Give Thanks!

Cathedral Peak, Yosemite CA
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:18

Thank You

Two Simple words that reveal so much about our heart

Thank you is an attitude. A disposition of knowing what we have been given, and understanding where it came from

Each day strive to cultivate a thankful spirit, remember what you have been given. Seek to give thanks, for it will be as healing to your heart and a remedy for all that troubles your mind

Give thanks with your words and with your deeds. Create in your heart a continual thanksgiving, because you have been given much

Give thanks for all that you have and for the friends that stand by you. Be thankful for your family and for those who have helped you along the way

Above all, give thanks to God, your maker, who has given you it all; even your life. Give thanks for His blessings and for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ


Open up the shades that cover the eyes of your memory, for you have been given much

Don’t become lost in your sufferings, or in the things that trouble you this day. Remember, and give thanks. Overcome selfish pity and look past the things that drag upon you. Focus instead on those things that have helped you

There is a God, and He is good beyond all comprehension. He blesses us each day. Yet, we have little ability to see just how great His gifts are. We can do better. We can learn to have a thankful spirit towards Him

Consider what you have been given. Meditate on the incredible bounty of gifts you have received. Be thankful, don’t squander away the opportunity because you have been too busy to see all the little miracles interacting with your life

Give thanks. Each day remember and be thankful. Treasure what is good, and honorable, and healthy

For all of it comes from our God; He acts through those who love us, our friends, and sometimes even through strangers

Give thanks, don’t forget, because it is your part of the equation of blessing.   11/25/2009

Encouragement For the Trials Ahead

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.” John 14:1

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart

Fear not the trials and troubles in life; Always rely on His steadfast love, and you will have peace

There are seasons for rest and healing, and there are times when we must grow; Times when we must become more in our life than what we are today

Do not despair, God will always be with you; He will not leave your side, unless, you first leave His

There will come times when it seems like He is absent; when trials and storms seem to gather darkly around, but they might just be for our own good

Bonds of ease and comfort sometimes need to be broken. Hard choices must be made in order for God’s work to continue on

So take heart and move forward towards the direction of His will. Pray and listed for His counsel; continue to study His word so that will gain understanding

Don’t neglect to stay connected with your church, even though it may be hard during these times. Be safe and creative, for in times of testing, this will help us remain strong

Stay close to God and to the flowing power of His Spirit, which keeps us ready for all things, and able to do things which require strength that is greater than ours alone

Times of trial and testing, are times of spiritual growth. If we don’t fall back and retreat, we will certainly gain valuable experience and abilities that make us stronger and more able to carry His message

After all, what is our life for? Who gave us our breath, and has stirred the hope that lives inside us?

Did not Jesus tell us that we would have troubles in this world? That trials and troubles would mark a life lived in obedience to Him?

So, strengthen yourself, knowing that these times surely must come into our life; and that they will continue to come as the years pass by. But also, be assured that He is keeping our souls and will uphold us aways with His own strength

God will give us the power to endure when you need it, as we faithfully remain in His presence

Take heart my friend, when the clouds begin to gather and you know you’re heading into a rough time. Be brave and and faithful to your God, in all ways; and though you may stumble along your path, He will be there to help you to your feet.

His love will see us through, even to the very doors of death and beyond

For our God is stronger that any power on earth. He can break through any obstacle that lies upon our path, and make a way for us long and straight

For we are His children, the sons and daughters of the King; and our lives are very precious to Him, who rules both the heavens and the earth.   1/16/2001

A Prayer For Renewal

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Lord Jesus Christ, You are the author of my salvation. Mold me unto Your will, so that I might be made more complete in You each day

Break the bonds of my rigidity, where I am unwilling to bend, so that I would be more willing to give in every area of my life

Convince me, Lord, to hand over my life as an offering to You each day, so that Your life would be in mine

Make me more flexible my Savior, so that the hardness of my pride and the sharp edge of my disposition, would be softened; so that the essential nature of Your love, and charity, grace, and goodness, would flow freely from me

Mold me Lord. Change the way I am. Destroy everything in me that does not agree with You

Free me from the old nature that governed me and fill me with your life. Bend me, so that I might be humble. Take from me, so that I might know real value

Give me all good things, so that I might know the blessings of thanksgiving

Do freely unto me, My Lord and God, in the perfect expression of Your will, so that I might learn a deeper faith, and so that I may depend upon You still more

Give to me Your strength and wisdom, so that I might stand and not falter

Make me able to defend against the temptations that so easily entangle my life, and threaten to ruin my relationship with You

