God’s Love Compels Us

And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds… Hebrews 10:24

In whatever God has placed before you, may you do it with all of your heart and endeavor to complete it with all of your strength

Let your effort be an inspiration to others, so that they might be encouraged along the way

May your work stand out from that of others, and be noticed, not necessarily for it’s volume, but, by how it shows forth the passion of your heart to accomplish the good inspiration that flows forth from God

There is a drought upon this earth. A scarcity of good will and good works. Love is found lacking and the flow of charity has begun to dry up

May you listen to God’s will for your life which has been directed towards your heart, that you might change the entire course of your life and lean towards whatever God’s love compels in you

Produce good works. Be honest and trustworthy. Lead by a good example. Meditate upon the great love of God

Consider His blessings, and then bless those who surround you

Be consistent with God, for He has never left Your side. Make every effort to stay close to Him, so that the Lord, our God, will draw along side you and assist you each day

He will provide encouragement so that your efforts will be reinforced. For in God lies all our strength and the foundation of all truth, which will direct us towards every good path

There is no part of our life that is greater than small. We can do nothing apart from God. He does not need us in any way, still, He loves us and cares deeply for our lives

He chooses us, so that we might work alongside Him. That we might know the joy of His goodness, and the power of His love

Even though we can never understand His ways, we can taste, and know, experience, and have faith, that there is nothing more glorious or awesome, than Him.  9/20/2007


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, and who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

For all of you who have been called of God, to employ yourselves in accomplishing His holy work, and to those who had heard His voice clearly, to live out their lives in faithful service to His will, Be strong and stand firm in Christ

Humble yourself, and conduct your life worthy of His calling. Nourish your relationship with Him, so that you will never stray far from His path for you

At all costs, make every part of your life as His home, and He will come in and strengthen you for your labor, giving you holy wisdom to accomplish all things

Defeat can only come from within you

Never accept criticism as a barrier to progress, or a reason for giving up. Rather, consider what council, if any, might come from these words so that you can improve your efforts

Don’t give in to failures. God is more powerful and wise than anything in creation. He will never leave you, or forsake you, on your journey

Don’t give up, but grow through every experience, trial, and victory

It is a sin to be weak in Christ, so never allow yourself to be completely defeated

Be wise about what people say about your work and your call. Do not fret if roadblocks are placed before your path. Accept it for what it is, but do not give up, or retreat

Place all matters before before God, and He will give you wisdom. Be courageous and brave, for there will be opposition

In Christ, you can overcome every kind of trouble

If God has truly given you this calling, then never believe the lie that what you’re doing doing is all a waste of time. God has ordained you, He has given you the strength and skill, and anointed you for this service

Your work is of infinite value, no matter how the world rates what you do

Guard yourself, so that you don’t stray off the path. Focus your life upon what our Lord has shown to you

Don’t become lazy about what God has said is vitally important, nor should you spend out all your energy in overheated activity. Instead, strive for a consistency of effort each day, and our Lord will will give you the strength and wisdom to continue on

Share in your effort with like minded believers, and have them pray for work, as you also do the same for them

Always maintain close contact with God. Pray to Him each day with requests and petitions for your work. Stay vitally connected to Christ, through His Spirit and His Word. As you do these things, God will use your work to bless many others. 1/18/2006

The Value of God’s Path

Many are the plans of a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

Our lives occur along the long trail of life, that winds and curves, which trudges over vast expanses, and lingers at times, sometimes stuck, sometimes mired

We scale great mountains, and enjoy the views, and dance across beautiful meadows and windswept beaches.

Sometimes we find ourselves entering a battlefield, or come to a place as aliens, refugees, the displaced

Oh, this life we live. We have so much hope and so much struggle. How we choose to see our path makes all the difference

The Lord, our God, has helped me greatly. He has helped guide my soul and my being. He watches over me by night and by day, so that I might see my way through life safely

There are no guarantees, except that our God loves us. No easy ways to go, but God makes my steps lighter. He gives sight to my eyes where they can’t see and strength to my steps, so that I can overcome

He shows me a more excellent path, so that I can know right from left, and right from wrong

Our Lord shows me wisdom, so that I can choose to love, instead of acting out of anger. Or to give from myself, instead of hording things to my own peril

The paths that God leads me down bring health to my life. They open to me choices that create peace with my enemies and love between my neighbors

His wisdom gives me a greater understanding,  so that I have a greater chance of success and a better way to escape danger

Blessed are the paths that God leads me down, and joyful, the places He leads me to

When I become forgetful and less connected to Our Lord, I begin to stray on to difficult paths. Tracks that lead towards troubled places. And it can take effort and trial to get back upon the best way

How easy it is for us to stray from God; To leave Him behind, as we seek something shiny in the distance

But these things are just mirages. They are empty and false and leave us in places of despair

How good it is then, to find God; To reach out to Him and pray with all your heart

For He will always restore us

He will pick us up and place us back on His path that leads us in all the ways of goodness. So that we can be whole once again       12/17/2019