The Earth and all that dwells upon it, were made by the God of the universe
What He made was marvelous. A creation so rare and unique, that we have never fully appreciated it
Our world is under attack. It lies in a state of siege from the activities of man. For what we are doing, is outstripping the ability of nature to heal itself
It is being wrecked, raped, and overrun
The good Lord made us to dwell within this place and to thrive amidst all the richness it gives. But we have become so many now, and there are some who don’t care about its health
They look upon the earth as an opportunity, so they can gain riches for themselves no matter what the cost may be
As a whole, we have no concept of our God
Because if we did, we would see the extent of the damage we are doing to His precious creation here upon earth. A wonder like no other; one of a kind
Where else do you think we could go, when this place becomes too difficult to live on?
Do we flee to another world? A world already incredibly harsh and lifeless?
Or will we try to scratch it out and survive here, on an earth that is far less supportive of our life?
Why would we want to do this? Are we so ignorant that we can’t change our ways? Are we so heartless as to allow this to happen?
We have become separated from our God
It is a sign of our ignorance and lack of faith in Him, that we mistreat this home of ours.
A testimony, to our lack of love, that we harm others for our own gain. We murder whole populations of life, so that we can earn more money for ourselves and our stockholders. What is it then, that we own?
Shame on us and our selfish ways. Cursed are we who destroy God’s amazing creation
Our Creator made us stewards of this amazing place. Caretakers of His world that is filled with beauty. He crafted it by His love with His own hands, yet we are trampling it to ruin by our greedy pursuits
We must find our love again, so that we might survive this time to come
We must renew our faith in Him, so that we can see our way forward, with love
In showing compassion for the life of all that dwell on the earth, we will find a path far richer and better than the one we travel on this day