All of the earth seeks after riches and possessions. We toil night and day to secure them. But God looks out upon the earth’s people to observe who’s faith shines brightly and is guided by His love.
He looks not at what mankind believes is valuable, but to those who’s hearts are inclined towards Him
We seek after money and power; precious materials; and how we might gain from them.
We labor to become skillful in the ways of our economy, but God’s ways are more valuable than this
Our material ways can only bring us so far. That which we can gain on earth, can only bless us for a time. For unless God is part of our effort, all our striving for wealth will become a trap that will leave us empty and misguided
Riches and possessions alone cannot help us. They might even tear us apart, or destroy us. At best, they are a tool that helps us survive in this world, but too often we become lost in the pursuit of them.
Better then, is to learn the ways of God, who is the source of all true riches and the power that guides the entire Universe.
Of more value then, is to trust in His Word and seek after His good council, so that we might gain true riches
For our relationship with God is of infinite value. Worth more than the sum of all earthly riches
His wisdom and love, lived out through our lives will purify us and make us rich, no matter what our sum of earthly possessions might be
For our time here is fleeting and our security only an illusion. Yet our faith in Jesus Christ protects and upholds us and links us with the eternal
Christ will change us. He will reassess our value, and proclaim us as priceless by His summation
Our Lord overcame this world. He died upon the cross, and was raised to life again, victorious. He can raise up all those that He knows as friends and give them eternal life. By His power He can save our souls.
How infinitely great is our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. How wonderful and beautiful is He. For our lives are not meant to be spent in futility, but to be fully enriched through Him. 1/31/2011