Faith is Connection

Blessed is the person who listens to Me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds Me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:34-35

Life is more difficult when we find ourselves disconnected from God, when the magic of our experience of living becomes lost and the Lord is absent from our daily walk

Where are you this day?

How well are you connected through your faith with your Maker?

All of us lose sight of Him sometimes, as we live our lives. We leave Him off somewhere along the way

Let’s face it, living during these times is one gigantic distraction. It is challenging each day. There are an endless number of things that clamor and overtake us, which prevent us from refocusing upon our God

Perhaps you have never experienced a faith relationship with Him. We all start from that point during the course of our life

It begins in us from our deep need to believe in something more. To anchor on to something solid in this universe so vast and uncaring

Connection always starts at some place. It meets us where we are

God dwells all around us, He is near, yet unseen. Therefore, we must take action and move our life towards His presence

We must seek Him, for He can be found. When we draw closer to Him, He will draw near to us, and we will begin to experience a life of faith

If you feel disconnected to God, or you just are not experiencing His life moving inside you, call out to Him from your heart in prayer 

Ask Him back into your life, humble yourself before Him and ask for forgiveness, then ask God to reveal His Son, Jesus Christ, in your life

Find a quiet place without distractions, take a walk, sit in a garden, or visit a sanctuary

Read God’s Word, as He has spoken to us through the Bible and let the message soak into you. Apply His Words to your life, let them have meaning in what you have been experiencing this day

Take time to do these things each day and you will reconnect to your God. It may take some time, or it might happen abruptly

As you prepare your mind, heart, and soul; reach out to Him in faith and listed to what His Word reveals to you

God is more real than the air we breath. He is like light and life unto us, for He created us, and we were made to live before Him

I pray this day for you, my friend. That you would draw closer to God and that He would reach out with His hand and touch your life, so that You might become whole in Him again. 2/8/2022

A Mornings View

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

The heavens call out to me this morning. They sing a chorus over the darkened land

Their song shouts forth the glory of their place in the heavens above and speaks in quiet praise of the wonder of God’s creation

What joy I feel to see the stars and planets sparkling. How awesome to watch the smiling sliver of the moon poking up just above the horizon. The sun is chasing it, not far behind. Reflected light from earth illuminates the dim circle of its face

Great is our God who made all of this, He is wise beyond all the capabilities of our mind. By His power with a Word, He swung all this into motion. What wondrous things He has done

Our world is set amidst this endless creation. We have been cast as a grain of sand into the vastness of this place

How blessed am I to see all this beauty today, to ponder the width and depth of all God has made and to see its power, depth, and glory

It’s amazing that we have just begun to explore this space around us

Our ships have sailed out across the solar system

Our feet have walked upon the dusty surface of the moon

Our eyes have looked out across nearly 14 billion light years of space and seen to near the beginning of all we know that is

But God knows infinitely more

I wonder about our future here on this planet, can we somehow overcome our frailties?

Will our species grow more compassionate and loving towards each other, so we don’t mess up our chances for survival or a good outcome

For we are self-centered creatures, prone to greed and war. We have learned many amazing things, but have failed to solve the most difficult problems of our times

Our God looks down from the heavens above. He sees and knows what lies within us and offers us the wisdom of His Word and Spirit; the grace and mercy of His salvation, He freely gives

Will we truly acknowledge Him and go before Him in faith this day?

Oh, the beauty and wonder of God’s creation, what an incredible place He has made

Our Earth was formed by the strength and will of His hands and we were brought forth here, as His children

Our problems, which we have created, are rising above our heads. They threaten are very existence, but with God, we have the promise of a future

When we connect with Him, the creator of all that is, we will see and know that every good answer resides in Him.  11/30/20

The Precious Fabric of Life

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:26

The God of all that is, clothed the Earth with a precious fabric. He made this world with materials of many colors, textures, forms, and patterns

It fits perfectly upon this world, and is unlike anything we have ever known or observed

It is incredible how it persists, adapts, and repairs itself even when damaged. It is woven with such exquisite complexity, that we can barely understand how it works

Our God in heaven created something amazing and beautiful. Perhaps the most surprising thing about it is that it also lives and breathes

This fabric that covers our Earth, our home, is not something to be taken for granted. For we are dependent on the health of every part of it for our very existence

It lies in a balance within all of its workings, so that our life, and all life that dwells on Earth may  persist safely for eons of time

Oh God of the heavens and of the Earth, humble us, and make us to know your love for us. May we recognize that You alone have made this place for us to live, and it is marvelous in every way

We cheapen our lives when we take all this for granted. It shows our lack of reverence for God, who has given us all things

Blessed are we to be given life here in this place, and to be loved, for God has given us all we need. But, we curse ourselves by our unthankful actions, when we conceive in our minds to exploit God’s gift to us.

In recent times we have grown to fill the entire Earth. We have crowded in to every part of this life giving fabric. Our sin is that we do not appreciate this wonder that we live within, and that we give in to the selfish power of our greed and lust for things

Through our actions, we have increasingly desecrated the very fabric of God’s world, and now weaken, even threaten our own existence by the runaway momentum of our destructive pursuits

God’s amazing creation, the fabric he placed here for life, even our lives, is being strained. Its threads are being stretched and torn. Our climate is changing in dangerous ways

We must thoughtfully renew a vital commitment to this sacred place we call home and humbly revive our faith in our God. So that through this we might chart a new path away from the course we take now, and live as a species that values and nurtures the health of our natural world. 2/28/2021