Encouragement For the Trials Ahead

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.” John 14:1

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart

Fear not the trials and troubles in life; Always rely on His steadfast love, and you will have peace

There are seasons for rest and healing, and there are times when we must grow; Times when we must become more in our life than what we are today

Do not despair, God will always be with you; He will not leave your side, unless, you first leave His

There will come times when it seems like He is absent; when trials and storms seem to gather darkly around, but they might just be for our own good

Bonds of ease and comfort sometimes need to be broken. Hard choices must be made in order for God’s work to continue on

So take heart and move forward towards the direction of His will. Pray and listed for His counsel; continue to study His word so that will gain understanding

Don’t neglect to stay connected with your church, even though it may be hard during these times. Be safe and creative, for in times of testing, this will help us remain strong

Stay close to God and to the flowing power of His Spirit, which keeps us ready for all things, and able to do things which require strength that is greater than ours alone

Times of trial and testing, are times of spiritual growth. If we don’t fall back and retreat, we will certainly gain valuable experience and abilities that make us stronger and more able to carry His message

After all, what is our life for? Who gave us our breath, and has stirred the hope that lives inside us?

Did not Jesus tell us that we would have troubles in this world? That trials and troubles would mark a life lived in obedience to Him?

So, strengthen yourself, knowing that these times surely must come into our life; and that they will continue to come as the years pass by. But also, be assured that He is keeping our souls and will uphold us aways with His own strength

God will give us the power to endure when you need it, as we faithfully remain in His presence

Take heart my friend, when the clouds begin to gather and you know you’re heading into a rough time. Be brave and and faithful to your God, in all ways; and though you may stumble along your path, He will be there to help you to your feet.

His love will see us through, even to the very doors of death and beyond

For our God is stronger that any power on earth. He can break through any obstacle that lies upon our path, and make a way for us long and straight

For we are His children, the sons and daughters of the King; and our lives are very precious to Him, who rules both the heavens and the earth.   1/16/2001

Give Praise to the God of All Creation

Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens. Psalm 148:13

Shout praises to the Lord of all creation. Give glory to Him who reigns. Sing songs of gratitude for His love and mercy. Give thanks for all those He has saved

Sing forth all you mountains, bend low every hillside; tremble at the power of His footsteps

Raise your branches every tree. Reach high towards the heavens and dance as the winds rustles through your leaves that catch His glowing light

Give honor to Him all you vineyards, and blessing you fertile fields. For He has given richness in great abundance, so that you might bless all those He loves

Call forth you songbirds, cry out every eagle on high; give honor to him, you brightly colored hummingbirds, for He has given each of you the wind beneath your wings

In thanksgiving, bow before Him; with gratitude, give Him praise; for He has fed you from His abundance and place each feather upon your frame

Call out, you azure heavens; raise up, mighty thunder clouds; give glory to Him who stands above you, and stirs you like the dust beneath His feet

Shine forth, every golden sunbeam; illuminate God’s good earth, which He alone has made. Give light to all His children, so that they might glory at the beauty of His creation

Whisper soft hymns, you quiet waters; reflect forth images of His goodness and mercy. Give drink to all those who thirst and life to all who live and breathe

Give honor to the God of the heavens; sing praises to Him who made this earth

Offer, each day, a sacrifice of grateful thanksgiving for all the good things that He has done

Our God is higher than all of His creation; He is greater than anything known. His glory fills up each space within the universe, and His power steers the stars

Sing!, for He is awesome. Raise your voices, because of the magnitude of His glory

Lift up His name, for He is more than worthy of all our praise.  11/5/2006


A Prayer For Renewal

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the author of my salvation. Mold me unto Your will, so that I might be made more complete in You each day

Break the bonds of my rigidity, where I am unwilling to bend, so that I would be more willing to give in every area of my life

Convince me, Lord, to hand over my life as an offering to You each day, so that Your life would be in mine

