The Two Paths We Take

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:8

All those who trust in the Lord shall find abundant help during their life

Our God will lift them up when they have fallen and comfort their every sorrow. He will direct their steps to safety and fill their lives with goodness and blessing

But to those who choose not to seek their God, He will continue to call out to them and not withhold any of the blessings common to life

In patience, He will place His message before them, even for as long as all the days of their life

The believer always has fellowship with God. They will be as close companions with Him each day. He will fill their lives with His presence and give to them His wisdom and mercy

But to those who choose not to believe and walk away from the path of God, they will draw near to perilous places, and there they will become easy prey

By their own choices, they will take dangerous paths as they seek their own glory. They will follow after empty pleasures and reap shallow rewards

The just in God will gladly accept the wisdom of His Word and learn great truths that will direct them.

They will find safety in the way that they go. Honor will find them, and hope, when there might not seem to be a way

But the person who shuns God, will not clearly see the dangers that surround them. They will be blinded by a false sense of security. Ultimately, it will be their ruin, and an end that will have no way to sustain them

In every place that the believer may go, God will call to them. He will not stop loving them even though they may feel like giving up

The wonder of the truth of God is before all people, but the faithless ignore Him each day. The evidence of His truth, power, goodness, and mercy is there before all our senses, but many will refuse to believe

In the end God will not force them, even though they will die without hope, separated from the only thing that could have saved them. 1/10/2010