Seek Unity in Christ

“Even from your your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard!” Acts 20:30

How wonderful it is, when God’s people can get along with each other, when our differences can be overlooked, and our judgements, dismissed

Joy bursts out when the followers of Christ lay down their arms and focus on the greatness of His salvation, which renders every element of discord as petty and meaningless

Blessed are the peacemakers in the eyes of our God. For they see and understand His incredible mercies. They recognize the dangers that arise from divisions within our ranks, and seek to mend and heal that which has become a cancer within our society

Who are they, who seek to fan the flames of division? Are they not our enemies?

And what do they hope to gain from their actions? Is it not to persuade us away from peace for their own gain?

Wake up America, and listen, all you people of the world; Seek peace, and turn your ways towards the righteousness of God

Bring together all of God’s children through the outworking of His love, so that God’s perfect work may abound within us

There is an extreme level of anger and division building within our world. It threatens to overrun us, and take away our liberty

I have seen that everyone who joins into the discourse of division believes they are right, but each one only aids and abets the mistruths of our enemies

Believe and trust in the truth of God, for it is where our strength and peace resides

Live according to His ways, and have faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. For without these we will revert to our old ways of sin

Stay away from all who cause divisions, who claim to be righteous only to further their own cause. Avoid their messages, for they seek to divide us to one side or the other, so they can gain power, riches, and control

We are one in Christ, and each of us is a child of God

Our God is truly a God of love, justice, and mercy. How do you think He regards those who scheme to divide us?

Most often we never meet or see the purveyors of these lies. They hide within cyberspace, or talk in carefully crafted media. Some are not even real, but computer-generated algorithms designed to amplify their effect

Do not get caught in their trap, or be persuaded by the shocking tone of these staged opinions, for they are skilled in crafting their message and given to deception

Consider then, the quality of the ‘fruit’ that results from their words. Do they create harmony, or foster discord? Will it help to bring peace between those on both sides of the issue?

Does the message build up the Church as a whole, and not seek to separate some to one side and the rest to the other?

Pray that God will give us a spirit of unity and love in these times.  3/18/2021

Hope For This New Year

And we, who with unveiled faces reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Arise, all you who trust and believe in the Lord God Almighty. Stir yourself and awaken to this new year. For there is hope for our future, and brighter days ahead

The wisdom and goodness of our God will lead us; He will show us a way, for He loves those who trust in Him and cares for every believer

He calls out to us so that we might follow His ways; and encourages us to pray and study His Word, so that we might be instruments of peace and goodness

His Spirit is with us, to lead us on pathways of healing that fosters renewal and mends divisions between us

Praise our God and seek Him, for He is just and will guide us in the best course

Arouse your heart and your mind to create a spirit of forgiveness. First, towards others, and then to mend a wrong spirit within you.

Confess these to our God, and seek His forgiveness. Repent of anything that does not side with His nature. Align yourself with the perfect power of His love, for it will be as healing you, and to those around you

Become a living blessing upon this earth, so that God’s will could be made real through your life, and so that its goodness might ripple out across our land

Arise, awaken His life within you. Lift up your spirit to meet His. Praise Him, and thank Him, for allowing you access to His heart

Cast off the Spirit of blame, and seek a way to mend divisions and distrust

Denounce any scourge of hatred of others that resides within you. Replace it with understanding, for we all share the same needs; we all require love and care to survive in this world

The Lord, our God, calls out to every one of His believers; He speaks to those who call upon His name

He whispers to us in gentle words that pack infinite power; they are strong enough to break down the walls between us, and convey truths that can melt away our fears and anger

God brings us to the realization that His Wisdom is greater than ours; that we are weak and easily misguided

Arise, all you believers, go before your God; seek peace and harmony, for our God is a God who values peace far above conflict

He is a God of love, not hatred. He wants to draw all people towards His truth, so that His love would be all in all throughout the world.  1/19/2021