Shine Gods Light…

In the same way, let your light shine before everyone, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Give thanks to the Lord our God, lift up praises unto His name, for He is continually good and loving towards us

We have been given this life.

As like the sun we rise in our morning. By the grace of God, we shine in brightness at our noon hour, yet eventually we come to the end of our day and set below the horizon, and there, all our life shines forth like the color of a magical sunset

Beautiful and mysterious are our lives, Each one is a gift to be treasured, an opportunity to reflect the love and brilliance of our creator

Never dim the light that God has put in you. Don’t shade it because of doubts or fear. Allow as many particles of His light as possible to shine through you, so that the light of His love and truth can encourage others

We are living spirits cast in earthen clay, designed by a blueprint called by our name. A marvelous collection of matter and energy interacts within us during our lifetime, it helps make us who we are

Give thanks to our God for this opportunity to live. May we always give Him praise and our blessing for this incredible gift

For no matter what may happen along our path through life, whether it is for our good or is seemingly bad, all that matters is that He gets the glory.

For the sum of everything created is far less amazing than our glorious creator

Give thanks, fill your life with a spirit of thanksgiving, for you are alive in this time and this place

Our God, who has known you since the beginning of time, brought you here. Why? That is for you to find out

We all must work out our own path towards salvation. The quality of our faith must be forged through our own relationship with God

What we do with the light of His Spirit through the words and truth that He reveals unto us, is to shine forth His light into a darkened world

So that there might be hope where there once was no hope and that love might abound, where only hate and anger once ruled. So that goodness and mercy might break down the walls of doubt, injustice, and corruption; and above all, that God might be magnified and His glory revealed

Life is truly an amazing adventure. It is much more than it seems

For after God shines His light upon us, we are changed. The life that we thought we had before fades before His brilliance and we begin to see anew the incredibly good and beautiful reason for life

Go before your God and praise Him. Pray a new prayer to Him this day

Soak in the light of His life, so that you may shine forth His light and goodness to all the world around you  11/25/2021

The Message

Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.” John 14:6

“I am the Christ, the Son of God. What I am going to tell you, are Words of life. They are the key to your survival”

“Don’t be deceived, or mistaken, I am the only way by which a person can be saved”

“I know you. My eyes, indeed all of my senses, have watched your life. I have seen who you are, and I know that you are in need of a savior; someone who will act on your behalf, to watch over you in realms and situations far beyond anything that you know”

“I am the only way a person may be saved. For you cannot, by any effort or work, gain, what I alone, give”

“Every other way is falsehood. They all lead to nowhere, and ultimately, death”

“Seek Me, Jesus Christ, and you will be doing the most important thing in life’

“Follow my way, and you will be saved. For I am God”

“I am God, your Savior, and I love you”

“Your ways have always been known to Me. All of your good traits, and also the bad, and I love you, exceedingly”

“There is no other way by which a person can be saved, than through faith in Me, Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind”

“I know what you’re thinking. Your doubts and fears are known to my thoughts”

“Can I invite you to draw closer to Me, to consider My love for you, and to begin to walk in my footsteps?”

“If you do, then I will never leave your side. I will be there with you, and always uphold you, and bring you into my presence, alive, when you die”

“Indeed you will never die, for I will give you everlasting life. This I earned for you upon the cross”

“But, if you disregard My Words and My love for you, then you will not be able to share in My gift. For I cannot give salvation to someone who will not receive it”

“Know this, that all the world dwells apart from me. Only through faith, and by drawing close to Me, can a person be saved”

“This I give to you, if you so choose. It is only within my power, to do this, for, I am your God, Creator, and Savior”

“Will you come to me in faith, today?”   3/1998

There Is Proof All Around Us

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Each day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


When I see wonders throughout all of creation, it is proof enough to me that there is a God

Clouds streaming across the sky, even from beyond the curve of Earth’s horizon. Some form before my eyes, others shrink and disappear altogether

And in the distance, mountains rise up in their own quiet strength, beckoning me to explore their lofty reaches.They are not so much places where the Spirit of God resides, but temples, filled with the inspiration of beauty and solitude; places where God can speak to our hearts and reveal a measure of His glory

There are countless marvels within this creation. If we take the time to look and to explore, then we will become convinced of the priceless value of God’s creation

Who can gaze up across the expanse of stars that are spread out across the vastness of the heavens, and not be shaken deeply within their soul

Or, who can attempt to explain their place within the reaches of the universe, without being humbled by the scope of its magnificence, after looking at the small size our footprint

What man has learned about this place sheds light on the awesome power of God

But, there is so much more. God only knows the wonders He has formed, that we have not yet seen or explored; or barely determined, through the efforts of our curious minds

God is due our honor

He is worthy of our praise

The Most High is great beyond all measure. Give thanks to Him for what He has done

It is sufficient that I experience His presence; that I feel the touch of His Spirit upon my life. That I know without a doubt, His goodness and love towards me

And, it is proof enough for me to believe, as I contemplate His Word and His promises, because, I have experienced how His instruction has changed my life; To live in a way that is so much different than before.

I believe in His love for me. I have hope; and I know, each day, the blessing of peace and joy

I also trust in God, because all of life and creation validates Him, and proves to my heart, that there is nothing more important than to have faith in Him.   10/7/2007

Today, This Day!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24

At the dawning of this day, I seek You, Lord. For only You have given it unto me. Who am I, that I should ever complain at such a gift?

For in the context of these twenty four hours, You have given me opportunity and a million reasons to praise You

Your light shines upon me, it awakens my soul. It stirs my cold heart to give thanks to You.

How great is our God, and endless, the multitudes of His blessings. I am filled with thanksgiving for all that He has done

For He has blessed me with a family, and given me work for my hands. His goodness has overflowed upon me, so that I am rich in many things

I rejoice in God. In Him, also, I place my trust, for He has been bountiful unto me and poured into my life, mercy and joy

How great is He who loves me; and though I am small upon this earth, He considers me, and has filled my life with sweet blessing

The Lord is as good as He is great, and He blesses those who love Him, each day. Because of His goodness, mercy, and love, I will praise Him, and seek to glorify His name in all that I do

The God of all there is, purifies us; and He corrects us when we stray by addressing that which is wrong within us. For He greatly values our lives, considering us as precious. He gives, even though we fall short

By His Word and through His Spirit, He makes our paths straight and leads us towards a maturity in Him. He loves the faithful in heart, and comes and dwells with those who love Him in faith

He takes each day and gives them as gifts, and walks beside us, so that we might be strengthened in every way

Greatness and honor and glory are the Lord’s, for He is more worthy than all of our praise. Oh, that He would be glorified in all the earth

He will lift us up. Yes, He will fill our lives to overflowing

Today, this day, is yours to do with it as you like. Yet, the Lord, our God, owns every minute. Consider what a gift this life is that He has given to you. Then bless His holy name with each breath that you take. 7/31/2006