Make me more flexible my Savior, so that the hardness of my pride and the sharp edge of my disposition, would be softened; so that the essential nature of Your love, and charity, grace, and goodness, would flow freely from me

Mold me Lord. Change the way I am. Destroy everything in me that does not agree with You

Free me from the old nature that governed me and fill me with your life. Bend me, so that I might be humble. Take from me, so that I might know real value

Give me all good things, so that I might know the blessings of thanksgiving

Do freely unto me, My Lord and God, in the perfect expression of Your will, so that I might learn a deeper faith, and so that I may depend upon You still more

Give to me Your strength and wisdom, so that I might stand and not falter

Make me able to defend against the temptations that so easily entangle my life, and threaten to ruin my relationship with You

Develop me each day, help me learn Your ways and be able to discern the path You have laid out before me, so that my life would be filled with Your presence

Enthrall me, with Your infinite goodness, oh Lord, so that I may rejoice each day and lift praises unto You. That I might lift You up from the dawning of each day through the darkest of nights

For in You alone, I am made whole and complete.  2/11/2007

The Megaton Power in Every Seed

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop-a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Matthew 13:8

The other day I awoke early and drove to an open space park twenty minutes from my home. It was a still hot early October morning, and the hills were parched after months of dry winds and no rain. A coating of dust with flakes of ash from a nearby wildfire spread a powdery film on the leaves of shrubs and oaks along the trail. As I walked up a hillside perched above a wooded river valley, I scanned the dry plants along the trail for varieties of wildflowers that were bearing seed. In the spring, this park had a particularly beautiful and widespread display of flowers, and I was on a mission to collect a small portion of the bounty of their seed.

Though it was barely noticeable on this hot dusty morning, these dry hillsides were literally covered with promise in the form of tiny seeds. Each carried the possibility of forming a new wildflower, which, if everything worked out, could be the parent of countless generations of that species. One little seed the size of a pinhead has that much potential. In a few hours that morning, I collected thousands of seeds from a variety of beautiful and beneficial plants that graced these hillsides. These would later be placed to grow in similar environments at other open spaces, and some will sprout up in the yards of people who like to grow native plants.

It is amazing what is packed into the tiny propagating package of a seed. They come in many shapes and sizes, each built with the ability to quite efficiently disperse their DNA into the world around them. Some are good at attaching themselves onto passing animals, others, with durable shells are found in edible fruits that are eaten and transported elsewhere to be dispersed. Some have pods that explode when sufficiently dry and launch their seeds for some distance away from the parent plant. I am especially intrigued by the plants that have seeds which have learned to fly. They have engineered for themselves wings, propellors, parachutes, and wispy threads, that launch them onto the wind and carry them for astonishing distances. There is no place on earth where these types of seeds have not found a place to land.

Jesus once told a story about a farmer who was sowing seeds in his field. His parable illustrated the incredible potential within each seed when it falls upon the right soil conditions. The Son of God recognized the genius of His own creation and used it as a way to illustrate the power packed potential of each seed and within each person who puts their faith in God. You see in life many seeds are produced by each plant, but only a few manage to avoid the pitfalls and dangers that exist here on earth. Only a small percentage find the right conditions to grow and produce more seed for the next generations.

Our faith and our lives exist in similarly difficult conditions. Many of us never truly get to hear the Gospel message in any meaningful way and its power remains unrecognized to us. Others hear the Word and believe for a time, but old habits and attractions lead them astray from God’s message and they never find the time or need to truly understand the magnitude of the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. Then there are those who because of circumstance and acquaintances, are too busy and distracted from being able to listen and understand God’s saving message to them, and they fail to grow and miss the most important thing in life.

But then there are those few whom the message of the Gospel falls upon who open their minds and their hearts. Those made of the right makeup, who possess the right conditions where the Word of God is heard, seen, felt, and tasted. There, God’s Spirit and His Word bring understanding and faith and they are changed. In these precious human seeds, faith yields a production of a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. This is the megaton of power found in each seed. That exponential potential that can transform a landscape or with faith, change the world around them. It can make the blind see, and the lame walk true. It can bring the power of God’s love to flower in dry and windswept lands for generations to come and has restored untold millions to life everlasting in Him.

