Call To Action

There is an enormous blessing God has placed just above the Earth, so very thin like an invisible film

It is where all life exists and breathes

How slight, shallow, and fragile. Within this narrow sliver we live, thrive, and have our being

Wondrous it is; there is nothing like it that we have ever seen in all of the universe

Thank you, God, for this place you made, so that we may live richly with all other life and live in awe and wonder of what You have done; To praise You for Your wisdom, love, and power

For truly, You have made a glorious world

It is a sin that we take all of this for granted. A sign of the depth of our forgetfulness of You, that we desecrate a place so holy with the refuse of our age

How shallow and short sighted we are, that we continue harming this place that God made for us. More so, now that we are fully aware of what we are doing

God has blessed us so that we now cover the entire earth. We have the means and ability to do things never before imagined and yet we find ourselves facing a problem. Something that threatens our very existence

Yet our reason has somehow been clouded. Our reverence for this incredible home, forgotten, and we are left as blind as to the threats that await us; That even now, are happening on an enormous scale

How richly blessed is the space within this narrow zone. How incredible the detail and workings of this sacred place and amazing beyond all the power of our reason; The interplay of elements of land, water, and air that occur here

But most of all, it is life, which dwells here, that dazzles. For life is God’s grandest creation

It is a sin what we are doing. We dishonor the very God who made us. That we do nothing now to correct this, is a blunder, a crime of the most epic proportion

We know what the problem is, our sin now lies in our inaction. For we can correct this and restore our honor before God

We must act now

Lord God, we don’t want to be the ones who damage or destroy our world. We don’t want to have the blood of trillions of your creatures on our hands. Let us be remembered that we honored you through our actions, and corrected our ways, because of a renewal of our love for You    (11/6/19)