This Glorious Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Oh the grandeur of God’s creation. In shear amazement I watch its ebb and flow. My mind stretches to understand its boundaries, but it barely sees even the smallest part of what He has made

We are so incredibly small in comparison to the enormity of it all; like a single raindrop cast within a massive storm, and yet, our minds and our eyes observe its glory

The wonder of God’s creation, who has not felt its mystery?

I can take a hold of a blade of grass sprouting up in a field, and know that some of its origins were made in the stars of heaven

I can watch a thundercloud boiling up into the sky, and perceive the power of the sun and of this earth as the source of its fury

I have looked upon the stars of the sky, seemingly close, yet so very distant from our world; and these before us, are our closest neighbors. they are like the nearby lights of houses next door. But look how many more are stretched out across all the universe

It humbles me, this vastness of scale, and the extreme power of our creator

I can look at just about anything, and see how it is attached to everything else in God’s good creation. For everything has had a past… a history of its origins; and all creation certainly has a destination for which it is bound

In addition there is this thing we call life. This miracle, wonder of nature, valuable beyond measure; found here on earth, maybe elsewhere, we don’t really know

Life is more precious than we give it credit for, and more wondrous than we’ll ever understand. It lies balanced ever so delicately alive and living in this time, at this place

Life is more than a chance event. Or, simply a strange twist in the course of natural processes. It is a creation of God, no more, no less.

How great a value then, life must be to God, for He would not have gone to all the trouble if it were not. Of His own choice, God exalted man to to dwell in His creation

How profound then, is each one of our lives. Could there be any doubt, that we have been blessed exceedingly, beyond measure.

This creation will someday pass away. But God has intervened on our behalf, and given us the hope of a new life for all eternity. He has left us a path though Christ, by which we might have fellowship with Him forever

Through Jesus Christ alone, we can fulfill God’s loving intention for us, and be transformed, forever, into a likeness of Him. This is, by far, the most amazing wonder of our God’s glorious and precious creation

Their is Opportunity in Every Tragedy

In their heart people plan their course, but the Lord determines their steps. Proverbs 16:9

I’ll never forget that windy fall morning when I went into work and looked in horror where our signature Heritage Oak had fallen. It had been a focal point of the main entrance to the college, and located along one of the busiest roads in town. Beneath it, an old historic sign announced that you had arrived at our 100 year old campus. It was the most photographed tree of the entire college. It felt like a tragedy had happened, and I knew that the garden surrounding this spot would never be the same. It took days to saw up that old hulk of a tree and repair signs, irrigation, and lighting that had been destroyed when it fell. But an interesting thing soon began to happen. The plants, understory trees, and lawns in the vicinity began to flourish in the old tree’s absence. By the next spring I could actually say I did not miss the old tree as much any more.

In everyone’s life, come times when the unexpected happens. Sometimes these events bring tragedy, loss, and heartbreak that can upend our lives. A door, that seemed like a golden opportunity can slam shut, a simple misunderstanding can blossom into a full scale problem, or worse, an important life may be swept away. It is a tough world we live in, many trials can come our way, often without warning.

But try to keep this thing in mind. The things that seem bad right now are actually opening up gates of opportunity in some other place and at some other time in our life. Never believe for an instant that what has happened, or is happening right now will be the final chapter. Life goes on, and God’s purposes always have a way of working out. Sure things may look bleak now, but they may be necessary to clear the way for something much grander just around the corner.

That old Oak was a beautiful and stately tree. A lot of care and time had been put into caring for it, and it became the anchor and central focus of that part of our campus landscape. But when it fell, it opened up so many new possibilities, and allowed an overlooked area to flourish. The shade that it had cast over that entire area was now gone, and it allowed literally thousands of flowers to bloom like never before. Its roots had also been greedily stealing water and nutrients from the soil, which put a strain on the rest of the garden. With the gigantic Oak no longer there to compete against, the garden truly began to flourish. Even though losing the Oak was a great loss, the end result was actually a more beautiful and interesting landscape.

We must try to keep a broader perspective when we have suffered a loss or are going through hard trials. God may have something in mind that we have no idea of yet. Sometimes He has to rip something away from the tight grip we have on it, so that we can grab ahold of something far greater and beneficial. We’ll never know what may be coming in the days ahead. You can be sure as the sunrise each day, that we’ll suffer losses and endure some difficult days. But remember, God knows the future as well as the past. He has a plan for each of His children, and His plans are always for our good. He’s the one who can place that silver lining on every dark cloud that passes by. Don’t become disabled by trials, but instead, use them as springboards to launch into the next great opportunity God brings your way.

