Rejoice in Christ

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Holy is the Lord, our God, and Savior; justness and righteousness flow out from His throne. Great is His love and grace towards us, goodness and mercy abound in all that He does

We, who trust and believe in Him are made new and alive, the lamp of our lives is renewed day by day. It will never go out

Sing praises to the God of all creation. Lift up His name with all your strength, for He knows those who place their faith in Him, He loves those who consider Him their God

Rejoice in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, believe in the man who came to us from God. Even before the dawn of creation, He was one with Him

Speak His name in love, for He is the Christ, God’s incredible gift, our Lord and savior who reigns above all the earth

Christ died to remove our deadly burden of sin. He was raised to life again, to reign as one with God in heaven

Jesus opened the door for God’s grace and mercy to pour out upon us, so that we who believe and trust in Him could have everlasting life 

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, atoned for the burden of all our sin when He gave up His life for us upon the cross. By the same power that raised Him to life again, He rendered death powerless over those who put their faith in Him

Cry out to God, for His mercy is given freely. Lift your praises unto Him,  because His forgiveness is poured out to all who trust in Him

For we, who are imperfect and burdened with sin, have now been pardoned of our sentence of death through Christ and we will dwell in purity and wonder with God forever more

God reigns in power, He is at work this very day and hour

Christ Jesus is seated with Him in heaven, He rules above all the earth. They are one and the same power, sovereign over us

Give thanks this day and forever more, never forget or take it for granted, that you are a child of God

You, who call yourself believers, never stop praising His Name, for you were once dead in your sins, mortally wounded in transgressions, but now you are alive in Him

You see and know that He is the light and life that dwells within you

Brothers and sisters in Christ, don’t turn away or rest easy as a Christian, for we have all been called to serve, and to put our faith in action

Christ calls us to always be ready for His return, because we neither know the year, day, or hour when He will come again. Run the long race, renew your faith each day

Rejoice in God always, for you have been forgiven, you are children of the one true King, Jesus Christ, our God. 2/14/2022

Our God Rescues

I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4

Give thanks, all you who believe in the Lord, for He is good, and powerful to rescue those who trust in Him

Let everyone who has faith, offer thanksgiving to our God, because He has redeemed us from every trouble and from the sentence of death

He has rescued us from our wandering and given us a home within His Kingdom by His power and mercy

Some of us were found lost in deserts of despair, sentenced to dwell in hardship because of the poor choices they made

There, they had stumbled and found themselves lost, thirsting for a redemption from all that they were suffering from

They called out to Him in their anguish and our God answered them. He picked them back up on their feet and led them from despair

God brought them to a place of goodness and light and gave them hope instead of futility, mercy in place of the punishment they deserved for their actions

Let those who believe give thanks to the Lord for He is good

He delivered them from those dark times when hope became distant

Give thanks to The Lord for His unfailing love and for His great gifts of deliverance

Some were found in prisons, either literally or figuratively. They sat there behind bars, in chains, left to suffer a cruel punishment. Day after miserable day they dwelled in boredom and hardship, their very lives threatened by the dangers that lurked around them

When they cried out to their God in truth and in faith, He listened and drew near to them

At first, He gave them glimmers of hope, but then, as they continued to live a life of faith and humility before Him, He began to release them from their distress, Bringing them out of the darkness and deepest gloom, into the light of life

Let them give thanks to Him for His unfailing love, for He opened the most impenetrable doors and cut through bars of hardened steel

Some found themselves stranded in dangerous and difficult places threatened by situations that might injure or even end their life. Disasters, wars, crimes, accidents, mistakes, illness, and disease; People at the end of the line, clinging to life, in need of a savior

Some who were wise, reached out to their God. They cried out to Him for rescue, remedy, or a life rope of some kind. There, they prayed a prayer of deliverance

Then our faithful God came and rescued them from the grave, He reached out His hand, and snatched them from peril

God acts to save us every time from the troubles we face in life, because He is a God of love, forgiveness, and mercy

Let us all give thanks and consider the great love of our Lord.   10/30/2021

Seek Forgiveness

Bee on Poison Oak
But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be awed. Psalms 130:4

The past is fixed in stone, it cannot be moved. What has been done and what has been said can never be changed

No amount of worry can ever alter the past, but, love and a righteous way can heal many wounds and bind up that which has been injured

Scars may remain, but God will forgive all who are faithful, and pour out new life into those who are broken

We fail, and often fall along the way. Our righteousness is never good enough. But, in Christ we are made new each day. No form of transgression that overcomes us, will cause us to lose our position in Christ

We sin, get back upon your feet. Our faith is found lacking, return to God with a humble spirit

Confess your sins before Him. Ask of His forgiveness. Repent, and pour your heart out to Him and He will be just to forgive you

Truly, our God is full of love for His children, and though every believer will sometimes fail, in Christ we are made victorious

Resist sin, cleanse yourself from all unrighteousness. Do not allow yourself to become its slave, but seek God’s forgiveness so that you might be restored to health again. For all who sin must pay a severe price.

Remember, judgement begins within the house of God. We who are faithful, will not be spared the direct negative effects of sin, because our physical  past is fixed in stone.

