The Precious Fabric of Life

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:26

The God of all that is, clothed the Earth with a precious fabric. He made this world with materials of many colors, textures, forms, and patterns

It fits perfectly upon this world, and is unlike anything we have ever known or observed

It is incredible how it persists, adapts, and repairs itself even when damaged. It is woven with such exquisite complexity, that we can barely understand how it works

Our God in heaven created something amazing and beautiful. Perhaps the most surprising thing about it is that it also lives and breathes

This fabric that covers our Earth, our home, is not something to be taken for granted. For we are dependent on the health of every part of it for our very existence

It lies in a balance within all of its workings, so that our life, and all life that dwells on Earth may  persist safely for eons of time

Oh God of the heavens and of the Earth, humble us, and make us to know your love for us. May we recognize that You alone have made this place for us to live, and it is marvelous in every way

We cheapen our lives when we take all this for granted. It shows our lack of reverence for God, who has given us all things

Blessed are we to be given life here in this place, and to be loved, for God has given us all we need. But, we curse ourselves by our unthankful actions, when we conceive in our minds to exploit God’s gift to us.

In recent times we have grown to fill the entire Earth. We have crowded in to every part of this life giving fabric. Our sin is that we do not appreciate this wonder that we live within, and that we give in to the selfish power of our greed and lust for things

Through our actions, we have increasingly desecrated the very fabric of God’s world, and now weaken, even threaten our own existence by the runaway momentum of our destructive pursuits

God’s amazing creation, the fabric he placed here for life, even our lives, is being strained. Its threads are being stretched and torn. Our climate is changing in dangerous ways

We must thoughtfully renew a vital commitment to this sacred place we call home and humbly revive our faith in our God. So that through this we might chart a new path away from the course we take now, and live as a species that values and nurtures the health of our natural world. 2/28/2021

Our Reason to Praise

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty. Psalm 104:1


Holy is the Lord God Almighty. He reigns over all the earth, and all of His creation

Our Lord looks out across the universe and sees that it is good. By His will it was created, along with all the things that exist within it

He formed all the nuances of light, motion, and matter. It was His thought to blend them to be just as they are, so that awesome formations like galaxies, black holes, and solar systems would exist; and so that life could spring forth to praise and worship His name

Holy is our God who made all this to be. He exists in every dimension He has created

Our Lord, and God, blesses everything that is, because He loves all that He has made. Glorious is our God; through the creation He has given us life. When we observe what He has done we cry out to Him, and praise Him for His wisdom, power, and love.

You are worthy, oh God, to receive all honor, and glory, and praise. For we amount to nearly nothing in relation to what You have made. We are but a breath, a small flash of light against the backdrop of the creation; inconsequential, but you have given us meaning for our life

For You, oh Lord, have considered us, and come to us. You have blessed us with Your Word, and sent to us Your very own Son as a minister and savior, so that we might live in harmony with You, forever

How great is Your love, it stretches out across all the universe. Yet, has become focused here upon this earth, our home; the place that You made for us, and for the life we share this planet with

Therefore, we give you our praise; we worship You alone, oh God. For there is nothing else as worthy as You

Great is our God, the One who has created all things. By Your will they were created and have their being. We bow before You and acknowledge that You are our God

We lay down our pride and possessions. The power that we thought we had over our life, we give to You.

The little strength have, we turn over to You, oh Lord; so that Your will can reside in us and allow us to consider You always, that we might receive Your love and live near Your throne, forever

Great is our God, and worthy of our praise. We were created by You, and in You we have our being. May You alone receive all our honor, our glory, and our praise

For You are our God and You love us and have blessed us with the gift of life. May we understand the depth, width, and height of all this, so that we might glorify You all the days of our life.   1/5/2021

There Is Proof All Around Us

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Each day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


When I see wonders throughout all of creation, it is proof enough to me that there is a God

Clouds streaming across the sky, even from beyond the curve of Earth’s horizon. Some form before my eyes, others shrink and disappear altogether

And in the distance, mountains rise up in their own quiet strength, beckoning me to explore their lofty reaches.They are not so much places where the Spirit of God resides, but temples, filled with the inspiration of beauty and solitude; places where God can speak to our hearts and reveal a measure of His glory