A September Benediction

The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

May our Lord God bless you this day, and fill your life with His life, so that you might have joy and assurance, overflowing

May He look upon you in favor and grant you peace, through the outpouring of His love and His Spirit

For the Lord is good in all that He does

He blesses us with gifts we seldom measure, and is always gracious unto us, though we could never deserve all he has given

May the Lord give you understanding this day, and bring you wisdom in these times that test us, so that you might be able to stand and not falter

On this day, may His strength be your strength, and give you the endurance to weather every storm of life

For our God is stronger than anything that will come upon us. His power in us is more than enough to see us through

May you draw close to our Lord, Jesus Christ, this day, and speak to Him in faith filled prayers, so that He might pour His life giving Spirit into you, and fill you

May the life of Christ dwell richly within you and begin to revitalize your life. May His love overwhelm you, so that He can be magnified in you, and His love shine forth from your life

I pray that the Lord would give you an appetite for His Word, so that your faith and knowledge would be magnified; that God might equip you through His Word in order that your doubts might vanish and that your faith might be made more sure

May you always have Godly answers for those who ask questions of your faith, not only for your benefit, but also, for the strength and salvation of all those you know

May you realize again this day, that our God is faithful, and that He will never leave you or forsake you. That He watches over His children night and day, protecting us from all evil and the schemes of man

Know this, that we will continue to suffer earthly pains, but He has blessed us with the gift of eternal life in full measure

May the Lord, our God, walk beside you each day, so that you will feel and know His very presence, and understand His boundless love for you

For our God is the source and giver of all life. The one who has blessed us beyond all understanding

May His love so overwhelm your senses, that you have no choice but to rejoice and give Him praise; and that you would offer your life to Him with thanksgiving

For He is the one true God, creator, and illuminating light above all creation. 8/10/2006

Hold On To God

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Hold fast to the ways of God. Take hold of the wisdom found in His Word, and never let go, for it will be as life to you

Do not stray from His path, so that you may steer clear of harm or disaster. Instead, grab tightly to the ways of God

Maintain a firm grip, so that He might strengthen you all of your days and bear your burdens in times of trouble

When we live within His perfect will, we are blessed. For our God is the well spring of life. He watches over all who love Him and guards those trust in Him by faith

He pours out His Spirit to all His children, so that they may prosper in all that they may do

Though we can never be sure of what tomorrow will bring, when we dwell within the will of Christ, our Savior, He will lead us safely through life.. Not free from trouble or trial, but by safe passage to the eternal

How great are the multitude of false treasures. They can distract us away from the truth of God. But in Christ dwells all that is pure and true

All of creation hangs upon His strength and wisdom. In Him alone, are found the threads that bind together all there is.

Grab ahold of God and never let go. Maintain your footing and keep in contact at all times. If you let go, you will surely fall, and there is no hope for those who lose their grip on Him

When you begin to slip, act quickly to regain your hold, so that He might direct you towards safe passage

Feed upon His Words, that strengthen all those who are tired. Grab hold of God. Don’t give in to a weakness of mind or spirit, for He is the only way that leads to life

No other way of human life is safe, or can, in any way, lead to everlasting life

What fleeting reward could ever be so valuable, or deceptive way of sin, so alluring, that we would give away our immeasurable reward in Christ?

So, hold fast to our God, who saves. Grab tightly to our Lord, who’s love is without end, because all of your days rest upon Him.   10/13/2006

Our Ever-Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1

Lord I trust in You

When the storms of life rage all around me and help seems far away; when any kind of resolution seems distant and out of reach, I place my cares upon You

Some days it does not seem possible that any more trouble could happen, but then things grow worse. Even those who I trust seem to desert me. They lash out at me, when I try to help in one way or another. They push me away, even though I have not left them, and I feel deserted

But my God is always there. His Words comfort me. I can sense the hand of His Spirit resting upon my shoulder.

He reassures me by His presence, and uplifts me, as a father would, who comforts his child

Trust in God when all seems lost. Rely upon Him, when everyone on earth seems to have forsaken you. For His eyes see you, and His gaze rests upon your life

He sees your condition and what has come upon your days. He brings healing and rest for your soul.

He can calm the weary and stressed, and delivers us, so that we might be able to walk in strength again. He can begin to fix that which was broken, and help unravel the hopeless tangles that come upon us

Praise God for His comforting Spirit. Give thanks, for the relief that He brings that restores our perspective of life

Rejoice, as you begin to see the beauty of His love at work in you again. Trust in Him, so that your life becomes renewed of purpose, and that your work and His will, follow the same course

It is a part of the human experience become lost, and to have the support of your family and friends disrupted, dislodged, and scrambled.

But our Lord never changes, His love for us is as strong today as it was when you first believed in Him. He can restore things that have become impossibly broken

Our ways are not like Our God’s. We stray into all kinds of trouble, and are subject to the fallout from the problems of others.

Always seek the Lord, our God and Savior. Pray to Him each day, believing. Trust in Him, for His love is always strong enough support and uphold us. 7/5/2020

A Path That Leads To Faith

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.      Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever spent time observing; Looking out far and wide across this wondrous creation?

