God Will Restore Us

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Our God has compassion for His people. He cares for them deeply. Though they sin and do terrible things before His face, still He forgives them

God looks out across the entire face of the earth and gazes at the imperfections of man. There is no hope for us apart from Him, no path of our own that leads to safety

He sees all of our sin, we cannot hide it in any way, yet we have a savior, one who can help heal our own afflictions and remove the weight of our guilt

The Lord is awesome. He dwells in unapproachable light. We cannot find Him on our own, yet, He has searched us out and offered us forgiveness and light

Our sins will eventually kill us, they will not allow us to live. But by the power of God in Jesus, we can be saved unto eternity in Him

He can bear the weight of our sin and remove it from us, forever

Great is this gift, and glorious for all those who go before Him, for they will be made as new, purified and whole

Thank God for His goodness. Sing praise for His love

He sees us falling and reaches out to catch us, so that we might live in all fullness and life

Blessed are all who go before Him, who cry out for mercy at His feet. For He is always quick to forgive those who have an honest heart. God will surely restore those who have strayed

Sin is our enemy and a fatal deception. It will sicken us and leave us empty so that we forget the goodness and power of our God

Thank God then, that He is always willing to forgive us

For all who approach Him with an honest heart will be restored without fail, so that they can live in all fullness of life once again.   10/14/2009

God’s Love Compels Us

And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds… Hebrews 10:24

In whatever God has placed before you, may you do it with all of your heart and endeavor to complete it with all of your strength

Let your effort be an inspiration to others, so that they might be encouraged along the way

May your work stand out from that of others, and be noticed, not necessarily for it’s volume, but, by how it shows forth the passion of your heart to accomplish the good inspiration that flows forth from God

There is a drought upon this earth. A scarcity of good will and good works. Love is found lacking and the flow of charity has begun to dry up

May you listen to God’s will for your life which has been directed towards your heart, that you might change the entire course of your life and lean towards whatever God’s love compels in you

Produce good works. Be honest and trustworthy. Lead by a good example. Meditate upon the great love of God

Consider His blessings, and then bless those who surround you

Be consistent with God, for He has never left Your side. Make every effort to stay close to Him, so that the Lord, our God, will draw along side you and assist you each day

He will provide encouragement so that your efforts will be reinforced. For in God lies all our strength and the foundation of all truth, which will direct us towards every good path

There is no part of our life that is greater than small. We can do nothing apart from God. He does not need us in any way, still, He loves us and cares deeply for our lives

He chooses us, so that we might work alongside Him. That we might know the joy of His goodness, and the power of His love

Even though we can never understand His ways, we can taste, and know, experience, and have faith, that there is nothing more glorious or awesome, than Him.  9/20/2007