The Highest Thing We Can Know

'Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain' Psalm 139:6
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. Psalm 139:6

The eyes of the Lord watch over all the Earth. They see in varied and abundant ways

No one can hide themselves from Him. There is nowhere that He does not exist

Live in awe of our Creator, be amazed by the magnitude of His glorious ways

We see in three dimensions; our minds have conceived of four. Some, who are inclined to dwell upon these things believe there may be more. Only God knows how many may exist

He inhabits every part of all that is

The Lord, our God, is filled with love for His creation. He regards those who trust in Him

He gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, as a measure of His love, so that we might more fully know Him and that we might dwell with Him for all eternity

Blessed are we who trust in Him as our savior. His children, the ones whom He looks upon with love. He pours out the blessing of His Spirit upon us, so that we might more fully know and experience His presence

We are finite and incredibly small in comparison to the width and breath of this all. The gift of life is poured out to each of us, but in the end our light is extinguished in death

How great then, is this gift of God. What beauty is bestowed upon us that we can overcome this sentence and be given life forever more

Our God is an awesome presence that fills all the universe. He comes and dwells within us as we trust and believe in Him

God sees our form, the Spirit of Christ searches us out. He dwells within us so that we might know Him and more fully understand the riches of His goodness and grace

Our lives are a miracle

The Lord, our God, has made each one of us. This gift which we were given, is incredible, it is highest thing that we can know

As we acknowledge Him as our Savior, and lift up His name with our highest praise, we live out our purpose and fulfill the reason we are here

Glorious God and King we fix our eyes upon You and bend the entire focus of our life towards Your glory, so that we may glorify You in all that we do.   4/18/2022