How could I describe the greatness of God? What words would I use, or form of speech, that might accurately portray Him?
For He is great and awesome!
When I look upon this creation I am left speechless in wonder. For it testifies in ways I can only marvel at, and speaks a language that moves me from deep within.
The great rock masses raised high into mountains, convey to me as a deep reverberation, His greatness and majesty
The winds tear at their flanks, but cannot move them. They rush and roar, yet, they do not even disturb them.
These great heights of creation are but nothing in comparison to God’s glory. They are less than the dust beneath His feet. Even the sum of all earthly mountains, would be measured as next to nothing, if placed beside Him.
He formed this Earth, and crafted each lofty summit. Each one is known by Him. But He, is greater than all He has made.
For there are at least a million summits upon this earth, and a billion, trillion, million planets where countless summits rise. He calls each of them by name. His Spirit has touched each one throughout the course of one of our days.
Oh what an awesome God is ours. Our maker and provider. The One who loves us beyond measure.
How I treasure the thought of our Lord, and thirst for the touch of His presence.
I was made from the dust of the mountains, which has been melting off their slopes for endless eons of time. What a wonder is creation, yet far beyond, are the incredible workings of God.
Glory in His presence. Worship His holy name. Call out to Him wherever you may be, and hear His awesome response. 9/12/2007