On this Good Friday, I give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ; Our God and Savior, the one who has loved us throughout time
I praise Him for His sacrifice on this day so long ago and for His obedience to His Father in heaven, so that all His children might live and not perish
How painful His death, nailed there upon that wooden cross. What an incredible act, to bring a forgiveness of sin, for all of mankind, so that we might have hope through the power of His resurrection
Jesus Christ, you are the beginning and the end. The one who spoke this universe into creation. You blessed our world with a richness unlike any other, so we might live in all fullness before you
You thought of us since the beginning of time, and have loved what you have made, for it is good
How ugly and filled with depravity, then, is our sin. It leads us away from You and separates us, so that we become weak and confused in our lives; Falling into all kinds of misfortune and loss
Sin is separation from God
Jesus Christ is the healing power that returns us to Him
On that cross, Jesus carried the weight of all our sins. He shouldered the entirety of them, because He was God
As He died, He cast them away forever. He laid them to rest, so that our guilt might not condemn us, So that we might have hope in life; And hope in life, after death
Great was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
How wonderful, that our God would love us so completely. That He would give up the life of His Son so that we might live, and suffer the pain of the cross plus the weight of all our sin; so that we might find our way back to a communion with Him
We were made to live our lives in close friendship with our God, designed to be in love with Him. So that we might experience the true abundance of life as a human; To feel joy in life and to give joy to our creator
Blessed is the one who comes before Christ and gives thanks to Him. Who recognizes the incredible work that was accomplished upon the cross
They will begin to be transformed by the workings of God, and made pure by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
None of us will be perfect in this world. We will do things and experience wrongs that are not right
But we do have a blessed hope of forgiveness that will never fail or falter. Both on this Good Friday, and for the rest of eternity 4/10/2020