Have you ever taken the time to explore the intricate and beautiful detail of a flower. What a wonder they are. Sometimes I take the time to look over one flower in great detail. I gaze at every petal and look upon the details in the color of their markings. There are textures to feel and observe, and a symmetry of design that could only have been crafted by God. I look at the calyx, the stigma, styles, anthers, pollen, and a host of other anatomical details. Each part is incredible in its detail and workings, made for a specific purpose, each of which gives glory to our God who made both flower and us humans, too.
There is such intricacy in every flower they seem almost a universe unto themselves. It’s refreshing to observe plants during these times, because in their own naturally passive way, seem almost oblivious to everything that goes on around them. They simply concentrate on growing and producing flowers, so that more seed will be made… and so that their position in the web of life continues. That is their purpose, and they don’t seem all that concerned about the economy, or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or the political battles that are going on these days, or a million other things that weigh us down. They are just concerned with the business of living within the creation God has made for them and everything else. That is how they bring glory to God, they flower, and bring to the light of day a small, yet beautiful, miracle of God’s creative design and wisdom.
God considers every flower that grows, even those weeds that crowd into our gardens. Though they’re a nuisance, weeds serve a great purpose in the grand scheme of keeping our world healed and in balance. Try looking at the flower of a weed sometime. Take a magnifying glass, if you have to; look closely at each detail. They are as interesting and beautiful as many of our garden hybrid flowers, though perhaps less flamboyant. Look at the flowers and be reminded of God’s care for them. For He has used great wisdom to design how they were made, and blessed them with a living formula of both success and attractiveness. They have given glory to Him long before our species ever walked upon this world.
If, He has considered the life of each flower, then how much more has He given His thoughts to us, God’s most precious and beloved creation. If He has bestowed upon the flowers such beauty and ability, then He has given us even more. We, who were made in His image and placed in position to have dominion over all of His creation, have been blessed more than we know. Can there be any doubt then that God has great care and love for us? He has blessed us with His living Word and gave us His only begotten Son, so that we might live; even in His presence, for all eternity. Therefore, we should not be so anxious for the things that are of this world, but focus our eyes on our God, and the wonder of the saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ. They alone are the only ones that can give us true riches, and all the other aspects of a complete life.
Don’t become a worry wart, even though these times demand that we feel anxious. Focus your eyes upon God, for He has blessed you considerably. Don’t lose sight of Him, though the entire earth shouts that we pay attention to what it says to be concerned about. Never forget your first love, the one who made you as beautiful and capable, and who meant you to enjoy all the benefits of the life He designed you to live.