Rejoice in Christ

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Holy is the Lord, our God, and Savior; justness and righteousness flow out from His throne. Great is His love and grace towards us, goodness and mercy abound in all that He does

We, who trust and believe in Him are made new and alive, the lamp of our lives is renewed day by day. It will never go out

Sing praises to the God of all creation. Lift up His name with all your strength, for He knows those who place their faith in Him, He loves those who consider Him their God

Rejoice in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, believe in the man who came to us from God. Even before the dawn of creation, He was one with Him

Speak His name in love, for He is the Christ, God’s incredible gift, our Lord and savior who reigns above all the earth

Christ died to remove our deadly burden of sin. He was raised to life again, to reign as one with God in heaven

Jesus opened the door for God’s grace and mercy to pour out upon us, so that we who believe and trust in Him could have everlasting life 

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, atoned for the burden of all our sin when He gave up His life for us upon the cross. By the same power that raised Him to life again, He rendered death powerless over those who put their faith in Him

Cry out to God, for His mercy is given freely. Lift your praises unto Him,  because His forgiveness is poured out to all who trust in Him

For we, who are imperfect and burdened with sin, have now been pardoned of our sentence of death through Christ and we will dwell in purity and wonder with God forever more

God reigns in power, He is at work this very day and hour

Christ Jesus is seated with Him in heaven, He rules above all the earth. They are one and the same power, sovereign over us

Give thanks this day and forever more, never forget or take it for granted, that you are a child of God

You, who call yourself believers, never stop praising His Name, for you were once dead in your sins, mortally wounded in transgressions, but now you are alive in Him

You see and know that He is the light and life that dwells within you

Brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t turn away or rest easy as a Christian, for we have all been called to serve, and to put our faith in action

Christ calls us to always be ready for His return, because we neither know the year, day, or hour when He will come again. Run the long race, renew your faith each day

Rejoice in God always, for you have been forgiven, you are children of the one true King, Jesus Christ, our God. 2/14/2022

The Gift of Jesus

For the kingdom of heavens is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for His vineyard. Matthew 20:1

Jesus stands above the entire world, as its Creator and King

He lives in Spirit and in form before all people who dwell within this place

His Word call out to us across this great expanse and the Spirit of Christ searches the hearts of each one of us

The Christ, the Son of God, who was and is, and forever will be, is here with us. There is no place where He cannot reach and no power in heaven or Earth who rules above Him

He is our God

And He loves us

With love He made this Earth, our home, and by His amazing power God created things just so

In time, Jesus came to dwell with us and stood before us. He came to restore our place before the almighty God, so that all our sins could be wiped away and that we might be made more than we ever could be on our own

He is the savior of all the world, the one who can bring healing for our wounds. Christ can cure us from that which we had no hope or recourse

All the world dwells before Him, and He comes to offer us healing and hope

How confused and distracted are we who inhabit this place. Most of us do not know our God, or, even recognize the He exists

Few understand how great a gift to the world that Christ is; that He, who gave His life for us and so that we might be able to live before our God, forever, would come to us in Spirit and in truth

He give us each this opportunity for eternal life. Every person on Earth is offered this chance to believe upon Him. All, are equally given this gift, but few are those who accept it

The Son of God comes to us each day with His hands outstretched. Jesus calls out and offers us His promise, so that we might have life in all the abundance that God intended

Take hold of Him this day and every one hereafter. Pray and worship His name in faith and in truth, for He is the reason that we have life, and love, and being. 1/25/2022

Do What You Can

He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. Luke: 21:2

Do what you can do for Christ. Even the smallest things count, if they are born from our heart

Who knows how God will take something, a word that we have said, a kind gesture we have given, or even a thought or silent prayer, and use it for His glory

Jesus can take what we give, and bless it. He can add to the little we have spent forth and make something more from it

He can develop upon our actions, gloriously

So do what you can for Him. Be comfortable, make it real. Dream up something that glorifies God, then give it to Him as your offering

Share it with others. Be yourself. Do what comes naturally, when your heart is filled with love for Him

Give what you can to those around you, but give it to them in such a way that always honors them. With all respect, so as not to diminish the work of the Spirit of Christ

The measure of God is not like ours. For He observes the purity of our motivation and the love that shines forth from our life

He does not regard the greatness of our power or stature, or the things that people consider important. Jesus values the little things done in love

He celebrates each act of kindness, and treasures those who give from the wellsprings of their heart

He applauds the gift of a penny, when it was born from a faithful generosity. But is saddened, by the donation of millions upon millions, when it was done only for self gratification

There are opportunities to make our faith real. They come with each moment and are found within every situation

They need not be grand, or powerful, or noticeable in any way, but always real, filled with the love we have for Christ         1/23/2007