I was created by the God of the universe. What He made in me was more than what I’ve made of myself
I sulk and waver, procrastinate and seek after things with no meaning. My purpose is often lost on the wrong things. But, God still loves me
He gently nudges me and shows me the way I should go. In prayer He inspires me, showing what we could accomplish together; marvelous things in His name
Yet, I hesitate and stumble. My walk becomes a crawl, then I slumber
Thankfully, God has been patient with me. He has forgiven me a thousand thousand times, and lovingly forgot my wrongs and the things I have neglected, while encouraging me daily to do my best in love for others
He is honest enough to remind me what could have been if I listened to Him and followed the course He had laid. In kindness, God tells me there are still great things to do
His path is not like mine. It is like traveling upon a stream of the purest water to places of beauty and inspiration. Where life becomes a wonderful adventure
But, I have travelled the rutted and worn dirt roads. The trails of false hope and empty promise, where I labor without adequate reward
Lord, when will I ever learn to trust in Your judgement? When will I understand that Your ways bring life, but mine continually lead me to bitterness and despair?
When will I begin to live up to what You created in me? Such potential, and yet I have manifested mediocrity?
When I feel this way, Lord, I feel as if I’ve failed You, and yet You only send encouraging words back to me. You remind me that You love me, that I am on track, and to never let go of the bond of love between us
So I press on, imperfect as I am, yet made new in the power of our Lord Jesus Christ
Praise God for this incredible gift and for His Spirit that leads us; for His Son who has saved us, and for His love and forgiveness that transcends all of our wrongs and shortcomings, continually leading us forward on the paths of eternal life 3/27/2001