Give Thanks to the God of Creation


Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.            1 Thessalonians 5:18

All you, who call yourselves believers in Christ, give thanks to your God. For He has blessed you far beyond any earthly measure

Cultivate a thankful spirit within your life, so that you might honor Him who dwells above the heavens. Yet, who also makes a home within our hearts

Look unto the grandness of His creation. Observe the stars of our Milky Way, the wonder of the Sun, and the beauty of the yellow Moon as it rises softly in the east

Give thanks to Him who spoke them all into existence

He arranged them just so, with the stroke of a master artist touch. In such fine precision and alignment, man’s greatest minds are speechless in wonder

Give thanks to God for creating this wondrous Earth. Who placed it within the perfect swirl, within a swirl, within a swirl…

How awesome are the assemblage of elements here. So stirring the sunrise, and so bright the cloudless sky. All the colors that the rainbow gives, dwell richly all across the world

Give thanks to our God for the fullness of His provision that sustains our lives. It has all been bestowed to us through His loving generosity and by the awesome work of His hands

Give thanks! Be thankful in all things. Try and recall all the blessings He has placed into your life

Bow before Him and speak prayers filled with thanksgiving. Sing songs overflowing from a joyful spirit

Give thanks to the God who loves you. For He has given you life and health, and filled all of your days with hope

The God of the universe is awesome and powerful. He dwells in inapproachable light. Purely righteous are all His ways, yet, He is filled with an infinite love towards us

He once cast off all of His heavenly glory and made Himself as a man, Jesus Christ. He dwelt on earth as a humble servant to mankind; though He was actually our King, our God, and our Creator

He went as far as to sacrifice His life and die upon a torturer’s wooden cross. So that we might know the taste, feel, and incredible blessing of salvation unto eternal life

Give your greatest thanks to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Who stepped into time and this good creation and altered the course of history, forever

Give thanks for His goodness, mercy, and grace.

Praise Him for His Spirit, who dwells within every heart who believes Christ lives. For the Spirit helps guide all our paths towards salvation

Let all mankind be filled with thanksgiving; for our God is good.  1/15/2006