The Connection

But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20

The famous naturalist John Muir once said, “If you pick out one thing in nature, you will find that it is hitched to everything else in the entire universe”. It is an astounding thought. No matter what you look at, you will find that it, in one way or another, it has a connection with everything else. The beauty in it is that the connections come in various ways and in an almost infinite number of means. There are the cycles of nature, placed into the fabric of God’s creation, that transport energy and matter from one place to another. Within these cycles, are checks and balances, that regulate their flow in particular ways, based on how God has placed His physical laws. Every movement in this natural realm, each life, every person and believer; has an effect on the rest of the universe around them. Most often, these effects are at levels beyond our perception and understanding. However, all that we sense, every interaction within this world and with others, is our conscious part of this equation of connection within God’s creation.

When I am working in my garden, I can see how it is uniquely placed within the matrix of creation. Energy and matter are shuttled in and transformed by the life that lives there, then flow outward in various ways. I can see this transformation taking place in the compost pile, where last years leaves full of nutrients and latent energy are changed by the actions of bacteria, earthworms, and fungi. I see the bright green leaves filled with Chlorophyll absorbing sunlight to create sugars that fuel a whole host of reactions that build the plant, flowers, and fruit. And then there are all the millions of ‘guests’ who come to visit and chew on the leaves, sip the nectar, suck on the juice, fix nitrogen in root nodules, steal my just ripened berries, or grace the place with their beauty. It is an amazing miracle, what takes place in the ordinary garden.

Yes, everything is connected, and ultimately it all is connected to God. Think of all the infinite number of events that happen around us, both big and small. Consider the storms and the calms; the brightest days and darkest nights; the basic processes in nature and the dynamic revolutionary actions of DNA. The list is endless. Everything is connected, and we all connected to the God who created all things. He moves by the power of His Spirit throughout the entire world, and out into the farthest reaches of the universe. There is no place where He is not. He dwells even within our gardens, and especially so, within our hearts.

God knows all the subtle connections that tie together His creation. It is amazing to see just how gently He works, but also, how awesome are the results. A nudge here and a  jostle there, and a whole series of events is set in motion like a building wave. They culminate in carrying out His will to His glory and honor. God speaks with a still and quiet voice. He can move things with the gentlest of breezes, and yet His strength is beyond our comprehension.

The Church, the living body of Christ, is also interconnected in a tightly woven fabric. Even the most insignificant church and every poor unnoticed believer, has great value and importance to the health of the whole body. We suffer together the hardships of other believers. Together, we rejoice when others are uplifted and God is glorified. Each member is responsible to the whole. We are not islands, but more like one continent in Christ. In God’s eyes, we are both individuals, and parts of one body that makes up His church. Always connected to one another, and never separate from Him who made us to live.

Consider the Lilies

“Consider the Lilies, how they grow: they neither toil or spin, and yet I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these”. Luke 12:27

Have you ever taken the time to explore the intricate and beautiful detail of a flower. What a wonder they are. Sometimes I take the time to look over one flower in great detail. I gaze at every petal and look upon the details in the color of their markings. There are textures to feel and observe, and a symmetry of design that could only have been crafted by God. I look at the calyx, the stigma, styles, anthers, pollen, and a host of other anatomical details. Each part is incredible in its detail and workings, made for a specific purpose, each of which gives glory to our God who made both flower and us humans, too.

There is such intricacy in every flower they seem almost a universe unto themselves. It’s refreshing to observe plants during these times, because in their own naturally passive way, seem almost oblivious to everything that goes on around them. They simply concentrate on growing and producing flowers, so that more seed will be made… and so that their position in the web of life continues. That is their purpose, and they don’t seem all that concerned about the economy, or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or the political battles that are going on these days, or a million other things that weigh us down. They are just concerned with the business of living within the creation God has made for them and everything else. That is how they bring glory to God, they flower, and bring to the light of day a small, yet beautiful, miracle of God’s creative design and wisdom.

God considers every flower that grows, even those weeds that crowd into our gardens. Though they’re a nuisance, weeds serve a great purpose in the grand scheme of keeping our world healed and in balance. Try looking at the flower of a weed sometime. Take a magnifying glass, if you have to;  look closely at each detail. They are as interesting and beautiful as many of our garden hybrid flowers, though perhaps less flamboyant. Look at the flowers and be reminded of God’s care for them. For He has used great wisdom to design how they were made, and blessed them with a living formula of both success and attractiveness. They have given glory to Him long before our species ever walked upon this world.

