My Love Meets God’s Love

I will pray for a forgiving heart and seek God’s will when dealing with others

For I am coarse and hard sometimes. My anger wells up inside of me and I grow cold

But the Lord softens my heart. He speaks to me with words of wisdom and guides me in ways of compassion and understanding. His teachings are a surprise to my attitude. They are a revelation to my nature

Help me, oh Lord, to seek you each day. Remind me to draw close to Your side. For I am easily led astray, my mind wanders on to paths that are not Yours

Help me to learn Your compassion, so that I may bless those I see each day

How great is the wisdom and compassion of God. He sees where I cannot, and pardons when I cry out for biased judgment

The Lord forgives when I would prefer revenge, and He loves, when I can only act out in my selfish ways

Lead me in Your paths. Show me how I should forgive and forget, and not to lash out at those who have wronged me. But, to give them a response from Your will, oh Lord

I know and perceive that You care about all people. That You have a heart for everyone in Your creation. If they are good and seek You, Our Lord rejoices in heaven, and is pleased

But if they have done wrong. You seek them and are quick to forgive them, if they ask. You have great patience for the wicked

Lord, help me to seek the best in others. Let me be quick to forgive them, with a caring heart

May my prayers for others, be continually brought before You. For I know that you care for those around me. For we are all Your children

There are differences between us, but You preferred it that way. There are times when troubles arise between us, but You have shown us how to work through our disputes

Lord, may Your love always shine as the guide for my life      3/26/2001

The Lord brings rain upon the earth for all His children

Finding Life’s Path

Teach me your way, o Lord; Lead me in straight paths
Psalm 27:11

Lord, purify me, so that I may be a blessing upon the Earth

Lead me not unto temptation, but delivery me towards a pathway filled with Your truth and light, so that I may do good in this world and not evil

Enable me to do things that have an eternal effect. Daily acts that help build Your kingdom

Oh Lord, may I be guided by Your truth, and taught through Your Word. May I be made strong by these, so that I may accomplish Your will

Lord You are eternal. May my life make a difference for You long past my days

My God, You have blessed the entire Earth that You created. May I bless this earth and seek to heal the harms that have come upon it

My savior, You offer us salvation through Jesus Christ. Remind me always, to lead others towards this truth

Our Lord desires that we stay close to Him, and always seek His council. May my life always stay grounded in You through prayer, praise, and worship, so that Your spirit may always dwell richly within me

For You are the way, the truth, and the light of all the world. I shall always be thankful unto You

Our lives are like a brief flash of light; A puff of mist that quickly disappears. We are here today, but who can guarantee the tomorrows that lie ahead?

During our brief days, we can make a difference through our life. We can affirm that which is eternal in God, and be reflections of his truth and His light. Who knows How God might use us?

Even though everything we do may seem insignificant, God can use us to bring His purposes to fruition

Through faith and obedience to His call, we are put into action, and through our actions, God can accomplish His work

Without God, we can do nothing. But when we do God’s will, He does amazing things

Life is short, but many are the plans of God’s people. We strive after so many things during our life, but it is the Lord’s purpose that always prevails

Lord help me to realize this each day, and to always do your will. Let me see the eternal during the day to day

Teach me to value that which will have eternal consequences, which magnify your love flowing through my life

In You God, is abundance of life and light. Let it shine forth through me as I live out this gift, my life.    11/24/19

Our Incredible God

Tenaya Canyon, Yosemite Park

Our God dwells above all the heavens and Earth. He stretches His hands and they reach beyond the universe; From one side to another

His presence fills every part of this marvelous creation, so that there is no place that He does not know

How awesome is our God, who was before time, and gave birth to this creation. Who thought of it long before it came to be

He has known each moment in history, so that nothing that has happened has ever escaped His eyes

God knows where every string of time is destined. He is as familiar with the future as He is of the past

How blind we are to the ways of God, and limited in our senses, of His glory and power. We see upwards and out, and strive to make sense of it all

But God fills every dimension, He holds them all in the palm of His hand

Glorious father in heaven, we seek You. Because You placed it in our hearts to do so. We are in awe of all Your wonderful works, and of the love You have for us

Our God dwells in unapproachable light, He is a consuming fire. The most solid things in nature, vaporize in His presence. Nothing can stand before Him

He shields Himself with darkness, yet His light shines forth and illuminates all there is

Everything God has done in creation is good, because it all originated from His perfect design. A plan that is still unfolding before us

We strain our minds to make sense of what we see and feel, so that we might understand the answer to our deepest questions.

The answers rest in God

Awesome God, King over all creation, we seek You, because You fill our needful hearts. Come and reveal to us Your glorious Word, so that we might begin to know the truth that will set us free

The God of infinite wisdom once set aside His glory and power, and came to this earth as a man, Jesus Christ

He walked amongst us, our mighty creator, holy and true, yet gentle, filled with a great love and compassion for us

In histories darkest moment, we put to death the author of life. Yet, it pleased our God to suffer and die for us, for our sins had overtaken us, and death ruled over our lives

When He died and was raise to life again, He removed death’s power, and made a safe pathway for us to follow after Him; So that we could have eternal life and dwell with Him, forever

Our God is truly awesome, yet filled with great love for us   2/2/2006