The love of God is a fearful thing. It is a force so great and so wide that we fall short to comprehend it
It is found in the fabric of our lives and exists in every part of creation. So powerful is the love of God, that it changed the course of history and rerouted the destiny of man.
By it, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Yet, we often forget what He has done. We neglect to praise Him who has given us our very breath and who brought us in to all the dimensions of this wondrous life.
Blessed is the one who remembers their God. Who treasures all of the gifts that He has bestowed upon them. They who give sincere praise to Him, will inherit the blessings of His love for them
How can we take our lives for granted? And think of them as an effort of futility. When did we forget that life is magical? A gift of infinite value; An opportunity for joy and adventure at every turn
Give thanks to your God for the gift of your life. Lift up praises for the wonder and beauty of His creation. For He has made you and fashioned you in incredible ways
Sing a song of love to Him. Call out to the maker of all there is; the one who loves you as His child
Is there not a thing that you have that He has not given you?
Are you not rich, because of Him?
Even if you do not have the things this world values, you are rich, exceedingly rich, because of His Spirit and love
Castaway, my friend, those things that trouble you. Let go of everything that takes away from God’s life in you. For they are only lies, distractions, even dangerous traps, that sap the Spirit of His life from working inside you
Instead, lift up praise unto Him who loves you. Stir up a spirit of thanksgiving toward your God
Bless our God, and He will energize your life, and then fill you with the joy that living was made to know
For our God is good. His love is for His children
He loved us so much, that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die upon the cross, so that we might live a life so full and complete; And for all of eternity in His presence
Open your mind and your heart towards Him in love. For this is the reason that you were made and the purpose of your blessed existence 5/27/2020