
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Do you sense God at work in your life today? Does His still calm voice call out to you when you pray?


Love, the single most important quality that God has imparted to the universe. Love, do you hear His whisper in your ears? Does the song of His love play on your internal soundtrack?

Love; it’s what makes us Christians. It is the difference between good and evil. Has it seeped into your pores and changed you from within? Will you give it a chance this day to work wonders within your heart?

Love is patient, it endures and is willing to wait for what it hopes for. It bears only good intentions in all that it inspires within us

Love is not envious of others, because it seeks the best for everyone. Love does not exist in those when they boast, or in those, when they let their pride rule their behavior; for those actions only manifest self-seeking for personal benefit

Love transcends all selfish action. It remains apart from evil, because love exists as God’s most basic principal

It overcomes all doubt and fear. It believes in the truth behind all things, because that is where God is at work in the most fundamental ways

Love gives us hope to overcome all things that come against it. It empowers us to endure and persevere, even when things are most difficult

Love overcomes all things, because of its perfect goodness. It upholds us, even though we may suffer. It convinces us to act out in kindness, though we may have been provoked

Love is a miracle

It is the essential nature of our God, and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is the common thread found throughout His Word, and the intent of every message He gives to us by His Holy Spirit

Love is a resounding note that sounds and echoes throughout all the creation. Because of love, we were made and have our being and through the outworking of its power in creation, this place was made to be our home

We were made to know and deeply understand what love is. It is our purpose to live a life that abounds in love, so that we might rightfully rejoice in our life and all the goodness that love brings

Our God is a God of love. He is the one true God, and He loves without measure. By His love, He forgives us. Through His love, He offers us a more perfect way

In His love, we can rejoice in living our lives no matter what may happen. For by God’s love, and through God’s love, we become connected to the greatest and most powerful force there is.   11/21/2020