There are countless marvels within this creation. If we take the time to look and to explore, then we will become convinced of the priceless value of God’s creation

Who can gaze up across the expanse of stars that are spread out across the vastness of the heavens, and not be shaken deeply within their soul

Or, who can attempt to explain their place within the reaches of the universe, without being humbled by the scope of its magnificence, after looking at the small size our footprint

What man has learned about this place sheds light on the awesome power of God

But, there is so much more. God only knows the wonders He has formed, that we have not yet seen or explored; or barely determined, through the efforts of our curious minds

God is due our honor

He is worthy of our praise

The Most High is great beyond all measure. Give thanks to Him for what He has done

It is sufficient that I experience His presence; that I feel the touch of His Spirit upon my life. That I know without a doubt, His goodness and love towards me

And, it is proof enough for me to believe, as I contemplate His Word and His promises, because, I have experienced how His instruction has changed my life; To live in a way that is so much different than before.

I believe in His love for me. I have hope; and I know, each day, the blessing of peace and joy

I also trust in God, because all of life and creation validates Him, and proves to my heart, that there is nothing more important than to have faith in Him.   10/7/2007

Our Awesome Creator

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is filled with His glory.” Isaiah 6:3

The Lord, our God, makes glorious days. He crafts each one in splendor

Within each hour, He imparts endless opportunities to rejoice in the beauty He has formed all around us

May we praise Him in quiet thanksgiving for all that He has done

Our God, the maker of all things, crafts each night to reflect His wisdom. He moves the stars silently across the sky in shining testimony to His power

How great is He who made each day and each night. What He reveals to us through what He has done, increases our faith as we revel in the glory of His works

When we gaze out in wonder at the vastness of the night sky, and when we view the beauty of all He has created that lies before us, we speak out to Him… and He listens

How great then, must be the love of God for us, that He formed this incredible earth that rests within the endless reaches of His universe

And we, who have been made in His image, yet fallen, filled with sin, but continually uplifted through His Spirit, are blessed with all good things to overflowing

By His grace and through His mercy, we are filled with an abiding sense of peace and understanding

How great is the Lord, who crafts each day that we live and gives them as gifts, filled with both joy and eternal promise

What love He blesses us with, that we who come before Him in faith, stand forgiven, and obtain the sure promise of everlasting life

In light of this, no day should ever be filled with dread and no night so filled with darkness that we cry our in fear. For the maker of both the heavens and the earth has come to us

In Jesus Christ, we rejoice, because the God of all is trustworthy. Our hearts are filled with joy, because of the glorious magnitude of His promises

For the maker of each day and every night, from the beginning of time, until forever, has come to us

It is God’s invitation to each of us who call upon His name, to go forth and fulfill what we were created for, and to come live within His awesome presence

How great is the splendor of all creation. But, how much more awesome is He who made all there is. Could anything be more wonderful than knowing Him?   11/12/2006

The King of the World


How glorious is the Lord, Jesus Christ, and majestic, His Holy name

He stands above all creation, beautiful and glorious. His form is like no other and His ways are beyond all measure

He calls out from upon high. He stands and beckons

His strength is stronger than the mighty mountains, and position, more firm than the foundations of earth

He rules over all creation, and guides its every ebb and flow. Nothing can rise up against Him. Nor could anything be done by man, that could move Him even slightly

He stands firm in power, the days of His reign will last forever more. We live beneath His feet

He skips across the tops of the lofty peaks and dances upon mountain heights, where none can reach or aspire to

Yet, He loves us. He pours out endless grace and mercy as a gift upon all that dwells below, and for the blessing of our lives

He is a fountain. A nourishing spring, filled with all goodness and grace

Jesus calls out to us, He shouts out from His holy mountain and calls out to man to the farthest reaches. He extends His hand to all who dwell upon this earth

What a friend we have in Christ Jesus. Our savior, filled with love; He will dwell with us forever and lift us up on that final day

Seek Him, for He can be found. Look unto His glory. For He can be seen from every place we go

Call out to Him and listen, because He has been calling out to you. Give your life as an offering unto Him, for He has bestowed the gift of life to you

When you do, He will surely come, and will fill your life with joy and gladness

For through Him, we have eternal life and friendship, forever
