Faith is Connection

Blessed is the person who listens to Me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds Me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:34-35

Life is more difficult when we find ourselves disconnected from God, when the magic of our experience of living becomes lost and the Lord is absent from our daily walk

Where are you this day?

How well are you connected through your faith with your Maker?

All of us lose sight of Him sometimes, as we live our lives. We leave Him off somewhere along the way

Let’s face it, living during these times is one gigantic distraction. It is challenging each day. There are an endless number of things that clamor and overtake us, which prevent us from refocusing upon our God

Perhaps you have never experienced a faith relationship with Him. We all start from that point during the course of our life

It begins in us from our deep need to believe in something more. To anchor on to something solid in this universe so vast and uncaring

Connection always starts at some place. It meets us where we are

God dwells all around us, He is near, yet unseen. Therefore, we must take action and move our life towards His presence

We must seek Him, for He can be found. When we draw closer to Him, He will draw near to us, and we will begin to experience a life of faith

If you feel disconnected to God, or you just are not experiencing His life moving inside you, call out to Him from your heart in prayer 

Ask Him back into your life, humble yourself before Him and ask for forgiveness, then ask God to reveal His Son, Jesus Christ, in your life

Find a quiet place without distractions, take a walk, sit in a garden, or visit a sanctuary

Read God’s Word, as He has spoken to us through the Bible and let the message soak into you. Apply His Words to your life, let them have meaning in what you have been experiencing this day

Take time to do these things each day and you will reconnect to your God. It may take some time, or it might happen abruptly

As you prepare your mind, heart, and soul; reach out to Him in faith and listed to what His Word reveals to you

God is more real than the air we breath. He is like light and life unto us, for He created us, and we were made to live before Him

I pray this day for you, my friend. That you would draw closer to God and that He would reach out with His hand and touch your life, so that You might become whole in Him again. 2/8/2022

Hope For This New Year

And we, who with unveiled faces reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

Arise, all you who trust and believe in the Lord God Almighty. Stir yourself and awaken to this new year. For there is hope for our future, and brighter days ahead

The wisdom and goodness of our God will lead us; He will show us a way, for He loves those who trust in Him and cares for every believer

He calls out to us so that we might follow His ways; and encourages us to pray and study His Word, so that we might be instruments of peace and goodness

His Spirit is with us, to lead us on pathways of healing that fosters renewal and mends divisions between us

Praise our God and seek Him, for He is just and will guide us in the best course

Arouse your heart and your mind to create a spirit of forgiveness. First, towards others, and then to mend a wrong spirit within you.

Confess these to our God, and seek His forgiveness. Repent of anything that does not side with His nature. Align yourself with the perfect power of His love, for it will be as healing you, and to those around you

Become a living blessing upon this earth, so that God’s will could be made real through your life, and so that its goodness might ripple out across our land

Arise, awaken His life within you. Lift up your spirit to meet His. Praise Him, and thank Him, for allowing you access to His heart

Cast off the Spirit of blame, and seek a way to mend divisions and distrust

Denounce any scourge of hatred of others that resides within you. Replace it with understanding, for we all share the same needs; we all require love and care to survive in this world

The Lord, our God, calls out to every one of His believers; He speaks to those who call upon His name

He whispers to us in gentle words that pack infinite power; they are strong enough to break down the walls between us, and convey truths that can melt away our fears and anger

God brings us to the realization that His Wisdom is greater than ours; that we are weak and easily misguided

Arise, all you believers, go before your God; seek peace and harmony, for our God is a God who values peace far above conflict

He is a God of love, not hatred. He wants to draw all people towards His truth, so that His love would be all in all throughout the world.  1/19/2021