where I can live in freedom to be my best for Him

I no longer look back on my life in regret, but look forward to all the exciting things which God has in store for me. In eager anticipation, I reach forward towards all that lies ahead.

No, I am am far from attaining any measure of success. But, I continue on nonetheless. I let God worry about how much of an impact I am making for Him, knowing that there is really no way for me to measure that, anyway.

I simply press on, following His lead, excited to be a part of something so grand.

I remember that God has set aside a prize that awaits all those who pursue the upward call; and a reward to all those who seek His will.

Even though I may stumble and fall many times a day, I pick myself up and brush off the dust that clings to me, and set out again upon the pathway He has laid.

Though I may tire along the way, I rest and take nourishment from His Words; And when my strength has returned, I press on again, knowing that His way is the only way to life

For I have come to the conclusion, that any other way that I could go is just a counterfeit path, for only in Christ, does my life achieve any meaning or purpose.    1997


Bolting When The Heat is On


Kale that has bolted


I often plant Cole crops early each Spring in my vegetable garden. These plants prefer cool weather to grow and mature, and include Broccoli, Mustard, Kale, and Cabbage. Some seasons I have problems with these plants, because they are sensitive to early hot spells. When the heat comes on too soon, these plants can become stressed and are quickly activated to begin flowering. Sometimes this can happen when the plants are quite small, but most often, just as they start to become productive. This phenomenon is called bolting, and it is a serious problem, since the plant rapidly jumps to flowering mode and bypasses the best stages of harvesting a good crop.  The only thing a gardener can do if this happens is pull up the plants and plant something else.

How many of us Christians decide to bolt and go to seed when things get difficult or when the heat suddenly sets its focus upon us? There is a passage in the Gospel of John chapter 6, where Jesus spoke about having faith in Him by using some particularly difficult metaphors. He said, ” I am the bread of life, they who come to me shall never hunger and they who believe in me shall never thirst”.  He went on to say ” I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, they will live forever; and the bread I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world”.  He said this speaking figuratively, of how He must die, and of His resurrection, so that He might be able to save all those who trust and believe in Him. But these words were hard to understand by many who had followed Him, and upon hearing this, they decided to leave Him and go back to their former lives.

To put our faith in Jesus Christ is the single most important choice a human can make. It is all encompassing, there are great blessings that result, but also distinct trials. Through faith we are allowed to have access into the kingdom of God, but we are also asked to give up the right to ourselves. Most of us are eager to gain the things given, but grudgingly submit to God’s requirement to lose our self for Him. Jesus will never force us to go with Him, He prefaces every invitation with an if; “if any one wishes to follow me, then He must leave all and…” That is when difficulty comes and the great battle of will is waged inside us.

The wonderful part of giving up your life to Jesus Christ, is that His life and Spirit becomes joined to ours, and we begin to gain His strength and wisdom in so many ways. We find character that was never within us before, and a capacity to love that is supernatural beyond anything we understood prior. We soon see His purposes working out through our lives against every odd and in ways that sometimes seem impossible, but true. It is amazing to sense the power of our very Creator at work in our life. He upholds us through trials, and gives us strength to weather affliction, so as we begin to see this at work in our life, we experience a deeper more meaningful joy and purpose.

So when difficulties arise and the urge come to bolt and retreat, hang on to your faith in the life of Jesus Christ. Don’t go to seed, but remain in His presence, for He has a tremendous purpose and incredible blessing to work out through your life.

Wait For the Lord

Who among you fears the Lord, Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let Them trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon their God. Isaiah 50:10

If the way before you is unclear, trust in the Lord. If the path ahead is shrouded in clouds and remains obscured, wait upon your Lord, God.

For He alone, knows the future. He will guide your steps.

Do not run ahead before Him, but allow His lead to direct your every move. Wait upon Him. Trust in the Lord.

A clear way awaits you  just ahead, but for now, it is better to wait. Lean upon Him, and He will show you a perfect way.

There are times when great barriers gather around us, difficult circumstances, that may cast a shadow of fear upon us. Simply, trust in the Lord, for He is stronger than anything set before us.

Without Him we have no strength, but through His Spirit and by His Hand, He can deliver us safely and give us power to overcome.

For the Lord goes with all those who trust in Him.. He walks beside those who reach out for His hand. Oh what a trustworthy God is ours!

Fear is our reminder to believe in Him, to give ourselves over to His will, and trust in all of His ways for us.

The things that happen in this world will push us, if we let them. They will drop us into hard places, if we allow them to.

But when we trust in God, and follow after our Lord Jesus Christ, our footing will become secure.

Even when great mountains seem to loom before us, and threats and fear rise up against us, our God will protect us. He will provide a way, so that we might prosper and not perish; So that we might rejoice, instead of despair.

For our God is good. He is mighty and powerful above all things, and will provide a way for all those who love Him.    12/28/2007