Goodness Without Measure

Be Thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting. Psalms 100:4-5

Lord, You bless all the earth with Your goodness

All that there is, has sprang forth as a gift from your hands. You give breath to every creature, and water, to the plants of the earth

How great is Your goodness, and wonderful, Your gifts. All of creation is indebted to You, for You are creator of all

In awe, and with wonder, I will praise God. With joy, and thanksgiving I will raise up a song for Him. For He has given us this day as a gift, and for His own glory

May all of creation Praise Him. May they shout forth His name, and call upon His benevolent Spirit. May they shout forth His name, and seek Him each day and every hour

For He does not Hide His presence

Look to the heavens and glory. Gaze upon His creation with respect. Rejoice, for we are alive and have been given great treasures

With each dawn that we are blessed with, may we live our life for Him, and give back to God that which He has given to us

All that there is, He owns. Nothing lies beyond His reach, or, escapes the gaze of His eye

Yet, how great is His mercy towards us

With love, God looks upon each life, and treasures us as priceless creations

Great is the goodness of God, and excellent, His Word. With truth and with power, He has made clear the way that leads to life. It transforms all who seek after our Lord God

The Word of God was before all creation. By it everything that was made, was framed and placed into context within God’s plan

May all of creation praise our God, and call upon Him, who is their salvation. So that they may taste and know the pure goodness of God.  12/22/2006

Thank you for the Light

“Then I was the craftsmen at His side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in His presence, rejoicing in His whole world and delighting in mankind.” Proverbs 8:30

Thank God for the bright and sunny days. Praise Him for creating the gift that is our sun; for its warmth and brightness of light, and for the ways it lifts our spirits

Lift up the name of our God, for giving us a star like our sun. For He placed it exactly where it is within the universe so that we are not too hot, or too cold. It safely blesses our world in its illuminating light, and is stable, not given to dangerous outbursts or fluctuations

Thank you, Lord, for all the stars that You have made. Their quiet beauty in the night skies, inspires. The stardust that was formed within their fusion powered factories, is the very dust that we are created from

Through the energy of the sun and the miracle of life, we have our being. The stardust flows through us all the days of our lives

How glorious is the sunshine. It lifts my spirits in the morning, and warms my soul throughout the day

All the colors of this amazing world are illuminated by the brightness of our sun, and through our sight we are allowed to fully appreciate the wonder of God’s creation. For this world is incredibly made, the heavens stunningly vast and beautifully marvelous

Great is our God. Glorious is all of His creation

All honor, praise, and thanksgiving, we give unto You. For we are a vital part of Your creation. We too, are awesome and fearfully made

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was with God from the beginning. He was invited to share in the joy of making this grand creation

His eyes witnessed that first burst of energy, when God spoke and set His laws in motion. He observed, as they cause matter and energy to run towards their places. He labored with God, as they watched all of time stretch out before them

They arranged things to be just so, to Their liking. By the outworking of the power of Their wisdom and love, they moved, as They still do to this day and forever more, to bring good things to light. So that glory, goodness, and righteousness, might rule throughout the entire universe, even within this world

Praise God, our Holy creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ. For through the Son, He has given us His light and the power of His Spirit

Jesus is our savior, and our only hope within this creation.

We were made to live in Him forever, but, our sins work to separate us from the light of His goodness and the power of His salvation. Therefore, cease from giving in to the futility of sin, and put your trust in Christ.

Live according to His Word and His ways, and you will have the light from the source of all light shining within you.

The warmth of His love and the goodness of His promises will then uplift your life. For, throughout all of eternity; blessing, goodness, and mercy, dwell in Him. 3/26/2021