Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:18
Thank You
Two Simple words that reveal so much about our heart
Thank you is an attitude. A disposition of knowing what we have been given, and understanding where it came from
Each day strive to cultivate a thankful spirit, remember what you have been given. Seek to give thanks, for it will be as healing to your heart and a remedy for all that troubles your mind
Give thanks with your words and with your deeds. Create in your heart a continual thanksgiving, because you have been given much
Give thanks for all that you have and for the friends that stand by you. Be thankful for your family and for those who have helped you along the way
Above all, give thanks to God, your maker, who has given you it all; even your life. Give thanks for His blessings and for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ
Open up the shades that cover the eyes of your memory, for you have been given much
Don’t become lost in your sufferings, or in the things that trouble you this day. Remember, and give thanks. Overcome selfish pity and look past the things that drag upon you. Focus instead on those things that have helped you
There is a God, and He is good beyond all comprehension. He blesses us each day. Yet, we have little ability to see just how great His gifts are. We can do better. We can learn to have a thankful spirit towards Him
Consider what you have been given. Meditate on the incredible bounty of gifts you have received. Be thankful, don’t squander away the opportunity because you have been too busy to see all the little miracles interacting with your life
Give thanks. Each day remember and be thankful. Treasure what is good, and honorable, and healthy
For all of it comes from our God; He acts through those who love us, our friends, and sometimes even through strangers
Give thanks, don’t forget, because it is your part of the equation of blessing. 11/25/2009