How is it that we have become separated from our home the earth? That we have forgotten the connection we have to its function and beauty?
Has our technology insulated us from this reality? Do we not remember that caring for the Earth is caring for all its people, and indeed, all other life?
Our God created this place for us and all the wonder that abounds here. It is not ours to do with as we please
Because of our standing and our place in the order of things, it falls to us to care for the health of this place. As stewards, each of us must try to leave this place in better condition for the next generations
We should lead as a good example to our children, so, they might learn this important truth and not ignore it like we have
It is such an obvious goal to achieve and should never be neglected again
I hope the children of the future will look back at us kindly and forgive our generation for not recognizing this sooner. For at no time in history has our species created such a damaging impact upon our home
We have no choice now; we must reduce the harm we are causing. Because caring for the earth is, caring for its people
This is especially critical for our poor, the needy, and the vulnerable. Are these not the same ones God calls us to care for?
Can we also learn to share this place with each other, and give our time and wealth to help solve these problems? It is not going to be easy, but it must be done
Neglecting to address this will place incredibly difficult burdens on future generations
We must begin to act now and swiftly ramp up our effort so that we can lessen the impacts and begin to heal this incredible place
Each of us bears some responsibility, we are all in this together
Lend a hand in any way you can. Use your strengths and skill to help others and to reduce your impacts. Support the efforts of others and our leaders who recognize the magnitude of this crisis
Become a caregiver of this earth and of its people and life
There is so much to be done
God will honor those who honor Him. He will consider our efforts as helping Himself when we care for those affected by this danger
We are all in this together, let us act in love, with concern for those who need our help. 1/29/2022