If, He has considered the life of each flower, then how much more has He given His thoughts to us, God’s most precious and beloved creation. If He has bestowed upon the flowers such beauty and ability, then He has given us even more. We, who were made in His image and placed in position to have dominion over all of His creation, have been blessed more than we know. Can there be any doubt then that God has great care and love for us? He has blessed us with His living Word and gave us His only begotten Son, so that we might live; even in His presence, for all eternity. Therefore, we should not be so anxious for the things that are of this world, but focus our eyes on our God, and the wonder of the saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ. They alone are the only ones that can  give us true riches, and all the other aspects of a complete life.

Don’t become a worry wart, even though these times demand that we feel anxious. Focus your eyes upon God, for He has blessed you considerably. Don’t lose sight of Him, though the entire earth shouts that we pay attention to what it says to be concerned about. Never forget your first love, the one who made you as beautiful and capable, and who meant you to enjoy all the benefits of the life He designed you to live.

A Flower For Each Season

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

Last month I replaced the flowers growing in some large planters at the entrance of a commercial office. It was time to pull out the summer Zinnias that were still blooming in order to plant flowers that would do well in the coming winter. A receptionist came out and was upset with me for tearing out ‘those perfectly beautiful flowers’. What she did not understand was that it was getting into late in fall and I needed to have the winter flowers established before the cold weather set in. If I waited any longer, they would be limited in producing beautiful flowers during the next five months. As it turned out, we had a hard frost two days later and those Zinnias would have died anyway.

There are times and seasons that come and go throughout everything in life. It is God’s will for us that we be prepared to react appropriately to everything that lies ahead. We must respond by using every bit of knowledge we have gained through living, with the perfect wisdom of God’s Word, and through the careful leading of His Spirit.

When we stay rightly related to God, and found our choices upon His Word and principals, we will keep to the best path for our lives. Seasons will come and go, some good and others not, but He will always keep our souls safe and secure. Therefore, continue to be a person of prayer; spend time with Him daily, in solitude, where He can instruct you in the preparations for the upcoming season. Ask for His advice, and God will by no means keep it from you. Be a student of His Word. Don’t give up.

There are times when God will show you something difficult. A way that we should go, a person we need to talk to, a relationship we must cut off, or, to make a change in our life that is easier said than done. We may balk and say to ourselves, “how can we ever do that”? The Lord won’t demand that we do so, but He may bring it up time and time again until we either obey, or its season passes and the opportunity that it held is lost forever. “Oh ye of little faith”; It must grieve the Spirit of God every time we step back and make the safe and easy choice, at the expense of our growth and life in Him.

God knows what is best for our lives. He sees the frosts that are coming in a few days. He can sense when we are protecting a weakness in our lives or when we’re putting up a front that only serves to keep us longer in chains. He knows that other people may not always approve of the way He has laid out for us, but His Spirit continues, nonetheless, to remind us and coax us towards His perfect way. How great is the love and direction of God. He works so that we may grow in our faith and realize that His way is really the best and most joyous road we could have ever taken.

The Megaton Power in Every Seed

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop-a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Matthew 13:8

The other day I awoke early and drove to an open space park twenty minutes from my home. It was a still hot early October morning, and the hills were parched after months of dry winds and no rain. A coating of dust with flakes of ash from a nearby wildfire spread a powdery film on the leaves of shrubs and oaks along the trail. As I walked up a hillside perched above a wooded river valley, I scanned the dry plants along the trail for varieties of wildflowers that were bearing seed. In the spring, this park had a particularly beautiful and widespread display of flowers, and I was on a mission to collect a small portion of the bounty of their seed.

Though it was barely noticeable on this hot dusty morning, these dry hillsides were literally covered with promise in the form of tiny seeds. Each carried the possibility of forming a new wildflower, which, if everything worked out, could be the parent of countless generations of that species. One little seed the size of a pinhead has that much potential. In a few hours that morning, I collected thousands of seeds from a variety of beautiful and beneficial plants that graced these hillsides. These would later be placed to grow in similar environments at other open spaces, and some will sprout up in the yards of people who like to grow native plants.

