The area where I live is sometimes called the Redwood Empire, because of all the logging that was once done in our hills. One particular tree, the Coast Redwood, caused an almost gold rush like response here during the late 1800’s. There are still many of these trees growing, but only a few old growth trees like the one pictured above. They are, in fact, the worlds tallest tree. In a grove a couple hours north of me, is a tree named Hyperion that has reached 380ft. tall. It is the tallest known living thing. Redwoods are amazing in many different ways, for instance, their seed is surprisingly small. One Coast Redwood seed can fit on the head of a pin. They are barely visible to our eyes and blow around on the wind like dust. What an inauspicious beginning for such a forest giant!
Jesus once compared the Kingdom of God with a similar type of plant that was familiar to the common people of Israel; the Mustard. This Kingdom, had a beginning that was nearly unnoticeable, but over time it has grown and is known now throughout the entire world. Only a few people were present to welcome the newborn Christ into this world, and even fewer had any idea what He was to become. Oh the wisdom and love of God, who planted Him squarely in Bethlehem of Judea, just like He said He would through the mouth of His Prophet Micah (Micah 5:2). It is interesting that God does not need to do things through those who are great or powerful. Throughout history, He usually chose the weak and unnoticed to accomplish some of His greatest acts. In His greatest act of all, He chose to give us His Son, Jesus Christ, a baby born to a young couple too poor to stay anywhere else, but a stable. In Christ, God’s purpose was fulfilled and the Kingdom of God was established. Jesus became Lord and King above all the earth for all of time.
The tallest tree on earth starts out as a tiny flake of dust like seed that is blown wherever the wind may blow. Yet, when it has found moist and fertile ground, it can grow for thousands of years and can become as massive and stately a tree of any found on earth. The Son of God was born less fortunate than most, even King Herod sent his troops out to snuff out His life, but God had planted Him and He watched over His life so that it would come to all the fullness of His promise to us.
Jesus Christ stands alone among all those of human history; there is nobody greater. He stepped into time and changed the entire course of mankind. He altered our destiny forever, switching us off the track where the effects of sin brought judgement and the finality of death, to a new course, where all of mankind could choose to have eternal life through faith in Him.
Jesus is alive this very day and forever more. He reigns over all who dwell upon the Earth. Everyone who believes in Him, are like the birds of the air who came to rest in the branches of the giant Mustard in this parable. They have found rest in His life. For He offered His life upon the cross as a payment for our sin. He gave His life willingly, so that we might live. Because of this, God has elevated Jesus Christ above all creation and crowned Him Lord of all Lords, and King of all Kings. I hope Christ has already done this work in you this day, but if not, He is willing to make something great and amazing out of your life this very moment. Go before Him, Submit your life unto Him, confessing your sin; Then He will be just to save you and to make you whole, by the very same power that God gave to Christ when He raised Him from death to eternal life.