The Miracle of Life

Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. Colossians 1:15-16

Blessed is the Lord our God, and righteous and holy, His Son, Jesus Christ

Through their Spirit and power, they formed all of creation and made it an incredible place, exceedingly great and incomprehensible

It is a place of awe and beauty that stretches out in distance so vast and far, that we are only just beginning to understand its depth

And here we are. This small blue planet tucked off into a corner of this wondrous expanse of a Universe. Where we breath and live out our lives and try to do the best we can with what we have

We have filled the earth with people, who each have their own hopes, dreams, and wishes

That this is an amazing place is indisputable. It has provided for us richly, throughout all of our history. That we can even exist, is based upon Earth’s perfect conditions

Life is a miracle

This earth is unique, a one in a trillion formation where life has taken place

Praise be to the God of the Universe, who found it in His heart to create such a place as this. His love is evident in all the things He made here

All of creation cries out in praise of the wisdom and power of what God has made

It is said that we should not worship creation, but only God Himself. And this is true, for creation can only tell of the glory of God

But this does not mean that we should not respect it, because it has been incredibly made; tailored for our very existence

Man is an amazing being, but we cannot stand alone. We cannot exist apart from the healthy working of our planet, nor should we treat this place as something to take advantage of

For we have been woven together with all of life here. We depend on a balance that lies between the elements of creation and the miracle we call life

We stand at a point in time unlike any other in history. By our actions we are changing the very balance that life depends on. We are sending this planet, God’s creation, on a dangerous course

What we do from here on out will have profound effect. It will determine the future history of life on this planet

Will we honor God and glorify Him alone? Can we, by our actions, correct this profound sin?           12/13/2019