There is something wonderful, and at the same time humbling, in carefully watching the gathering clouds of an approaching storm front. The south winds freshen and the skies grow darker and more ominous until suddenly there comes those first fat raindrops. The smell of rain in the air after a prolonged dry spell, is a fragrance that has no comparison. As the front moves through the rain intensifies and sometimes flows down in torrents. It washes everything clean and soaks deep into the earth, activating and invigorating all the life within it. Rainy days can be such a blessing for a garden and for the gardener, too. For they give us a time to rest and catch up on things inside the shop. But most of all, , it is the privilege of watching God’s renewing forces at work in His creation. A rainstorm is a marvel. It is a flowing, moving, active work of art set in play by a breath from the lips of our gracious God.
I find that storms are a gateway for my imagination to see into the larger picture of God’s creative work. Think of it, this Earth, and these natural cycles of rain and sun that wash over it; All meant for the blessing of His creation of living plants and organisms. We live in such an amazing and fragile world, there is nothing like in the entire known universe. in comparison to the width and breadth of the heavens above, this place where all of life exists is mostly within a few miles of the Earth’s surface. Life tightly hugs to this tiny speck of rock, and is lost against the backdrop of billions upon billions of galaxies. We live in such a soft and tender world, surrounded by an almost infinite space that is harsh and unlivable. This place, our garden home called Earth, is no accident, but the evidence of a kind and loving God made manifest in the physical realm. It is our home, a precious creation.
As I look out over my rain drenches garden, I am humbled beyond measure, to realize the many blessings God has poured out upon us. For He has given us every green herb and tree to be useful and beneficial for us. They give us food, medicine, and useful materials that we use and depend on each day. We have not begun to understand the uses, importance, and wonderful secrets that lie hidden within our gardens and found in every plant that grows upon this earth. There are lessons still to be learned that God has yet to whisper to us through the sounding boards of His own creation. What an infinite palette He has given us to work with. With them, He feeds those who are hungry and makes our lives better in so many ways. How much greater could we have been blessed?
After the storm has passed, I like to stroll out into the gardens. Everything is made fresh and new after the dust has been washed from their leaves and each root has soaked up its fill of life giving water. I like how the sunlight sparkles through the water droplets on the leaves and flowers after a good rain. It’s as if in their joy, each plant reflects the brilliant flashes of the love of God outward for all to see. For through the abundance of His blessing, we can see more plainly the exceeding love and goodness of our God.