It is amazing what is packed into the tiny propagating package of a seed. They come in many shapes and sizes, each built with the ability to quite efficiently disperse their DNA into the world around them. Some are good at attaching themselves onto passing animals, others, with durable shells are found in edible fruits that are eaten and transported elsewhere to be dispersed. Some have pods that explode when sufficiently dry and launch their seeds for some distance away from the parent plant. I am especially intrigued by the plants that have seeds which have learned to fly. They have engineered for themselves wings, propellors, parachutes, and wispy threads, that launch them onto the wind and carry them for astonishing distances. There is no place on earth where these types of seeds have not found a place to land.

Jesus once told a story about a farmer who was sowing seeds in his field. His parable illustrated the incredible potential within each seed when it falls upon the right soil conditions. The Son of God recognized the genius of His own creation and used it as a way to illustrate the power packed potential of each seed and within each person who puts their faith in God. You see in life many seeds are produced by each plant, but only a few manage to avoid the pitfalls and dangers that exist here on earth. Only a small percentage find the right conditions to grow and produce more seed for the next generations.

Our faith and our lives exist in similarly difficult conditions. Many of us never truly get to hear the Gospel message in any meaningful way and its power remains unrecognized to us. Others hear the Word and believe for a time, but old habits and attractions lead them astray from God’s message and they never find the time or need to truly understand the magnitude of the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. Then there are those who because of circumstance and acquaintances, are too busy and distracted from being able to listen and understand God’s saving message to them, and they fail to grow and miss the most important thing in life.

But then there are those few whom the message of the Gospel falls upon who open their minds and their hearts. Those made of the right makeup, who possess the right conditions where the Word of God is heard, seen, felt, and tasted. There, God’s Spirit and His Word bring understanding and faith and they are changed. In these precious human seeds, faith yields a production of a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. This is the megaton of power found in each seed. That exponential potential that can transform a landscape or with faith, change the world around them. It can make the blind see, and the lame walk true. It can bring the power of God’s love to flower in dry and windswept lands for generations to come and has restored untold millions to life everlasting in Him.

From Least To Greatest

                                                                                       Looking up from the base of a 1400 year old Coast Redwood                                                                                                                                                           “The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in His garden; which is indeed the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32

The area where I live is sometimes called the Redwood Empire, because of all the logging that was once done in our hills. One particular tree, the Coast Redwood, caused an almost gold rush like response here during the late 1800’s. There are still many of these trees growing, but only a few old growth trees like the one pictured above. They are, in fact, the worlds tallest tree. In a grove a couple hours north of me, is a tree named Hyperion that has reached 380ft. tall. It is the tallest known living thing. Redwoods are amazing in many different ways, for instance, their seed is surprisingly small. One Coast Redwood seed can fit on the head of a pin. They are barely visible to our eyes and blow around on the wind like dust. What an inauspicious beginning for such a forest giant!

Jesus once compared the Kingdom of God with a similar type of plant that was familiar to the common people of Israel; the Mustard. This Kingdom, had a beginning that was nearly unnoticeable, but over time it has grown and is known now throughout the entire world. Only a few people were present to welcome the newborn Christ into this world, and even fewer had any idea what He was to become. Oh the wisdom and love of God, who planted Him squarely in Bethlehem of Judea, just like He said He would through the mouth of His Prophet Micah (Micah 5:2). It is interesting that God does not need to do things through those who are great or powerful. Throughout history, He usually chose the weak and unnoticed to accomplish some of His greatest acts. In His greatest act of all, He chose to give us His Son, Jesus Christ, a baby born to a young couple too poor to stay anywhere else, but a stable. In Christ, God’s purpose was fulfilled and the Kingdom of God was established. Jesus became Lord and King above all the earth for all of time.

The tallest tree on earth starts out as a tiny flake of dust like seed that is blown wherever the wind may blow. Yet, when it has found moist and fertile ground, it can grow for thousands of years and can become as massive and stately a tree of any found on earth. The Son of God was born less fortunate than most, even King Herod sent his troops out to snuff out His life, but God had planted Him and He watched over His life so that it would come to all the fullness of His promise to us.