Develop me each day, help me learn Your ways and be able to discern the path You have laid out before me, so that my life would be filled with Your presence

Enthrall me, with Your infinite goodness, oh Lord, so that I may rejoice each day and lift praises unto You. That I might lift You up from the dawning of each day through the darkest of nights

For in You alone, I am made whole and complete.  2/11/2007

Seek Out Our God

If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Oh Lord, my God, I seek You. I long to know You more and more, for You are the light of all mankind; the source of life, and the truth and substance that makes life real

Our days are energized by Your presence, you bring meaning to our hours, and joy, that makes each day worth living

Lord, I want to strive to lay hold of You and live my life so that I could draw close to You; to make my life a home for Your life-giving Spirit

I know You are near at hand; Your presence fills the heavens and all the earth. Certainly, You are near to me now

At this moment, You’re in contact with my being. I sense You, but long to know You more each day

For, I too often stray and become distracted. I become lost in life’s struggles, worries, and pains, and I begin to sink beneath the waves; Or, lose sight of the horizon

Faith takes effort. Belief needs care and watering. To see God, we must continue looking

Lord, I am a student in your school called life, I read Your textbooks each day and recite Your Words until I know their meaning

I am amazed by what they speak unto me,  and how they correct me when I am wrong. They comfort me when the hard days come calling

Lord God, You are there; You reach out to me with an outstretched arm to lift me up; Or, place a gentle hand on my shoulder to let me know I shall never go alone

Even when there seems no way out of the pit of despair, or when dangers lurk around me and they threaten and cast their menacing looks, Lord You are with me

My God I strive to lay hold of you this night. I seek You each morning when  I rise and look for you as I make my way through each day

For you are the God who acts on our behalf. You come to those who wait patiently and bring help to those who gladly do right; Who remember Your ways all the days of their life    1/24/2020

This Glorious Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Oh the grandeur of God’s creation. In shear amazement I watch its ebb and flow. My mind stretches to understand its boundaries, but it barely sees even the smallest part of what He has made

We are so incredibly small in comparison to the enormity of it all; like a single raindrop cast within a massive storm, and yet, our minds and our eyes observe its glory

The wonder of God’s creation, who has not felt its mystery?

I can take a hold of a blade of grass sprouting up in a field, and know that some of its origins were made in the stars of heaven

I can watch a thundercloud boiling up into the sky, and perceive the power of the sun and of this earth as the source of its fury

I have looked upon the stars of the sky, seemingly close, yet so very distant from our world; and these before us, are our closest neighbors. they are like the nearby lights of houses next door. But look how many more are stretched out across all the universe

It humbles me, this vastness of scale, and the extreme power of our creator

I can look at just about anything, and see how it is attached to everything else in God’s good creation. For everything has had a past… a history of its origins; and all creation certainly has a destination for which it is bound

In addition there is this thing we call life. This miracle, wonder of nature, valuable beyond measure; found here on earth, maybe elsewhere, we don’t really know

Life is more precious than we give it credit for, and more wondrous than we’ll ever understand. It lies balanced ever so delicately alive and living in this time, at this place

Life is more than a chance event. Or, simply a strange twist in the course of natural processes. It is a creation of God, no more, no less.

How great a value then, life must be to God, for He would not have gone to all the trouble if it were not. Of His own choice, God exalted man to to dwell in His creation

How profound then, is each one of our lives. Could there be any doubt, that we have been blessed exceedingly, beyond measure.

This creation will someday pass away. But God has intervened on our behalf, and given us the hope of a new life for all eternity. He has left us a path though Christ, by which we might have fellowship with Him forever

Through Jesus Christ alone, we can fulfill God’s loving intention for us, and be transformed, forever, into a likeness of Him. This is, by far, the most amazing wonder of our God’s glorious and precious creation

Their is Opportunity in Every Tragedy

In their heart people plan their course, but the Lord determines their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I’ll never forget that windy fall morning when I went into work and looked in horror where our signature Heritage Oak had fallen. It had been a focal point of the main entrance to the college, and located along one of the busiest roads in town. Beneath it, an old historic sign announced that you had arrived at our 100 year old campus. It was the most photographed tree of the entire college. It felt like a tragedy had happened, and I knew that the garden surrounding this spot would never be the same. It took days to saw up that old hulk of a tree and repair signs, irrigation, and lighting that had been destroyed when it fell. But an interesting thing soon began to happen. The plants, understory trees, and lawns in the vicinity began to flourish in the old tree’s absence. By the next spring I could actually say I did not miss the old tree as much any more.