From Least To Greatest

                                                                                       Looking up from the base of a 1400 year old Coast Redwood                                                                                                                                                           “The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in His garden; which is indeed the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.” Matthew 13:31-32

The area where I live is sometimes called the Redwood Empire, because of all the logging that was once done in our hills. One particular tree, the Coast Redwood, caused an almost gold rush like response here during the late 1800’s. There are still many of these trees growing, but only a few old growth trees like the one pictured above. They are, in fact, the worlds tallest tree. In a grove a couple hours north of me, is a tree named Hyperion that has reached 380ft. tall. It is the tallest known living thing. Redwoods are amazing in many different ways, for instance, their seed is surprisingly small. One Coast Redwood seed can fit on the head of a pin. They are barely visible to our eyes and blow around on the wind like dust. What an inauspicious beginning for such a forest giant!

Jesus once compared the Kingdom of God with a similar type of plant that was familiar to the common people of Israel; the Mustard. This Kingdom, had a beginning that was nearly unnoticeable, but over time it has grown and is known now throughout the entire world. Only a few people were present to welcome the newborn Christ into this world, and even fewer had any idea what He was to become. Oh the wisdom and love of God, who planted Him squarely in Bethlehem of Judea, just like He said He would through the mouth of His Prophet Micah (Micah 5:2). It is interesting that God does not need to do things through those who are great or powerful. Throughout history, He usually chose the weak and unnoticed to accomplish some of His greatest acts. In His greatest act of all, He chose to give us His Son, Jesus Christ, a baby born to a young couple too poor to stay anywhere else, but a stable. In Christ, God’s purpose was fulfilled and the Kingdom of God was established. Jesus became Lord and King above all the earth for all of time.

The tallest tree on earth starts out as a tiny flake of dust like seed that is blown wherever the wind may blow. Yet, when it has found moist and fertile ground, it can grow for thousands of years and can become as massive and stately a tree of any found on earth. The Son of God was born less fortunate than most, even King Herod sent his troops out to snuff out His life, but God had planted Him and He watched over His life so that it would come to all the fullness of His promise to us.

Jesus Christ stands alone among all those of human history; there is nobody greater. He stepped into time and changed the entire course of mankind. He altered our destiny forever, switching us off the track where the effects of sin brought judgement and the finality of death, to a new course, where all of mankind could choose to have eternal life through faith in Him.

Jesus is alive this very day and forever more. He reigns over all who dwell upon  the Earth. Everyone who believes in Him, are like the birds of the air who came to rest in the branches of the giant Mustard in this parable. They have found rest in His life. For He offered His life upon the cross as a payment for our sin. He gave His life willingly, so that we might live. Because of this, God has elevated Jesus Christ above all creation and crowned Him Lord of all Lords, and King of all Kings. I hope Christ has already done this work in you this day, but if not, He is willing to make something great and amazing out of your life this very moment. Go before Him, Submit your life unto Him, confessing your sin; Then He will be just to save you and to make you whole, by the very same power that God gave to Christ when He raised Him from death to eternal life.

Let God Be Your Direction

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

Lord, what is to become of us?

Have we become too many for this world we live on?

Are we entering that time that was spoken of so long ago? When wars and disaster grew worse and worse, Or are these times when we must come together?

When we must learn to live as one people. A global nation working together under God

The differences between us seem so great. The climate is becoming more erratic. Our language displays less love for one another, and our actions are more selfish and mean spirited

Darker times have befallen us. Hope has become more distant.

But never forget, that we have our God reigning above all. Our creator, protector, the one who loves us beyond measure. He knows our future. He sees what lies ahead

He promises to watch over us through all things that may happen, guarding our souls, and encouraging us to carry on

How then shall we live in these times?