Jesus Christ stands alone among all those of human history; there is nobody greater. He stepped into time and changed the entire course of mankind. He altered our destiny forever, switching us off the track where the effects of sin brought judgement and the finality of death, to a new course, where all of mankind could choose to have eternal life through faith in Him.

Jesus is alive this very day and forever more. He reigns over all who dwell upon  the Earth. Everyone who believes in Him, are like the birds of the air who came to rest in the branches of the giant Mustard in this parable. They have found rest in His life. For He offered His life upon the cross as a payment for our sin. He gave His life willingly, so that we might live. Because of this, God has elevated Jesus Christ above all creation and crowned Him Lord of all Lords, and King of all Kings. I hope Christ has already done this work in you this day, but if not, He is willing to make something great and amazing out of your life this very moment. Go before Him, Submit your life unto Him, confessing your sin; Then He will be just to save you and to make you whole, by the very same power that God gave to Christ when He raised Him from death to eternal life.

Blessed Are The Trees

Blessed are those who appreciate the value of trees; Who look upon them with love. They understand the importance of their being and see the many aspects of their beauty

Being among them, brings joy to their hearts, and a lasting peace, that transcends common experience

For trees are an incredible creation that blanket this fragile Earth. They anchor the very threads of life that holds our world together. What would we do without them?

Blessed are those who care and nurture our trees, who have a deep understanding of their value and a knowledge of how much they give to us; Even our health, comfort, and peace

Without trees life would become unbearably harsh and sketchy. The fabric of life would become dangerously thin. Perhaps it would vanish forever and our bountiful existence could degrade and vanish into dust

Without trees, life would become a struggle. How then, would the Earth be able to support so many?

Trees are a wonder. They give, but need only the sun, rain, and soil to grow in. Their gifts to us are far beyond measure

It lies within their nature to grow and fill the earth, and give this earth their blessings, so that all life would be fully alive and thrive beneath the stars of heaven

If a tree could talk to us this day, they might tell us to be careful and consider what we are doing in these times

To find a reverence for nature, so that we might realize the importance of all life that lives upon this incredible planet

To be careful to not allow our acts of exploitation from becoming so great that they bring harm and disaster. So that we never get to the point where the fabric of life is damaged

How sad and terrible it would be to lose our paradise and never again be able to enjoy the abundance we once had

Oh, how gifted are those who love the trees. They sense their incredible power to bless all of nature

Beautiful, is the life of a tree. They grace the landscapes across all the Earth

Listen to their voice call out from depths of the forest, they sing a song of love and healing

Blessed are the trees, and those who love them    12/16/2019

Visit a Great Garden

And many believed on Him there. John 10:42
Philbrook Museum: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Nothing can inspire a gardener more that a visit to a great garden. It is like looking at a work of art painted by one of the Masters, or hearing one of the famous symphonies being performed by a top orchestra. Gardens tended by top professionals that showcase beauty and artistry, give us a whole new standard to borrow from and use in our own gardens. I always come away from a visit to one of these places with a whole new set of ideas and inspiration. I particularly enjoy observing the interplay of selected plants that convey beauty and interest in a whole new way.

Inspiration is a wonderful thing. It calls us to reach for a little more out of our lives, and to do what we normally do, a little better. It can allow for our message and work to have a greater and far reaching impact. As Christians, a visit to an uplifting concert, or listening to a message from a skilled speaker can often do the same thing. From time to time we absolutely need to be impressed at what God is doing in someone else’s life. Sometimes it’s just seeing a new angle or way of looking at the Gospel message, or, to simply be uplifted and energized by someone who knows how to share the great gifts God has given them.

Recently, I visited the home of the late Luther Burbank. He was one of the most famous gardeners and plant breeders in the history of our country. He developed hundreds of new varieties of flowers and crop plants, many of which are still the standard varieties used today. I was not so much struck by the beauty of this parklike garden, but more by the incredible vision and drive this man possessed. During his lifetime, he was constantly devoted to his work of developing plants that would produce greater tonnage and greater quality. He also, did not neglect to produce many new and improved varieties of ornamental flowers, some of which grow in my gardens today. He was a man who made a great impact with the life he was given, and though he was not a Christian, I believe God used his life to benefit us all.

