Give thanks to the Lord and praise His name, for you have been cleansed of all iniquity and your lives, restored
Lift up your voices to heaven, sing loud and strong unto Him, for we have been redeemed and given unending hope
He alone has saved us by snatching our lives from the fire. In our own power we could do nothing, but He looked upon us with favor and pardoned every sin
What joy! sing aloud! We have the promise of life forever
Give thanks, for He is worthy. Never forget, for He has given us every good blessing
Cast off your fears, He has overcome them. Lift up your hearts to Him. Return to God again and again and worship Him with love and a genuine heart for He has done what no one could do.
Oh faithful God of unending beauty and grace, we throw ourselves at Your feet. In awe with gratitude, we praise You, for we who were sick are now healed
We love You God, for You have done incredible things for us. You have filled us with the Spirit of truth and made our wretched lives sound
God, You have made each day new, and although everything around us is unstable, You remain true
We sing praises to You, oh Lord, we worship Your holy name; we sing out with joy and in love, for You are an amazing God
Oh what joy You bring and peace to our stricken hearts. We lift up our praises only to You, our Lord
We worship with all our strength, for You have healed us. When we had no hope, You came and raised us back to life. 1/15/2011