As I walked along a trail recently enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, I could not help but think, how great and awesome is He who set these all these things in motion. The one who made both you and me
I came across a rocky ledge that caught my eye. It was filled with layers upon layers of shells. How incredible and thought provoking this was
Clams, scallops and other shells set in stone. Yet, I was more than thirty miles from the ocean
They spoke to me about a vastness of time and place. It set me within a new context of who I am and my place in this world along the ribbon of time
I believe in God, and I also believe in science. To me they coexist and bring amazing revelations.
Science cannot threaten God by revealing truths about His creation. Nor does God condemn science because it cannot imperil His existence or His Word
I am open to what science can teach me, because in the learning I become more impressed of what God has done. This deepens my faith in Him
I learned that these shells had lived six million years ago in a shallow marine environment, two hundred and fifty miles south of where I stood
They thrived in a time when oceans were seventy feet higher than they are today, and when temperatures were cooling, yet, only a few degrees warmer than now
The length of time between when these shellfish lived and when Christ was born, was three thousand times longer than the time between Christ’s birth until today
Our planet is old. Yet, these shells are quite young in relation to when the earth was formed; or when life first began
Life astounds me
That I am alive and can know these things is also, both beautiful and amazing
God created something so grand and deep, and wonderfully interconnected in its present workings. But it is also, connected throughout the entire history of time. Every past event has had an effect and contribution to the future
The climate was changing during the time when those shells lived. Changes like these were common during the course of Earth’s history
When changes were large or abrupt, they were extremely destructive to life. The worst, were disasters that wiped out over half of all living creatures
A new period of climate change has just begun upon earth. It is unique, in that it was caused by a single species of life
The rate of change will be very abrupt and destructive to life compared with other events of the past. It will be a struggle that could threaten our existence
How warm it gets depends upon what we do now
We live in such an incredible world that God has made. A place that has no equal anywhere else that we know
It is profoundly wrong what we are doing to our planet, and infinitely worse, if we do nothing now that we know what we must do 11/21/19