Psalm of Surrender

“If any person be in Christ, they are a new creature: old things have passed away.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Today, this day, I give over my life to God

My right, to myself, I freely give to You, for I am not my own

You formed me from this earth, and breathed life into these lungs. You placed Your Spirit into this body, and set me here, to walk amidst this place

There is nothing I have that was not given to me by You

Why am I here, at this place, in this time? Is it not to praise You, and to lift Your name up above all names; to bring honor and glory to You, oh Lord, for You are holy, above all things

I am nothing, filled with sin, but You filled me with Your Spirit, and placed a joy within my heart

Your presence amazes me. That you, who are above all, and who dwells, even beyond all creation, would spend time with one so lowly

My spirit sings praises to You. I lift up my hands to honor Your Name. For you are my God, you have blessed my life to overflowing

I cry out Your name and feel the presence of Your Son. His love and righteousness hold me. They keep me safe from harm, and give me hope within eternities span

How glorious is our God! I am amazed at the depth of His goodness

Today in humility, I give myself to God. I let His perfect will be the light that guides me, and His love, the strength that moves my feet

May every particle of my being be given over to Him, so that I may glorify my God and my Maker. 4/9/2006