Our Ever-Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1

Lord I trust in You

When the storms of life rage all around me and help seems far away; when any kind of resolution seems distant and out of reach, I place my cares upon You

Some days it does not seem possible that any more trouble could happen, but then things grow worse. Even those who I trust seem to desert me. They lash out at me, when I try to help in one way or another. They push me away, even though I have not left them, and I feel deserted

But my God is always there. His Words comfort me. I can sense the hand of His Spirit resting upon my shoulder.

He reassures me by His presence, and uplifts me, as a father would, who comforts his child

Trust in God when all seems lost. Rely upon Him, when everyone on earth seems to have forsaken you. For His eyes see you, and His gaze rests upon your life

He sees your condition and what has come upon your days. He brings healing and rest for your soul.

He can calm the weary and stressed, and delivers us, so that we might be able to walk in strength again. He can begin to fix that which was broken, and help unravel the hopeless tangles that come upon us

Praise God for His comforting Spirit. Give thanks, for the relief that He brings that restores our perspective of life

Rejoice, as you begin to see the beauty of His love at work in you again. Trust in Him, so that your life becomes renewed of purpose, and that your work and His will, follow the same course

It is a part of the human experience become lost, and to have the support of your family and friends disrupted, dislodged, and scrambled.

But our Lord never changes, His love for us is as strong today as it was when you first believed in Him. He can restore things that have become impossibly broken

Our ways are not like Our God’s. We stray into all kinds of trouble, and are subject to the fallout from the problems of others.

Always seek the Lord, our God and Savior. Pray to Him each day, believing. Trust in Him, for His love is always strong enough support and uphold us. 7/5/2020

A Path That Leads To Faith

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.      Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever spent time observing; Looking out far and wide across this wondrous creation?

Have you ever taken a casual glance at some far off vista, and then spent the next ten minutes watching in rapt wonder?

Is it even possible to comprehend this world, so vast and mysterious?

Did you ever attempt to find your own place amidst such a great and far flung universe? Was it just an accident that you arrived here in this place, in this time? Or, is there something much deeper at work?

Your life is truly a gift of incalculable worth. What a wonder it is that you can see and know, and give and love

Even as all of creation, in it’s timeless way, somehow exists, you are precious in the eyes of God

What He has formed in you, He lovingly treasures. God has a desire for your life that is not bound by the span of time, or by the breadth of all that He has made

And His desire is for your good, so that the joy of life would fill you to overflowing

How sad it is then, that God has often been obscured . That in these times times, He is discounted and discredited. So that we, who need to be connected with our creator, are wilting from a lack of His presence in our lives

We face the starvation of our very souls, because our lives are desperately dependent upon His Spirit

God calls us to live a holy life. To flee from the sin and evil, that so easily afflicts us. For it places a drag on our lives that separates us from Him and leads us to empty places, even despair

He places great importance on this, because it becomes a matter of life and death for those He loves.

God is angered and saddened by all those who do evil, and all those who are compelled to continually sin against Him. By their own actions, they prove that they do not know or regard Him in any way.

How misguided are we, yet God continues to call out to us through His love and through His Word, so that we might come to realize the error of our ways, and then turn, and be forgiven.

It is incredible how blind we can truly be. That we cannot take the time to look and wonder, or acknowledge the great love of God, our creator

But for those who conduct their lives in self control; who place their faith in the God of the universe, and live their lives before Him; These will be blessed, because God’s only intentions are for our good

To all those who love our God, who follow after His ways, these will dwell close to His presence and be fed. Their lives will be blessed through understanding.

The full measure of His loving kindness will overflow upon them in the richness of all that is good and true; and they will live safely in His presence for all of time.   11/10/2006