God can use our lives to lift the lives of many all around us. It doesn’t matter who we are or to what level of stature we have attained, He can take the least of His saints and use them for purposes that are both marvelous and far reaching. Think about the many accounts in the Bible where the weak and unnoticed are inspired to do important history changing acts. One of the most exciting things in living life, is to live out God’s love throughout the days you have been given. What gifts has God blessed you with that He might use and share for the blessing of others?

It is our responsibility to go out and get inspired. Attend a concert or listen to an interesting speaker; visit a beautiful garden where its peace and inspiration can seep into your pores and start you thinking in a new way. There are a million places to go where you can be uplifted.  Of course, in these times be safe and don’t take unnecessary risks. Visit a place where you might come back with more than you had when you left. Isn’t that what sharing gifts is all about?

A Rainy Day

For the Earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God. Hebrews: 6:7

There is something wonderful, and at the same time humbling, in carefully watching the gathering clouds of an approaching storm front. The south winds freshen and the skies grow darker and more ominous until suddenly there comes those first fat raindrops. The smell of rain in the air after a prolonged dry spell, is a fragrance that has no comparison. As the front moves through the rain intensifies and sometimes flows down in torrents. It washes everything clean and soaks deep into the earth, activating and invigorating all the life within it. Rainy days can be such a blessing for a garden and for the gardener, too. For they give us a time to rest and catch up on things inside the shop. But most of all, , it is the privilege of watching God’s renewing forces at work in His creation. A rainstorm is a marvel. It is a flowing, moving, active work of art set in play by a breath from the lips of our gracious God.

I find that storms are a gateway for my imagination to see into the larger picture of God’s creative work. Think of it, this Earth, and these natural cycles of rain and sun that wash over it; All meant for the blessing of His creation of living plants and organisms. We live in such an amazing and fragile world, there is nothing like in the entire known universe. in comparison to the width and breadth of the heavens above, this place where all of life exists is mostly within a few miles of the Earth’s surface. Life tightly hugs to this tiny speck of rock, and is lost against the backdrop of billions upon billions of galaxies. We live in such a soft and tender world, surrounded by an almost infinite space that is harsh and unlivable. This place, our garden home called Earth, is no accident, but the evidence of a kind and loving God made manifest in the physical realm. It is our home, a precious creation.

As I look out over my rain drenches garden, I am humbled beyond measure, to realize the many blessings God has poured out upon us. For He has given us every green herb and tree to be useful and beneficial for us. They give us food, medicine, and useful materials that we use and depend on each day. We have not begun to understand the uses, importance, and wonderful secrets that lie hidden within our gardens and found in every plant that grows upon this earth. There are lessons still to be learned that God has yet to whisper to us through the sounding boards of His own creation. What an infinite palette He has given us to work with. With them, He feeds those who are hungry and makes our lives better in so many ways. How much greater could we have been blessed?

After the storm has passed, I like to stroll out into the gardens. Everything is made fresh and new after the dust has been washed from their leaves and each root has soaked up its fill of life giving water. I like how the sunlight sparkles through the water droplets on the leaves and flowers after a good rain. It’s as if in their joy, each plant reflects the brilliant flashes of the love of God outward for all to see. For through the abundance of His blessing, we can see more plainly the exceeding love and goodness of our God.

Bolting When The Heat is On


Kale that has bolted


I often plant Cole crops early each Spring in my vegetable garden. These plants prefer cool weather to grow and mature, and include Broccoli, Mustard, Kale, and Cabbage. Some seasons I have problems with these plants, because they are sensitive to early hot spells. When the heat comes on too soon, these plants can become stressed and are quickly activated to begin flowering. Sometimes this can happen when the plants are quite small, but most often, just as they start to become productive. This phenomenon is called bolting, and it is a serious problem, since the plant rapidly jumps to flowering mode and bypasses the best stages of harvesting a good crop.  The only thing a gardener can do if this happens is pull up the plants and plant something else.

How many of us Christians decide to bolt and go to seed when things get difficult or when the heat suddenly sets its focus upon us? There is a passage in the Gospel of John chapter 6, where Jesus spoke about having faith in Him by using some particularly difficult metaphors. He said, ” I am the bread of life, they who come to me shall never hunger and they who believe in me shall never thirst”.  He went on to say ” I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, they will live forever; and the bread I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world”.  He said this speaking figuratively, of how He must die, and of His resurrection, so that He might be able to save all those who trust and believe in Him. But these words were hard to understand by many who had followed Him, and upon hearing this, they decided to leave Him and go back to their former lives.

