A virus has been born and it threatens our lives and our ways
The whole earth has been shaken, and a wave has spread out across our planet. Like a Tsunami, it sweeps across the lands causing panic, and dread, destruction, and loss
These are times of unprecedented fear. Suddenly, our bright future has become darkened, and what is to come is unknown and foreboding.
It is a good time to honor and respect good wisdom. We should always try our best to make the right choices. Don’t let fear overwhelm you and lead you away from the truth
Protect yourself. Look to what is true, and right, and good. Don’t put your hope into what are lies, or be mislead by those who wish to protect themselves first, at a cost to others
Defend life, protect your families and your communities. Believe in those who have the best information for all. Who make wise recommendations for the health of you and your neighbors.
Beware of trusting first in money, for it is fleeting. Instead, value life, and strive to save as many people as possible. Money will return to those who act wisely and in good faith towards others. It will be given back, in adequate measure, to those who are faithful and true
Trust in those who speak with wisdom and love. Believe in those who tell the truth. Act and decide upon what is best for your families. Don’t betray others, but try to help as you can, for we are all in this together
Justice and life will prevail in the end
Carefully examine the facts. Judge them by the character of whom has presented them.
Know that God is all in all. His will and His love will prevail in the end
We are up against an unseen enemy that has no mind or conscience. How and why it came to be we will never know for sure. Its only function is to propagate and grow
We have but one choice against it. To reduce its spread, manage it, and then, try to stop it cold.
It will surely test us, but we must act according to our good character. We must choose wisely and use every bit of wisdom that we can muster
Be strong, honest, and good. Pray. Increase your faith and trust in God
Don’t give in to the fear that surrounds us, but use your energy and your wisdom to act out in love
Always go with God, for he will continually walk beside you through it all