Have you ever taken a casual glance at some far off vista, and then spent the next ten minutes watching in rapt wonder?

Is it even possible to comprehend this world, so vast and mysterious?

Did you ever attempt to find your own place amidst such a great and far flung universe? Was it just an accident that you arrived here in this place, in this time? Or, is there something much deeper at work?

Your life is truly a gift of incalculable worth. What a wonder it is that you can see and know, and give and love

Even as all of creation, in it’s timeless way, somehow exists, you are precious in the eyes of God

What He has formed in you, He lovingly treasures. God has a desire for your life that is not bound by the span of time, or by the breadth of all that He has made

And His desire is for your good, so that the joy of life would fill you to overflowing

How sad it is then, that God has often been obscured . That in these times times, He is discounted and discredited. So that we, who need to be connected with our creator, are wilting from a lack of His presence in our lives

We face the starvation of our very souls, because our lives are desperately dependent upon His Spirit

God calls us to live a holy life. To flee from the sin and evil, that so easily afflicts us. For it places a drag on our lives that separates us from Him and leads us to empty places, even despair

He places great importance on this, because it becomes a matter of life and death for those He loves.

God is angered and saddened by all those who do evil, and all those who are compelled to continually sin against Him. By their own actions, they prove that they do not know or regard Him in any way.

How misguided are we, yet God continues to call out to us through His love and through His Word, so that we might come to realize the error of our ways, and then turn, and be forgiven.

It is incredible how blind we can truly be. That we cannot take the time to look and wonder, or acknowledge the great love of God, our creator

But for those who conduct their lives in self control; who place their faith in the God of the universe, and live their lives before Him; These will be blessed, because God’s only intentions are for our good

To all those who love our God, who follow after His ways, these will dwell close to His presence and be fed. Their lives will be blessed through understanding.

The full measure of His loving kindness will overflow upon them in the richness of all that is good and true; and they will live safely in His presence for all of time.   11/10/2006

God Cares About How We Care For The Earth

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.    Psalm 24:1. Smoky skies smother a valley in California after a recent wildfire.

The Earth and all that dwells upon it, were made by the God of the universe

What He made was marvelous. A creation so rare and unique, that we have never fully appreciated it

Our world is under attack. It lies in a state of siege from the activities of man. For what we are doing, is outstripping the ability of nature to heal itself

It is being wrecked, raped, and overrun

The good Lord made us to dwell within this place and to thrive amidst all the richness it gives. But we have become so many now, and there are some who don’t care about its health

They look upon the earth as an opportunity, so they can gain riches for themselves no matter what the cost may be

As a whole, we have no concept of our God

Because if we did, we would see the extent of the damage we are doing to His precious creation here upon earth. A wonder like no other; one of a kind

Where else do you think we could go, when this place becomes too difficult to live on?

Do we flee to another world? A world already incredibly harsh and lifeless?

Or will we try to scratch it out and survive here, on an earth that is far less supportive of our life?

Why would we want to do this? Are we so ignorant that we can’t change our ways? Are we so heartless as to allow this to happen?

We have become separated from our God

It is a sign of our ignorance and lack of faith in Him, that we mistreat this home of ours.

A testimony, to our lack of love, that we harm others for our own gain. We murder whole populations of life, so that we can earn more money for ourselves and our stockholders. What is it then, that we own?

Shame on us and our selfish ways. Cursed are we who destroy God’s amazing creation

Our Creator made us stewards of this amazing place. Caretakers of His world that is filled with beauty. He crafted it by His love with His own hands, yet we are trampling it to ruin by our greedy pursuits

We must find our love again, so that we might survive this time to come

We must renew our faith in Him, so that we can see our way forward, with love

In showing compassion for the life of all that dwell on the earth, we will find a path far richer and better than the one we travel on this day


Visit a Great Garden

And many believed on Him there. John 10:42
Philbrook Museum: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Nothing can inspire a gardener more that a visit to a great garden. It is like looking at a work of art painted by one of the Masters, or hearing one of the famous symphonies being performed by a top orchestra. Gardens tended by top professionals that showcase beauty and artistry, give us a whole new standard to borrow from and use in our own gardens. I always come away from a visit to one of these places with a whole new set of ideas and inspiration. I particularly enjoy observing the interplay of selected plants that convey beauty and interest in a whole new way.

Inspiration is a wonderful thing. It calls us to reach for a little more out of our lives, and to do what we normally do, a little better. It can allow for our message and work to have a greater and far reaching impact. As Christians, a visit to an uplifting concert, or listening to a message from a skilled speaker can often do the same thing. From time to time we absolutely need to be impressed at what God is doing in someone else’s life. Sometimes it’s just seeing a new angle or way of looking at the Gospel message, or, to simply be uplifted and energized by someone who knows how to share the great gifts God has given them.