We shall remain faithful in Him and seek to accomplish His will in our life

We shall seek to show love, when love is found scarce, and not give up hope, when hope seems distant

God’s people shall honor their God, the one who gave us life and breath, and made us each His children, a chosen people

We shall carry on in faith. With our goal to be as blessings upon the face of the earth. To help those in need and to accomplish God’s will for us

As these days have darkened, we must be a light for all to see

Each of God’s people are different, what has God placed upon your heart to do?

We have all been blessed with a unique set of gifts. How might they be used in these days and in these times?

Don’t get caught up in the narratives of these days, follow the unchanging ways of God

Stay clear of the hatred and ways that seek to divide us, but instead, seek to live His truth in love. This brings God’s people together and heals wounds that have been inflicted

Living out God’s love, nullifies the acts that have caused division, and brings us together so that we can enjoy richer lives

For our God has great love for us


A September Benediction

The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

May our Lord God bless you this day, and fill your life with His life, so that you might have joy and assurance, overflowing

May He look upon you in favor and grant you peace, through the outpouring of His love and His Spirit

For the Lord is good in all that He does

He blesses us with gifts we seldom measure, and is always gracious unto us, though we could never deserve all he has given

May the Lord give you understanding this day, and bring you wisdom in these times that test us, so that you might be able to stand and not falter

On this day, may His strength be your strength, and give you the endurance to weather every storm of life

For our God is stronger than anything that will come upon us. His power in us is more than enough to see us through

May you draw close to our Lord, Jesus Christ, this day, and speak to Him in faith filled prayers, so that He might pour His life giving Spirit into you, and fill you

May the life of Christ dwell richly within you and begin to revitalize your life. May His love overwhelm you, so that He can be magnified in you, and His love shine forth from your life

I pray that the Lord would give you an appetite for His Word, so that your faith and knowledge would be magnified; that God might equip you through His Word in order that your doubts might vanish and that your faith might be made more sure

May you always have Godly answers for those who ask questions of your faith, not only for your benefit, but also, for the strength and salvation of all those you know

May you realize again this day, that our God is faithful, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. That He watches over His children night and day, protecting us from all evil and the schemes of man

Know this, that we will continue to suffer earthly pains, but He has blessed us with the gift of eternal life in full measure

May the Lord, our God, walk beside you each day, so that you will feel and know His very presence, and understand His boundless love for you

For our God is the source and giver of all life. The one who has blessed us beyond all understanding

May His love so overwhelm your senses, that you have no choice but to rejoice and give Him praise; and that you would offer your life to Him with thanksgiving

For He is the one true God, creator, and illuminating light above all creation. 8/10/2006

Hold On To God

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Hold fast to the ways of God. Take hold of the wisdom found in His Word, and never let go, for it will be as life to you

Do not stray from His path, so that you may steer clear of harm or disaster. Instead, grab tightly to the ways of God

Maintain a firm grip, so that He might strengthen you all of your days and bear your burdens in times of trouble

When we live within His perfect will, we are blessed. For our God is the well spring of life. He watches over all who love Him and guards those trust in Him by faith

He pours out His Spirit to all His children, so that they may prosper in all that they may do

Though we can never be sure of what tomorrow will bring, when we dwell within the will of Christ, our Savior, He will lead us safely through life.. Not free from trouble or trial, but by safe passage to the eternal

How great are the multitude of false treasures. They can distract us away from the truth of God. But in Christ dwells all that is pure and true

All of creation hangs upon His strength and wisdom. In Him alone, are found the threads that bind together all there is.

Grab ahold of God and never let go. Maintain your footing and keep in contact at all times. If you let go, you will surely fall, and there is no hope for those who lose their grip on Him

When you begin to slip, act quickly to regain your hold, so that He might direct you towards safe passage

Feed upon His Words, that strengthen all those who are tired. Grab hold of God. Don’t give in to a weakness of mind or spirit, for He is the only way that leads to life

No other way of human life is safe, or can, in any way, lead to everlasting life

What fleeting reward could ever be so valuable, or deceptive way of sin, so alluring, that we would give away our immeasurable reward in Christ?

