Do what you can do for Christ. Even the smallest things count, if they are born from our heart
Who knows how God will take something, a word that we have said, a kind gesture we have given, or even a thought or silent prayer, and use it for His glory
Jesus can take what we give, and bless it. He can add to the little we have spent forth and make something more from it
He can develop upon our actions, gloriously
So do what you can for Him. Be comfortable, make it real. Dream up something that glorifies God, then give it to Him as your offering
Share it with others. Be yourself. Do what comes naturally, when your heart is filled with love for Him
Give what you can to those around you, but give it to them in such a way that always honors them. With all respect, so as not to diminish the work of the Spirit of Christ
The measure of God is not like ours. For He observes the purity of our motivation and the love that shines forth from our life
He does not regard the greatness of our power or stature, or the things that people consider important. Jesus values the little things done in love
He celebrates each act of kindness, and treasures those who give from the wellsprings of their heart
He applauds the gift of a penny, when it was born from a faithful generosity. But is saddened, by the donation of millions upon millions, when it was done only for self gratification
There are opportunities to make our faith real. They come with each moment and are found within every situation
They need not be grand, or powerful, or noticeable in any way, but always real, filled with the love we have for Christ 1/23/2007