Blessed Are The Trees

Blessed are those who appreciate the value of trees; Who look upon them with love. They understand the importance of their being and see the many aspects of their beauty

Being among them, brings joy to their hearts, and a lasting peace, that transcends common experience

For trees are an incredible creation that blanket this fragile Earth. They anchor the very threads of life that holds our world together. What would we do without them?

Blessed are those who care and nurture our trees, who have a deep understanding of their value and a knowledge of how much they give to us; Even our health, comfort, and peace

Without trees life would become unbearably harsh and sketchy. The fabric of life would become dangerously thin. Perhaps it would vanish forever and our bountiful existence could degrade and vanish into dust

Without trees, life would become a struggle. How then, would the Earth be able to support so many?

Trees are a wonder. They give, but need only the sun, rain, and soil to grow in. Their gifts to us are far beyond measure

It lies within their nature to grow and fill the earth, and give this earth their blessings, so that all life would be fully alive and thrive beneath the stars of heaven

If a tree could talk to us this day, they might tell us to be careful and consider what we are doing in these times

To find a reverence for nature, so that we might realize the importance of all life that lives upon this incredible planet

To be careful to not allow our acts of exploitation from becoming so great that they bring harm and disaster. So that we never get to the point where the fabric of life is damaged

How sad and terrible it would be to lose our paradise and never again be able to enjoy the abundance we once had

Oh, how gifted are those who love the trees. They sense their incredible power to bless all of nature

Beautiful, is the life of a tree. They grace the landscapes across all the Earth

Listen to their voice call out from depths of the forest, they sing a song of love and healing

Blessed are the trees, and those who love them    12/16/2019

Let God Be Your Direction

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

Lord, what is to become of us?

Have we become too many for this world we live on?

Are we entering that time that was spoken of so long ago? When wars and disaster grew worse and worse, Or are these times when we must come together?

When we must learn to live as one people. A global nation working together under God

The differences between us seem so great. The climate is becoming more erratic. Our language displays less love for one another, and our actions are more selfish and mean spirited

Darker times have befallen us. Hope has become more distant.

But never forget, that we have our God reigning above all. Our creator, protector, the one who loves us beyond measure. He knows our future. He sees what lies ahead

He promises to watch over us through all things that may happen, guarding our souls, and encouraging us to carry on

How then shall we live in these times?

We shall remain faithful in Him and seek to accomplish His will in our life

We shall seek to show love, when love is found scarce, and not give up hope, when hope seems distant

God’s people shall honor their God, the one who gave us life and breath, and made us each His children, a chosen people

We shall carry on in faith. With our goal to be as blessings upon the face of the earth. To help those in need and to accomplish God’s will for us

As these days have darkened, we must be a light for all to see

Each of God’s people are different, what has God placed upon your heart to do?

We have all been blessed with a unique set of gifts. How might they be used in these days and in these times?

Don’t get caught up in the narratives of these days, follow the unchanging ways of God

Stay clear of the hatred and ways that seek to divide us, but instead, seek to live His truth in love. This brings God’s people together and heals wounds that have been inflicted

Living out God’s love, nullifies the acts that have caused division, and brings us together so that we can enjoy richer lives

For our God has great love for us


This Glorious Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Oh the grandeur of God’s creation. In shear amazement I watch its ebb and flow. My mind stretches to understand its boundaries, but it barely sees even the smallest part of what He has made

We are so incredibly small in comparison to the enormity of it all; like a single raindrop cast within a massive storm, and yet, our minds and our eyes observe its glory

The wonder of God’s creation, who has not felt its mystery?

I can take a hold of a blade of grass sprouting up in a field, and know that some of its origins were made in the stars of heaven

I can watch a thundercloud boiling up into the sky, and perceive the power of the sun and of this earth as the source of its fury

I have looked upon the stars of the sky, seemingly close, yet so very distant from our world; and these before us, are our closest neighbors. they are like the nearby lights of houses next door. But look how many more are stretched out across all the universe

It humbles me, this vastness of scale, and the extreme power of our creator

I can look at just about anything, and see how it is attached to everything else in God’s good creation. For everything has had a past… a history of its origins; and all creation certainly has a destination for which it is bound

In addition there is this thing we call life. This miracle, wonder of nature, valuable beyond measure; found here on earth, maybe elsewhere, we don’t really know

Life is more precious than we give it credit for, and more wondrous than we’ll ever understand. It lies balanced ever so delicately alive and living in this time, at this place

Life is more than a chance event. Or, simply a strange twist in the course of natural processes. It is a creation of God, no more, no less.

How great a value then, life must be to God, for He would not have gone to all the trouble if it were not. Of His own choice, God exalted man to to dwell in His creation

How profound then, is each one of our lives. Could there be any doubt, that we have been blessed exceedingly, beyond measure.

This creation will someday pass away. But God has intervened on our behalf, and given us the hope of a new life for all eternity. He has left us a path though Christ, by which we might have fellowship with Him forever

Through Jesus Christ alone, we can fulfill God’s loving intention for us, and be transformed, forever, into a likeness of Him. This is, by far, the most amazing wonder of our God’s glorious and precious creation

Their is Opportunity in Every Tragedy

In their heart people plan their course, but the Lord determines their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I’ll never forget that windy fall morning when I went into work and looked in horror where our signature Heritage Oak had fallen. It had been a focal point of the main entrance to the college, and located along one of the busiest roads in town. Beneath it, an old historic sign announced that you had arrived at our 100 year old campus. It was the most photographed tree of the entire college. It felt like a tragedy had happened, and I knew that the garden surrounding this spot would never be the same. It took days to saw up that old hulk of a tree and repair signs, irrigation, and lighting that had been destroyed when it fell. But an interesting thing soon began to happen. The plants, understory trees, and lawns in the vicinity began to flourish in the old tree’s absence. By the next spring I could actually say I did not miss the old tree as much any more.

