Our Hope In Troubled Times

A righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers them from them all. Psalm 34:19

Our Lord is faithful in all things. He is not blind to our condition, nor is He ignorant of our situation or troubles

His feet tread next to ours, and His eyes are continually upon us

Jesus will always uphold us, and keep us safe, though we may feel otherwise

Be strong, don’t flee in panic, or retreat from your position. Stand upon His steadfast promises and rely upon His wisdom when things appear unclear

Avoid making earthly judgements on present conditions, even though everything seems to be falling down around you

For God’s eyes see through to the truth of the matter. They see past the smoke and the flames, and reserve safe harbors, just on the other side

Trials and troubles are sure to come into the life of every believer, and we are  made stronger in our faith as we endure them. Don’t fall back upon your old ways when the pressure comes, but be steadfast and obedient to Christ, who saves us unto eternal life

Know that these times are making you more complete in Him; so that your life will shine forth His life more brilliantly

Our Lord is faithful and true to all His promises

Continue on. Be thankful in the face of every trial and agony. Never cease praising Him, who has given you every spiritual blessing; who has made a provision for us that will never run out

Persevere each day by offering prayers to Him, so that He may always remain near to bless and strengthen you

Feed upon God’s words of truth. Study them, so you will have ready answers in tumultuous times

Rely on your patience, instead of your emotions. Wait upon the Lord. For He will act to work things out in their perfect time, and in a manner that will be best for all who believe in Him

Be patient. Do not fret and worry when there is nothing you can do anyway. Proceed upon God’s will, but wait, when He must do the heavy lifting

Release your tensions as you praise and worship Him. Find ways to spend time with fellow believers. Share your burdens with them, for Christ will work through each of you and create solutions far beyond what you hoped possible

Every saint must carry the weight of their own cross. Trials and troubles will certainly beset us. But, if we remain steadfast in our way, refusing to turn back, we will be made stronger in faith, and be filled with His love and Spirit

We can overcome all obstacles through Christ. For our God is always faithful and steadfast in His love for His children.   1/31/2006