Lord Jesus Christ, You are the author of my salvation. Mold me unto Your will, so that I might be made more complete in You each day
Break the bonds of my rigidity, where I am unwilling to bend, so that I would be more willing to give in every area of my life
Convince me, Lord, to hand over my life as an offering to You each day, so that Your life would be in mine
Make me more flexible my Savior, so that the hardness of my pride and the sharp edge of my disposition, would be softened; so that the essential nature of Your love, and charity, grace, and goodness, would flow freely from me
Mold me Lord. Change the way I am. Destroy everything in me that does not agree with You
Free me from the old nature that governed me and fill me with your life. Bend me, so that I might be humble. Take from me, so that I might know real value
Give me all good things, so that I might know the blessings of thanksgiving
Do freely unto me, My Lord and God, in the perfect expression of Your will, so that I might learn a deeper faith, and so that I may depend upon You still more
Give to me Your strength and wisdom, so that I might stand and not falter
Make me able to defend against the temptations that so easily entangle my life, and threaten to ruin my relationship with You
Develop me each day, help me learn Your ways and be able to discern the path You have laid out before me, so that my life would be filled with Your presence
Enthrall me, with Your infinite goodness, oh Lord, so that I may rejoice each day and lift praises unto You. That I might lift You up from the dawning of each day through the darkest of nights
For in You alone, I am made whole and complete. 2/11/2007