How unpleasant is the withdrawing of God’s sweet presence to all those who have known communion with Him, and how great is the sense of guilt, when we realize our sins have been done against our Lord

The one who has given us all good things, even eternal life, Our savior Jesus Christ, went to the cross and suffered incalculable pain, so that our sins might be taken away

How great then, is the destructive weight of our sin. What complete displeasure our God must feel, that He would go so far as to offer up His Son on our behalf

We cannot do anything about the past, but we can resolve each day to live an obedient life unto Him, and to take up our own cross in respect, awe, and in faith. 10/27/2006

God Will Restore Us

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Our God has compassion for His people. He cares for them deeply. Though they sin and do terrible things before His face, still He forgives them

God looks out across the entire face of the earth and gazes at the imperfections of man. There is no hope for us apart from Him, no path of our own that leads to safety

He sees all of our sin, we cannot hide it in any way, yet we have a savior, one who can help heal our own afflictions and remove the weight of our guilt

The Lord is awesome. He dwells in unapproachable light. We cannot find Him on our own, yet, He has searched us out and offered us forgiveness and light

Our sins will eventually kill us, they will not allow us to live. But by the power of God in Jesus, we can be saved unto eternity in Him

He can bear the weight of our sin and remove it from us, forever

Great is this gift, and glorious for all those who go before Him, for they will be made as new, purified and whole

Thank God for His goodness. Sing praise for His love

He sees us falling and reaches out to catch us, so that we might live in all fullness and life

Blessed are all who go before Him, who cry out for mercy at His feet. For He is always quick to forgive those who have an honest heart. God will surely restore those who have strayed

Sin is our enemy and a fatal deception. It will sicken us and leave us empty so that we forget the goodness and power of our God

Thank God then, that He is always willing to forgive us

For all who approach Him with an honest heart will be restored without fail, so that they can live in all fullness of life once again.   10/14/2009

Hope For This New Year

And we, who with unveiled faces reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Arise, all you who trust and believe in the Lord God Almighty. Stir yourself and awaken to this new year. For there is hope for our future, and brighter days ahead

The wisdom and goodness of our God will lead us; He will show us a way, for He loves those who trust in Him and cares for every believer

He calls out to us so that we might follow His ways; and encourages us to pray and study His Word, so that we might be instruments of peace and goodness

His Spirit is with us, to lead us on pathways of healing that fosters renewal and mends divisions between us

Praise our God and seek Him, for He is just and will guide us in the best course

Arouse your heart and your mind to create a spirit of forgiveness. First, towards others, and then to mend a wrong spirit within you.

Confess these to our God, and seek His forgiveness. Repent of anything that does not side with His nature. Align yourself with the perfect power of His love, for it will be as healing you, and to those around you

Become a living blessing upon this earth, so that God’s will could be made real through your life, and so that its goodness might ripple out across our land

Arise, awaken His life within you. Lift up your spirit to meet His. Praise Him, and thank Him, for allowing you access to His heart

Cast off the Spirit of blame, and seek a way to mend divisions and distrust

Denounce any scourge of hatred of others that resides within you. Replace it with understanding, for we all share the same needs; we all require love and care to survive in this world

The Lord, our God, calls out to every one of His believers; He speaks to those who call upon His name

He whispers to us in gentle words that pack infinite power; they are strong enough to break down the walls between us, and convey truths that can melt away our fears and anger

God brings us to the realization that His Wisdom is greater than ours; that we are weak and easily misguided

Arise, all you believers, go before your God; seek peace and harmony, for our God is a God who values peace far above conflict

He is a God of love, not hatred. He wants to draw all people towards His truth, so that His love would be all in all throughout the world.  1/19/2021

My Love Meets God’s Love

I will pray for a forgiving heart and seek God’s will when dealing with others

For I am coarse and hard sometimes. My anger wells up inside of me and I grow cold

But the Lord softens my heart. He speaks to me with words of wisdom and guides me in ways of compassion and understanding. His teachings are a surprise to my attitude. They are a revelation to my nature

Help me, oh Lord, to seek you each day. Remind me to draw close to Your side. For I am easily led astray, my mind wanders on to paths that are not Yours

Help me to learn Your compassion, so that I may bless those I see each day

How great is the wisdom and compassion of God. He sees where I cannot, and pardons when I cry out for biased judgment

The Lord forgives when I would prefer revenge, and He loves, when I can only act out in my selfish ways

Lead me in Your paths. Show me how I should forgive and forget, and not to lash out at those who have wronged me. But, to give them a response from Your will, oh Lord

I know and perceive that You care about all people. That You have a heart for everyone in Your creation. If they are good and seek You, Our Lord rejoices in heaven, and is pleased

But if they have done wrong. You seek them and are quick to forgive them, if they ask. You have great patience for the wicked

Lord, help me to seek the best in others. Let me be quick to forgive them, with a caring heart

May my prayers for others, be continually brought before You. For I know that you care for those around me. For we are all Your children

There are differences between us, but You preferred it that way. There are times when troubles arise between us, but You have shown us how to work through our disputes

Lord, may Your love always shine as the guide for my life      3/26/2001

The Lord brings rain upon the earth for all His children