The Significance of Caring

The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did also for me.’ Matthew 25:40

How is it that we have become separated from our home the earth? That we have forgotten the connection we have to its function and beauty?

Has our technology insulated us from this reality? Do we not remember that caring for the Earth is caring for all its people, and indeed, all other life?

Our God created this place for us and all the wonder that abounds here. It is not ours to do with as we please

Because of our standing and our place in the order of things, it falls to us to care for the health of this place. As stewards, each of us must try to leave this place in better condition for the next generations

We should lead as a good example to our children, so, they might learn this important truth and not ignore it like we have

It is such an obvious goal to achieve and should never be neglected again

I hope the children of the future will look back at us kindly and forgive our generation for not recognizing this sooner. For at no time in history has our species created such a damaging impact upon our home

We have no choice now; we must reduce the harm we are causing. Because caring for the earth is, caring for its people

This is especially critical for our poor, the needy, and the vulnerable. Are these not the same ones God calls us to care for?

Can we also learn to share this place with each other, and give our time and wealth to help solve these problems? It is not going to be easy, but it must be done 

Neglecting to address this will place incredibly difficult burdens on future generations

We must begin to act now and swiftly ramp up our effort so that we can lessen the impacts and begin to heal this incredible place

Each of us bears some responsibility, we are all in this together

Lend a hand in any way you can. Use your strengths and skill to help others and to reduce your impacts. Support the efforts of others and our leaders who recognize the magnitude of this crisis

Become a caregiver of this earth and of its people and life

There is so much to be done

God will honor those who honor Him. He will consider our efforts as helping Himself when we care for those affected by this danger

We are all in this together, let us act in love, with concern for those who need our help. 1/29/2022

The Gift of Jesus

For the kingdom of heavens is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for His vineyard. Matthew 20:1

Jesus stands above the entire world, as its Creator and King

He lives in Spirit and in form before all people who dwell within this place

His Word call out to us across this great expanse and the Spirit of Christ searches the hearts of each one of us

The Christ, the Son of God, who was and is, and forever will be, is here with us. There is no place where He cannot reach and no power in heaven or Earth who rules above Him

He is our God

And He loves us

With love He made this Earth, our home, and by His amazing power God created things just so

In time, Jesus came to dwell with us and stood before us. He came to restore our place before the almighty God, so that all our sins could be wiped away and that we might be made more than we ever could be on our own

He is the savior of all the world, the one who can bring healing for our wounds. Christ can cure us from that which we had no hope or recourse

All the world dwells before Him, and He comes to offer us healing and hope

How confused and distracted are we who inhabit this place. Most of us do not know our God, or, even recognize the He exists

Few understand how great a gift to the world that Christ is; that He, who gave His life for us and so that we might be able to live before our God, forever, would come to us in Spirit and in truth

He give us each this opportunity for eternal life. Every person on Earth is offered this chance to believe upon Him. All, are equally given this gift, but few are those who accept it

The Son of God comes to us each day with His hands outstretched. Jesus calls out and offers us His promise, so that we might have life in all the abundance that God intended

Take hold of Him this day and every one hereafter. Pray and worship His name in faith and in truth, for He is the reason that we have life, and love, and being. 1/25/2022

The Miracle of Life

Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. Colossians 1:15-16

Blessed is the Lord our God, and righteous and holy, His Son, Jesus Christ

Through their Spirit and power, they formed all of creation and made it an incredible place, exceedingly great and incomprehensible

It is a place of awe and beauty that stretches out in distance so vast and far, that we are only just beginning to understand its depth

And here we are. This small blue planet tucked off into a corner of this wondrous expanse of a Universe. Where we breath and live out our lives and try to do the best we can with what we have

We have filled the earth with people, who each have their own hopes, dreams, and wishes

That this is an amazing place is indisputable. It has provided for us richly, throughout all of our history. That we can even exist, is based upon Earth’s perfect conditions

Life is a miracle

This earth is unique, a one in a trillion formation where life has taken place

Praise be to the God of the Universe, who found it in His heart to create such a place as this. His love is evident in all the things He made here

All of creation cries out in praise of the wisdom and power of what God has made

It is said that we should not worship creation, but only God Himself. And this is true, for creation can only tell of the glory of God

But this does not mean that we should not respect it, because it has been incredibly made; tailored for our very existence

Man is an amazing being, but we cannot stand alone. We cannot exist apart from the healthy working of our planet, nor should we treat this place as something to take advantage of

For we have been woven together with all of life here. We depend on a balance that lies between the elements of creation and the miracle we call life

We stand at a point in time unlike any other in history. By our actions we are changing the very balance that life depends on. We are sending this planet, God’s creation, on a dangerous course

What we do from here on out will have profound effect. It will determine the future history of life on this planet

Will we honor God and glorify Him alone? Can we, by our actions, correct this profound sin?           12/13/2019