In everyone’s life, come times when the unexpected happens. Sometimes these events bring tragedy, loss, and heartbreak that can upend our lives. A door, that seemed like a golden opportunity can slam shut, a simple misunderstanding can blossom into a full scale problem, or worse, an important life may be swept away. It is a tough world we live in, many trials can come our way, often without warning.

But try to keep this thing in mind. The things that seem bad right now are actually opening up gates of opportunity in some other place and at some other time in our life. Never believe for an instant that what has happened, or is happening right now will be the final chapter. Life goes on, and God’s purposes always have a way of working out. Sure things may look bleak now, but they may be necessary to clear the way for something much grander just around the corner.

That old Oak was a beautiful and stately tree. A lot of care and time had been put into caring for it, and it became the anchor and central focus of that part of our campus landscape. But when it fell, it opened up so many new possibilities, and allowed an overlooked area to flourish. The shade that it had cast over that entire area was now gone, and it allowed literally thousands of flowers to bloom like never before. Its roots had also been greedily stealing water and nutrients from the soil, which put a strain on the rest of the garden. With the gigantic Oak no longer there to compete against, the garden truly began to flourish. Even though losing the Oak was a great loss, the end result was actually a more beautiful and interesting landscape.

We must try to keep a broader perspective when we have suffered a loss or are going through hard trials. God may have something in mind that we have no idea of yet. Sometimes He has to rip something away from the tight grip we have on it, so that we can grab ahold of something far greater and beneficial. We’ll never know what may be coming in the days ahead. You can be sure as the sunrise each day, that we’ll suffer losses and endure some difficult days. But remember, God knows the future as well as the past. He has a plan for each of His children, and His plans are always for our good. He’s the one who can place that silver lining on every dark cloud that passes by. Don’t become disabled by trials, but instead, use them as springboards to launch into the next great opportunity God brings your way.

A September Benediction

The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

May our Lord God bless you this day, and fill your life with His life, so that you might have joy and assurance, overflowing

May He look upon you in favor and grant you peace, through the outpouring of His love and His Spirit

For the Lord is good in all that He does

He blesses us with gifts we seldom measure, and is always gracious unto us, though we could never deserve all he has given

May the Lord give you understanding this day, and bring you wisdom in these times that test us, so that you might be able to stand and not falter

On this day, may His strength be your strength, and give you the endurance to weather every storm of life

For our God is stronger than anything that will come upon us. His power in us is more than enough to see us through

May you draw close to our Lord, Jesus Christ, this day, and speak to Him in faith filled prayers, so that He might pour His life giving Spirit into you, and fill you

May the life of Christ dwell richly within you and begin to revitalize your life. May His love overwhelm you, so that He can be magnified in you, and His love shine forth from your life

I pray that the Lord would give you an appetite for His Word, so that your faith and knowledge would be magnified; that God might equip you through His Word in order that your doubts might vanish and that your faith might be made more sure

May you always have Godly answers for those who ask questions of your faith, not only for your benefit, but also, for the strength and salvation of all those you know

May you realize again this day, that our God is faithful, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. That He watches over His children night and day, protecting us from all evil and the schemes of man

Know this, that we will continue to suffer earthly pains, but He has blessed us with the gift of eternal life in full measure

May the Lord, our God, walk beside you each day, so that you will feel and know His very presence, and understand His boundless love for you

For our God is the source and giver of all life. The one who has blessed us beyond all understanding

May His love so overwhelm your senses, that you have no choice but to rejoice and give Him praise; and that you would offer your life to Him with thanksgiving

For He is the one true God, creator, and illuminating light above all creation. 8/10/2006

Hold On To God

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Hold fast to the ways of God. Take hold of the wisdom found in His Word, and never let go, for it will be as life to you

Do not stray from His path, so that you may steer clear of harm or disaster. Instead, grab tightly to the ways of God

Maintain a firm grip, so that He might strengthen you all of your days and bear your burdens in times of trouble

When we live within His perfect will, we are blessed. For our God is the well spring of life. He watches over all who love Him and guards those trust in Him by faith

He pours out His Spirit to all His children, so that they may prosper in all that they may do

Though we can never be sure of what tomorrow will bring, when we dwell within the will of Christ, our Savior, He will lead us safely through life.. Not free from trouble or trial, but by safe passage to the eternal

How great are the multitude of false treasures. They can distract us away from the truth of God. But in Christ dwells all that is pure and true

All of creation hangs upon His strength and wisdom. In Him alone, are found the threads that bind together all there is.

Grab ahold of God and never let go. Maintain your footing and keep in contact at all times. If you let go, you will surely fall, and there is no hope for those who lose their grip on Him

When you begin to slip, act quickly to regain your hold, so that He might direct you towards safe passage

Feed upon His Words, that strengthen all those who are tired. Grab hold of God. Don’t give in to a weakness of mind or spirit, for He is the only way that leads to life

No other way of human life is safe, or can, in any way, lead to everlasting life

What fleeting reward could ever be so valuable, or deceptive way of sin, so alluring, that we would give away our immeasurable reward in Christ?

So, hold fast to our God, who saves. Grab tightly to our Lord, who’s love is without end, because all of your days rest upon Him.   10/13/2006