In everyone’s life, come times when the unexpected happens. Sometimes these events bring tragedy, loss, and heartbreak that can upend our lives. A door, that seemed like a golden opportunity can slam shut, a simple misunderstanding can blossom into a full scale problem, or worse, an important life may be swept away. It is a tough world we live in, many trials can come our way, often without warning.

But try to keep this thing in mind. The things that seem bad right now are actually opening up gates of opportunity in some other place and at some other time in our life. Never believe for an instant that what has happened, or is happening right now will be the final chapter. Life goes on, and God’s purposes always have a way of working out. Sure things may look bleak now, but they may be necessary to clear the way for something much grander just around the corner.

That old Oak was a beautiful and stately tree. A lot of care and time had been put into caring for it, and it became the anchor and central focus of that part of our campus landscape. But when it fell, it opened up so many new possibilities, and allowed an overlooked area to flourish. The shade that it had cast over that entire area was now gone, and it allowed literally thousands of flowers to bloom like never before. Its roots had also been greedily stealing water and nutrients from the soil, which put a strain on the rest of the garden. With the gigantic Oak no longer there to compete against, the garden truly began to flourish. Even though losing the Oak was a great loss, the end result was actually a more beautiful and interesting landscape.

We must try to keep a broader perspective when we have suffered a loss or are going through hard trials. God may have something in mind that we have no idea of yet. Sometimes He has to rip something away from the tight grip we have on it, so that we can grab ahold of something far greater and beneficial. We’ll never know what may be coming in the days ahead. You can be sure as the sunrise each day, that we’ll suffer losses and endure some difficult days. But remember, God knows the future as well as the past. He has a plan for each of His children, and His plans are always for our good. He’s the one who can place that silver lining on every dark cloud that passes by. Don’t become disabled by trials, but instead, use them as springboards to launch into the next great opportunity God brings your way.

A September Benediction

The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

May our Lord God bless you this day, and fill your life with His life, so that you might have joy and assurance, overflowing

May He look upon you in favor and grant you peace, through the outpouring of His love and His Spirit

For the Lord is good in all that He does

He blesses us with gifts we seldom measure, and is always gracious unto us, though we could never deserve all he has given

May the Lord give you understanding this day, and bring you wisdom in these times that test us, so that you might be able to stand and not falter

On this day, may His strength be your strength, and give you the endurance to weather every storm of life

For our God is stronger than anything that will come upon us. His power in us is more than enough to see us through

May you draw close to our Lord, Jesus Christ, this day, and speak to Him in faith filled prayers, so that He might pour His life giving Spirit into you, and fill you

May the life of Christ dwell richly within you and begin to revitalize your life. May His love overwhelm you, so that He can be magnified in you, and His love shine forth from your life

I pray that the Lord would give you an appetite for His Word, so that your faith and knowledge would be magnified; that God might equip you through His Word in order that your doubts might vanish and that your faith might be made more sure

May you always have Godly answers for those who ask questions of your faith, not only for your benefit, but also, for the strength and salvation of all those you know

May you realize again this day, that our God is faithful, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. That He watches over His children night and day, protecting us from all evil and the schemes of man

Know this, that we will continue to suffer earthly pains, but He has blessed us with the gift of eternal life in full measure

May the Lord, our God, walk beside you each day, so that you will feel and know His very presence, and understand His boundless love for you

For our God is the source and giver of all life. The one who has blessed us beyond all understanding

May His love so overwhelm your senses, that you have no choice but to rejoice and give Him praise; and that you would offer your life to Him with thanksgiving

For He is the one true God, creator, and illuminating light above all creation. 8/10/2006

Wait For the Lord

Who among you fears the Lord, Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let Them trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon their God. Isaiah 50:10

If the way before you is unclear, trust in the Lord. If the path ahead is shrouded in clouds and remains obscured, wait upon your Lord, God.

For He alone, knows the future. He will guide your steps.

Do not run ahead before Him, but allow His lead to direct your every move. Wait upon Him. Trust in the Lord.

A clear way awaits you  just ahead, but for now, it is better to wait. Lean upon Him, and He will show you a perfect way.

There are times when great barriers gather around us, difficult circumstances, that may cast a shadow of fear upon us. Simply, trust in the Lord, for He is stronger than anything set before us.

Without Him we have no strength, but through His Spirit and by His Hand, He can deliver us safely and give us power to overcome.

For the Lord goes with all those who trust in Him.. He walks beside those who reach out for His hand. Oh what a trustworthy God is ours!

Fear is our reminder to believe in Him, to give ourselves over to His will, and trust in all of His ways for us.

