Shout praises to the Lord of all creation. Give glory to Him who reigns. Sing songs of gratitude for His love and mercy. Give thanks for all those He has saved
Sing forth all you mountains, bend low every hillside; tremble at the power of His footsteps
Raise your branches every tree. Reach high towards the heavens and dance as the winds rustles through your leaves that catch His glowing light
Give honor to Him all you vineyards, and blessing you fertile fields. For He has given richness in great abundance, so that you might bless all those He loves
Call forth you songbirds, cry out every eagle on high; give honor to him, you brightly colored hummingbirds, for He has given each of you the wind beneath your wings
In thanksgiving, bow before Him; with gratitude, give Him praise; for He has fed you from His abundance and place each feather upon your frame
Call out, you azure heavens; raise up, mighty thunder clouds; give glory to Him who stands above you, and stirs you like the dust beneath His feet
Shine forth, every golden sunbeam; illuminate God’s good earth, which He alone has made. Give light to all His children, so that they might glory at the beauty of His creation
Whisper soft hymns, you quiet waters; reflect forth images of His goodness and mercy. Give drink to all those who thirst and life to all who live and breathe
Give honor to the God of the heavens; sing praises to Him who made this earth
Offer, each day, a sacrifice of grateful thanksgiving for all the good things that He has done
Our God is higher than all of His creation; He is greater than anything known. His glory fills up each space within the universe, and His power steers the stars
Sing!, for He is awesome. Raise your voices, because of the magnitude of His glory
Lift up His name, for He is more than worthy of all our praise. 11/5/2006