Recently, I visited the home of the late Luther Burbank. He was one of the most famous gardeners and plant breeders in the history of our country. He developed hundreds of new varieties of flowers and crop plants, many of which are still the standard varieties used today. I was not so much struck by the beauty of this parklike garden, but more by the incredible vision and drive this man possessed. During his lifetime, he was constantly devoted to his work of developing plants that would produce greater tonnage and greater quality. He also, did not neglect to produce many new and improved varieties of ornamental flowers, some of which grow in my gardens today. He was a man who made a great impact with the life he was given, and though he was not a Christian, I believe God used his life to benefit us all.

God can use our lives to lift the lives of many all around us. It doesn’t matter who we are or to what level of stature we have attained, He can take the least of His saints and use them for purposes that are both marvelous and far reaching. Think about the many accounts in the Bible where the weak and unnoticed are inspired to do important history changing acts. One of the most exciting things in living life, is to live out God’s love throughout the days you have been given. What gifts has God blessed you with that He might use and share for the blessing of others?

It is our responsibility to go out and get inspired. Attend a concert or listen to an interesting speaker; visit a beautiful garden where its peace and inspiration can seep into your pores and start you thinking in a new way. There are a million places to go where you can be uplifted.  Of course, in these times be safe and don’t take unnecessary risks. Visit a place where you might come back with more than you had when you left. Isn’t that what sharing gifts is all about?

The Wondrous Love of God

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:4

The love of God is a fearful thing. It is a force so great and so wide that we fall short to comprehend it

It is found in the fabric of our lives and exists in every part of creation. So powerful is the love of God, that it changed the course of history and rerouted the destiny of man.

By it, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Yet, we often forget what He has done. We neglect to praise Him who has given us our very breath and who brought us in to all the dimensions of this wondrous life.

Blessed is the one who remembers their God. Who treasures all of the gifts that He has bestowed upon them. They who give sincere praise to Him, will inherit the blessings of His love for them

How can we take our lives for granted? And think of them as an effort of futility. When did we forget that life is magical? A gift of infinite value; An opportunity for joy and adventure at every turn

Give thanks to your God for the gift of your life. Lift up praises for the wonder and beauty of His creation. For He has made you and fashioned you in incredible ways

Sing a song of love to Him. Call out to the maker of all there is; the one who loves you as His child

Is there not a thing that you have that He has not given you?

Are you not rich, because of Him?

Even if you do not have the things this world values, you are rich, exceedingly rich, because of His Spirit and love

Castaway, my friend, those things that trouble you. Let go of everything that takes away from God’s life in you. For they are only lies, distractions, even dangerous traps, that sap the Spirit of His life from working inside you

Instead, lift up praise unto Him who loves you. Stir up a spirit of thanksgiving toward your God

Bless our God, and He will energize your life, and then fill you with the joy that living was made to know

For our God is good. His love is for His children

He loved us so much, that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die upon the cross, so that we might live a life so full and complete; And for all of eternity in His presence

Open your mind and your heart towards Him in love. For this is the reason that you were made and the purpose of your blessed existence 5/27/2020

The Value of Our Faith

What good is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can a person exchange for their soul? Mark 8: 36-37

All of the earth seeks after riches and possessions. We toil night and day to secure them. But God looks out upon the earth’s people to observe who’s faith shines brightly and is guided by His love.

He looks not at what mankind believes is valuable, but to those who’s hearts are inclined towards Him

We seek after money and power; precious materials; and how we might gain from them.

We labor to become skillful in the ways of our economy, but God’s ways are more valuable than this

Our material ways can only bring us so far. That which we can gain on earth, can only bless us for a time. For unless God is part of our effort, all our striving for wealth will become a trap that will leave us empty and misguided

Riches and possessions alone cannot help us. They might even tear us apart, or destroy us. At best, they are a tool that helps us survive in this world, but too often we become lost in the pursuit of them.

Better then, is to learn the ways of God, who is the source of all true riches and the power that guides the entire Universe.

Of more value then, is to trust in His Word and seek after His good council, so that we might gain true riches

For our relationship with God is of infinite value. Worth more than the sum of all earthly riches

His wisdom and love, lived out through our lives will purify us and make us rich, no matter what our sum of earthly possessions might be

For our time here is fleeting and our security only an illusion. Yet our faith in Jesus Christ protects and upholds us and links us with the eternal

Christ will change us. He will reassess our value, and proclaim us as priceless  by His summation

Our Lord overcame this world. He died upon the cross, and was raised to life again, victorious. He can raise up all those that He knows as friends and give them eternal life. By His power He can save our souls.

How infinitely great is our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. How wonderful and beautiful is He. For our lives are not meant to be spent in futility, but to be fully enriched through Him.    1/31/2011