The heavens call out to me this morning. They sing a chorus over the darkened land
Their song shouts forth the glory of their place in the heavens above and speaks in quiet praise of the wonder of God’s creation
What joy I feel to see the stars and planets sparkling. How awesome to watch the smiling sliver of the moon poking up just above the horizon. The sun is chasing it, not far behind. Reflected light from earth illuminates the dim circle of its face
Great is our God who made all of this, He is wise beyond all the capabilities of our mind. By His power with a Word, He swung all this into motion. What wondrous things He has done
Our world is set amidst this endless creation. We have been cast as a grain of sand into the vastness of this place
How blessed am I to see all this beauty today, to ponder the width and depth of all God has made and to see its power, depth, and glory
It’s amazing that we have just begun to explore this space around us
Our ships have sailed out across the solar system
Our feet have walked upon the dusty surface of the moon
Our eyes have looked out across nearly 14 billion light years of space and seen to near the beginning of all we know that is
But God knows infinitely more
I wonder about our future here on this planet, can we somehow overcome our frailties?
Will our species grow more compassionate and loving towards each other, so we don’t mess up our chances for survival or a good outcome
For we are self-centered creatures, prone to greed and war. We have learned many amazing things, but have failed to solve the most difficult problems of our times
Our God looks down from the heavens above. He sees and knows what lies within us and offers us the wisdom of His Word and Spirit; the grace and mercy of His salvation, He freely gives
Will we truly acknowledge Him and go before Him in faith this day?
Oh, the beauty and wonder of God’s creation, what an incredible place He has made
Our Earth was formed by the strength and will of His hands and we were brought forth here, as His children
Our problems, which we have created, are rising above our heads. They threaten are very existence, but with God, we have the promise of a future
When we connect with Him, the creator of all that is, we will see and know that every good answer resides in Him. 11/30/20