Rejoice, all you who believe in Christ. Lift up your eyes towards heaven and be glad, for your redeemer lives and watches over you in love
The days of Spring and its promise of renewal have come. When the passion of our Christ overflowed upon the Earth, and changed our world forever
Rejoice, sing with all your heart, for His abundant love. Be glad, for you are the children of the living God. Brighter days await, they lie just ahead of you
Look unto the mountains, turn your gaze unto the heavens, fix your eyes upon Jesus, for He is your help and your savior
Let your joy burst out like the flowers of Spring, for He is for you in every way. With new eyes, look upon your King, Jesus Christ, and He will reintroduce you to His glory in surprising ways
He is our God, our creator, the one who knows us best of all. Jesus has walked with us through the darkness of recent times, and watched over us, to help us overcome every hardship
Seek Him, and be lifted up. Let His hands pull you up from the mud and the mire. Give to Him all the glory He so richly deserves
Renew your life, make this Spring a time to flourish and grow. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the greatness of God. Soak in the brightness of His Spirit, as you become more grounded in His truth
Jesus walks before us this day. He carries the banner of His Kingdom, and reigns victorious over all evil, darkness, even death
Rejoice, be exceedingly glad, all you who have faith in Him, for your inheritance lies in the Kingdom of God
Be consoled, all you who have mourned and suffered loss, because you will find comfort from the God of the universe. He will not forget or ever forsake you
Renew yourself each day that you live before Him. Turn towards Christ and He will be there beside you. Follow in His ways, through the leading of the Spirit and by the power of His Word. They will be as life to You
Our God will come to you and lift you up. He will give new wings to those who follow and seek His goodness and mercy, who humble themselves before Him
For these will become as living lights shining forth His truth and righteousness, as they live out a life manifested by their faith in our savior, Jesus Christ
Rejoice, all you who believe in the one true God. Lift up your spirit and be glad, for our redeemer, Jesus Christ, reigns above all the earth. 3/13/2021