So, hold fast to our God, who saves. Grab tightly to our Lord, who’s love is without end, because all of your days rest upon Him.   10/13/2006

Our Ever-Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1

Lord I trust in You

When the storms of life rage all around me and help seems far away; when any kind of resolution seems distant and out of reach, I place my cares upon You

Some days it does not seem possible that any more trouble could happen, but then things grow worse. Even those who I trust seem to desert me. They lash out at me, when I try to help in one way or another. They push me away, even though I have not left them, and I feel deserted

But my God is always there. His Words comfort me. I can sense the hand of His Spirit resting upon my shoulder.

He reassures me by His presence, and uplifts me, as a father would, who comforts his child

Trust in God when all seems lost. Rely upon Him, when everyone on earth seems to have forsaken you. For His eyes see you, and His gaze rests upon your life

He sees your condition and what has come upon your days. He brings healing and rest for your soul.

He can calm the weary and stressed, and delivers us, so that we might be able to walk in strength again. He can begin to fix that which was broken, and help unravel the hopeless tangles that come upon us

Praise God for His comforting Spirit. Give thanks, for the relief that He brings that restores our perspective of life

Rejoice, as you begin to see the beauty of His love at work in you again. Trust in Him, so that your life becomes renewed of purpose, and that your work and His will, follow the same course

It is a part of the human experience become lost, and to have the support of your family and friends disrupted, dislodged, and scrambled.

But our Lord never changes, His love for us is as strong today as it was when you first believed in Him. He can restore things that have become impossibly broken

Our ways are not like Our God’s. We stray into all kinds of trouble, and are subject to the fallout from the problems of others.

Always seek the Lord, our God and Savior. Pray to Him each day, believing. Trust in Him, for His love is always strong enough support and uphold us. 7/5/2020

A Path That Leads To Faith

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.      Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever spent time observing; Looking out far and wide across this wondrous creation?

Have you ever taken a casual glance at some far off vista, and then spent the next ten minutes watching in rapt wonder?

Is it even possible to comprehend this world, so vast and mysterious?

Did you ever attempt to find your own place amidst such a great and far flung universe? Was it just an accident that you arrived here in this place, in this time? Or, is there something much deeper at work?

Your life is truly a gift of incalculable worth. What a wonder it is that you can see and know, and give and love

Even as all of creation, in it’s timeless way, somehow exists, you are precious in the eyes of God

What He has formed in you, He lovingly treasures. God has a desire for your life that is not bound by the span of time, or by the breadth of all that He has made

And His desire is for your good, so that the joy of life would fill you to overflowing

How sad it is then, that God has often been obscured . That in these times times, He is discounted and discredited. So that we, who need to be connected with our creator, are wilting from a lack of His presence in our lives

We face the starvation of our very souls, because our lives are desperately dependent upon His Spirit

God calls us to live a holy life. To flee from the sin and evil, that so easily afflicts us. For it places a drag on our lives that separates us from Him and leads us to empty places, even despair

He places great importance on this, because it becomes a matter of life and death for those He loves.

God is angered and saddened by all those who do evil, and all those who are compelled to continually sin against Him. By their own actions, they prove that they do not know or regard Him in any way.

How misguided are we, yet God continues to call out to us through His love and through His Word, so that we might come to realize the error of our ways, and then turn, and be forgiven.

It is incredible how blind we can truly be. That we cannot take the time to look and wonder, or acknowledge the great love of God, our creator

But for those who conduct their lives in self control; who place their faith in the God of the universe, and live their lives before Him; These will be blessed, because God’s only intentions are for our good

To all those who love our God, who follow after His ways, these will dwell close to His presence and be fed. Their lives will be blessed through understanding.

The full measure of His loving kindness will overflow upon them in the richness of all that is good and true; and they will live safely in His presence for all of time.   11/10/2006