Lord, may Your wisdom and grace flood over me, so that I learn to forgive and respect others. May I choose not to judge people, but honor them for who they are
The nature inside of me shouts out for justice. It is impatient and quick to pass judgement and here have been times when I have spoken out against people, when my actions have hurt and caused harm
Forgive me, oh Lord, teach me Your wisdom, show me Your love, so that I may bring honor to You in all that I do
Those that look down on the poor, and especially those that mistreat them, show disrespect for their Maker. By their actions, they demonstrate their contempt for Him who rules in heaven
Our God, who made each of us under heaven, He knows each of them by name. How can we not know that it is not our place to judge them? Worse yet, that we do harm to these whom God loves
They are the poor, the different, the sick, and the impaired; The lowly, the starving, those pushed aside, and the unloved. God loves them all, for they are his children
The Lord, our God, surprises us by His love. Recognize that it is only because of His grace and happenstance that we could be in their place
Look upon your Maker, make your heart and actions right before Him. Rouse your faith, so that you can act out with love. Swallow your pride, for you are not so different from them
Bless your fellow believers. Show love, even to your enemies. Be kind to the poor amongst you, so that you might know the love of God
God so loved us that He gave His only Son, Jesus. We were lost and forgotten in our sins, but He has come and shown us mercy and grace and causes the sun to shine upon each of us, forever
God causes the rain and sunshine to fall upon everyone, so that there is blessing. However, there is great iniquity in this world, but God’s love is the force that makes things just and right
Our true path to salvation lies not in judging others, but by showing God’s love to others throughout our life 12/3/2021