Oh the grandeur of God’s creation. In shear amazement I watch its ebb and flow. My mind stretches to understand its boundaries, but it barely sees even the smallest part of what He has made
We are so incredibly small in comparison to the enormity of it all; like a single raindrop cast within a massive storm, and yet, our minds and our eyes observe its glory
The wonder of God’s creation, who has not felt its mystery?
I can take a hold of a blade of grass sprouting up in a field, and know that some of its origins were made in the stars of heaven
I can watch a thundercloud boiling up into the sky, and perceive the power of the sun and of this earth as the source of its fury
I have looked upon the stars of the sky, seemingly close, yet so very distant from our world; and these before us, are our closest neighbors. they are like the nearby lights of houses next door. But look how many more are stretched out across all the universe
It humbles me, this vastness of scale, and the extreme power of our creator
I can look at just about anything, and see how it is attached to everything else in God’s good creation. For everything has had a past… a history of its origins; and all creation certainly has a destination for which it is bound
In addition there is this thing we call life. This miracle, wonder of nature, valuable beyond measure; found here on earth, maybe elsewhere, we don’t really know
Life is more precious than we give it credit for, and more wondrous than we’ll ever understand. It lies balanced ever so delicately alive and living in this time, at this place
Life is more than a chance event. Or, simply a strange twist in the course of natural processes. It is a creation of God, no more, no less.
How great a value then, life must be to God, for He would not have gone to all the trouble if it were not. Of His own choice, God exalted man to to dwell in His creation
How profound then, is each one of our lives. Could there be any doubt, that we have been blessed exceedingly, beyond measure.
This creation will someday pass away. But God has intervened on our behalf, and given us the hope of a new life for all eternity. He has left us a path though Christ, by which we might have fellowship with Him forever
Through Jesus Christ alone, we can fulfill God’s loving intention for us, and be transformed, forever, into a likeness of Him. This is, by far, the most amazing wonder of our God’s glorious and precious creation