The things that happen in this world will push us, if we let them. They will drop us into hard places, if we allow them to.

But when we trust in God, and follow after our Lord Jesus Christ, our footing will become secure.

Even when great mountains seem to loom before us, and threats and fear rise up against us, our God will protect us. He will provide a way, so that we might prosper and not perish; So that we might rejoice, instead of despair.

For our God is good. He is mighty and powerful above all things, and will provide a way for all those who love Him.    12/28/2007

Buy the Field

‘And you have said to me, Oh Lord God, “Buy the field for money, and take witnesses! -yet the city has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans”   Jeremiah 32:25

I once managed a community garden that was truly a wonderful place. It was blessed with many talented people, who each contributed to making it one of the most productive and beautiful volunteer gardens I ever worked at. One cold winter day, when the north wind blew strong through its quiet rows, we received some devastating news. The nearby community center was going to be expanded and the footprint for the new building was to be located directly upon the garden. The city was going to break ground on the project in Spring, and we were told to clear the site within the next month. I can still remember how shocked and devastated everyone was. For many, it was a place to be with their friends, others used it to conduct field trips and educational work for local schools and community classes. After twelve years of existence, we were deeply going to miss our shared place of community.

Everyone was too upset to do anything for a few weeks, so the garden just laid dormant. Then in March we came together to meet and decide what was needed to dismantle and decommission the garden. After many minutes of complaint and anguish filled comments, a man stood up and said a very surprising thing. He told us, ” Let’s go ahead and do our normal Spring planting.  We should act like nothing is going to happen to this wonderful place. Be optimistic, these city projects often get tied up at City Hall for years and I happen to know that this project has some opposition that will likely force some long delays”. At first, nobody could believe that this might happen, but after much discussion a feeling of optimism began to grow. Within a week we had begun cleaning up the garden and planting the most ambitious effort in all our history.  We wanted to show the community and the council just how important and valuable the garden was for our town. To this day, the community garden lives on and remains a blessing to the community.

The prophet Jeremiah once gave a speech similar to the one this man gave to our community garden. He was spending time in the Jerusalem jail for speaking God’s Word to the King of Judah, Zedekiah. Even though the enemy was about to take and destroy the entire city, then lead many of its people into captivity, He told them he was going to do something very odd, but optimistic. He was going to purchase a piece of property, a field to grow crops.. a place to grow a garden. He wanted to make it clear, that even in that dark hour, God was at work. Our Lord God wanted to tell His people that this was not the final chapter of the Jewish nation. He said, ‘be optimistic even when destruction and doom lie at the very door’, because I have a plan and a heart of love for my people. I will someday bring them back to this place and they will live in abundance once again.

Spring 2020 has brought illness and loss that have caused many to lose hope in their future. Some of us have lost loved ones, others have lost their way to make a living. How this all ends up is still quite unclear. But there is one thing that we should never lose, and that is our trust  in the love and saving work of Jesus Christ. Remember His promise, “I will never leave you or forsake you”.  He is there with us through every trouble and trial that befalls us. Look up to Him and pray, even when there seems to be no hope. Grab ahold of Him with all your strength, and He will give you reason to rejoice, even in times of despair. Jesus will encourage you to carry on with life  and to be optimistic, even when it seems everything is going in the wrong direction. Praise be, to our God!

A Late Night Cry for Healing

“Take heart, your faith has healed you” Matthew 9:22

Lord, heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon my life. Pour out your mercy, so that I may be made whole.

Bring about renewal in my heart, so that am made sound and strong

Speak your Word deep unto me, so that I may know the truth, and listen, for your will and your council

Lord, I humbly go before You. I stand at the feet of your throne, confessing my sins and my lack of faith, so that you might heal me and correct every way that is crooked

Pour our your Spirit. Do what only you can do. Bless my life with your presence, and heal me, so that I may again, glorify You

Help me run with endurance. Train up my heart and my mind. Convince my spirit with your Truth, and by the revelation of your perfect love, so that I may serve You each day

I rest in You, and quiet my soul before You. I meditate upon your ways

The things that I have schemed for, I leave aside, so that your will becomes my all in all

My life has become weak, because I forgot to seek You each day. I focused upon earthly things, and not those of heaven. What great affliction has overtaken me!

Yet, I will return again and give glory to my God, through the entire expression of my life

I have been healed by God before. He has pulled me up from impossible places, where there was no light or hope, and now, I will trust that He will help me again.

For He is a God who loves His children. All who go before Him that are sick and broken, can be healed and made new again.   6/27/2007