Seek Unity in Christ

“Even from your your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard!” Acts 20:30

How wonderful it is, when God’s people can get along with each other, when our differences can be overlooked, and our judgements, dismissed

Joy bursts out when the followers of Christ lay down their arms and focus on the greatness of His salvation, which renders every element of discord as petty and meaningless

Blessed are the peacemakers in the eyes of our God. For they see and understand His incredible mercies. They recognize the dangers that arise from divisions within our ranks, and seek to mend and heal that which has become a cancer within our society

Who are they, who seek to fan the flames of division? Are they not our enemies?

And what do they hope to gain from their actions? Is it not to persuade us away from peace for their own gain?

Wake up America, and listen, all you people of the world; Seek peace, and turn your ways towards the righteousness of God

Bring together all of God’s children through the outworking of His love, so that God’s perfect work may abound within us

There is an extreme level of anger and division building within our world. It threatens to overrun us, and take away our liberty

I have seen that everyone who joins into the discourse of division believes they are right, but each one only aids and abets the mistruths of our enemies

Believe and trust in the truth of God, for it is where our strength and peace resides

Live according to His ways, and have faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. For without these we will revert to our old ways of sin

Stay away from all who cause divisions, who claim to be righteous only to further their own cause. Avoid their messages, for they seek to divide us to one side or the other, so they can gain power, riches, and control

We are one in Christ, and each of us is a child of God

Our God is truly a God of love, justice, and mercy. How do you think He regards those who scheme to divide us?

Most often we never meet or see the purveyors of these lies. They hide within cyberspace, or talk in carefully crafted media. Some are not even real, but computer-generated algorithms designed to amplify their effect

Do not get caught in their trap, or be persuaded by the shocking tone of these staged opinions, for they are skilled in crafting their message and given to deception

Consider then, the quality of the ‘fruit’ that results from their words. Do they create harmony, or foster discord? Will it help to bring peace between those on both sides of the issue?

Does the message build up the Church as a whole, and not seek to separate some to one side and the rest to the other?

Pray that God will give us a spirit of unity and love in these times.  3/18/2021

In Christ We Overcome

“I have told you all these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33

The accuser ever stands ready to strike at us. He bends the truth and good judgement in order to bring us down. Yet, the truth of God remains forever

He wars with us, in order that we might fail, and yet, if we persevere we will be made stronger

God allows what He chooses to allow. It may not be our desire, yet in His wisdom, He ordains for things to be as so, and allows suffering into our lives as a kind of medicine so that we might more fully know the truth

How small we are in understanding, but God is great beyond measure

Our accuser beats upon our weak spots and tries to convince us that we are condemned. Yet, God has promised that this can never be. For He loves us, even giving us His Son so that we can be saved

If we trust in Christ, we are never lost or forsaken from God

The accuser may tempt us to give up our faith. He may argue that we are of no value to God. But God has called us His most precious and beloved in all of creation, and that His love for us stretches from before time until forever

We are, indeed, powerless in our own strength. Our wits are no match against our enemy, to help us in this battle. For we are only flesh and blood

Only in God are we made strong, and only through His strength are we made alive

Our trust throughout our life can only be made sure in Him

We fail each day, but God will never fail to uphold us. He will show us a way that leads us to safety

We will have doubts and stumble on stones cast before us, yet, God’s love will set us upon our feet, and steady us when we become unsure

Therefore, remain patient in afflictions and wait for the Lord. Trust in Him, for in all things, both good and bad, He is at work beside us, making our strength more affective and building up our faith

Afflictions are actually gifts wrapped in pains and suffering; But, when received open us to greater fellowship with God

Endure, be patient, Give thanks to our Creator and King. Sing praises to Him, for He is worthy

For no matter if we stand or if we fall, or are brought low in our afflictions, God is at work in us, bringing us closer to Himself. For His love for us is greater than our understanding.  6/17/2005

A Benediction For Renewal

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

May the Lord draw you near this day and remind you of His presence, so that you might remember your place in Him, and be restored towards a completeness in faith

On this day, come back to your God. Return from your wandering, so that you might be made whole again, and be healed from the wounds that sin has inflicted upon you

May God richly bless you this day with the revealing of His truth and wisdom. So that you may see clearly the road ahead, and begin again, to follow His ways of living

By His power and through His love, He will begin to restore every broken place, and lift up those who may be broken, to renew them by His truth and goodness

May the Lord of righteousness, walk with you each day, our one true savior, and heal those wounded places, so that you may be of sound mind, body, and soul

Cease from your wandering. Leave behind, those things that cause desolation. Build up your life within the strength of God, and be made new

May you come before the Lord each day; and with each waking of the morning, return again to Him, so that you might call upon His name, and listen

Never tire from seeking our Lord, for He will return to all who look for His presence, and will soon be beside those who desire His friendship

Cry out to God, and come back home to a place of safety and communion with Him

Return, once again, and be filled with God’s Spirit and truth. There you will find a safe haven from the storms of life

May the Lord always remind you of His love for you, and bring to remembrance  the magnitude of His goodness. For all good things come from Him. All that has ever been a blessing in your life, has been a gift from God

Sin is a liar. It promises, but always withdraws true reward. Instead, it’s bite is like a venomous snake, which shows no mercy upon its victims

May God continue to deliver you from every form of evil, and draw you near today, so that you may be filled with all fullness of life.  11/18/1006

Goodness Without Measure

Be Thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting. Psalms 100:4-5

Lord, You bless all the earth with Your goodness

All that there is, has sprang forth as a gift from your hands. You give breath to every creature, and water, to the plants of the earth

How great is Your goodness, and wonderful, Your gifts. All of creation is indebted to You, for You are creator of all

In awe, and with wonder, I will praise God. With joy, and thanksgiving I will raise up a song for Him. For He has given us this day as a gift, and for His own glory

May all of creation Praise Him. May they shout forth His name, and call upon His benevolent Spirit. May they shout forth His name, and seek Him each day and every hour

For He does not Hide His presence

Look to the heavens and glory. Gaze upon His creation with respect. Rejoice, for we are alive and have been given great treasures

With each dawn that we are blessed with, may we live our life for Him, and give back to God that which He has given to us

All that there is, He owns. Nothing lies beyond His reach, or, escapes the gaze of His eye

Yet, how great is His mercy towards us

With love, God looks upon each life, and treasures us as priceless creations

Great is the goodness of God, and excellent, His Word. With truth and with power, He has made clear the way that leads to life. It transforms all who seek after our Lord God

The Word of God was before all creation. By it everything that was made, was framed and placed into context within God’s plan

May all of creation praise our God, and call upon Him, who is their salvation. So that they may taste and know the pure goodness of God.  12/22/2006