To put our faith in Jesus Christ is the single most important choice a human can make. It is all encompassing, there are great blessings that result, but also distinct trials. Through faith we are allowed to have access into the kingdom of God, but we are also asked to give up the right to ourselves. Most of us are eager to gain the things given, but grudgingly submit to God’s requirement to lose our self for Him. Jesus will never force us to go with Him, He prefaces every invitation with an if; “if any one wishes to follow me, then He must leave all and…” That is when difficulty comes and the great battle of will is waged inside us.

The wonderful part of giving up your life to Jesus Christ, is that His life and Spirit becomes joined to ours, and we begin to gain His strength and wisdom in so many ways. We find character that was never within us before, and a capacity to love that is supernatural beyond anything we understood prior. We soon see His purposes working out through our lives against every odd and in ways that sometimes seem impossible, but true. It is amazing to sense the power of our very Creator at work in our life. He upholds us through trials, and gives us strength to weather affliction, so as we begin to see this at work in our life, we experience a deeper more meaningful joy and purpose.

So when difficulties arise and the urge come to bolt and retreat, hang on to your faith in the life of Jesus Christ. Don’t go to seed, but remain in His presence, for He has a tremendous purpose and incredible blessing to work out through your life.

Buy the Field

‘And you have said to me, Oh Lord God, “Buy the field for money, and take witnesses! -yet the city has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans”   Jeremiah 32:25

I once managed a community garden that was truly a wonderful place. It was blessed with many talented people, who each contributed to making it one of the most productive and beautiful volunteer gardens I ever worked at. One cold winter day, when the north wind blew strong through its quiet rows, we received some devastating news. The nearby community center was going to be expanded and the footprint for the new building was to be located directly upon the garden. The city was going to break ground on the project in Spring, and we were told to clear the site within the next month. I can still remember how shocked and devastated everyone was. For many, it was a place to be with their friends, others used it to conduct field trips and educational work for local schools and community classes. After twelve years of existence, we were deeply going to miss our shared place of community.

Everyone was too upset to do anything for a few weeks, so the garden just laid dormant. Then in March we came together to meet and decide what was needed to dismantle and decommission the garden. After many minutes of complaint and anguish filled comments, a man stood up and said a very surprising thing. He told us, ” Let’s go ahead and do our normal Spring planting.  We should act like nothing is going to happen to this wonderful place. Be optimistic, these city projects often get tied up at City Hall for years and I happen to know that this project has some opposition that will likely force some long delays”. At first, nobody could believe that this might happen, but after much discussion a feeling of optimism began to grow. Within a week we had begun cleaning up the garden and planting the most ambitious effort in all our history.  We wanted to show the community and the council just how important and valuable the garden was for our town. To this day, the community garden lives on and remains a blessing to the community.

The prophet Jeremiah once gave a speech similar to the one this man gave to our community garden. He was spending time in the Jerusalem jail for speaking God’s Word to the King of Judah, Zedekiah. Even though the enemy was about to take and destroy the entire city, then lead many of its people into captivity, He told them he was going to do something very odd, but optimistic. He was going to purchase a piece of property, a field to grow crops.. a place to grow a garden. He wanted to make it clear, that even in that dark hour, God was at work. Our Lord God wanted to tell His people that this was not the final chapter of the Jewish nation. He said, ‘be optimistic even when destruction and doom lie at the very door’, because I have a plan and a heart of love for my people. I will someday bring them back to this place and they will live in abundance once again.

Spring 2020 has brought illness and loss that have caused many to lose hope in their future. Some of us have lost loved ones, others have lost their way to make a living. How this all ends up is still quite unclear. But there is one thing that we should never lose, and that is our trust  in the love and saving work of Jesus Christ. Remember His promise, “I will never leave you or forsake you”.  He is there with us through every trouble and trial that befalls us. Look up to Him and pray, even when there seems to be no hope. Grab ahold of Him with all your strength, and He will give you reason to rejoice, even in times of despair. Jesus will encourage you to carry on with life  and to be optimistic, even when it seems everything is going in the wrong direction. Praise be, to our God!