Hold fast to the ways of God. Take hold of the wisdom found in His Word, and never let go, for it will be as life to you
Do not stray from His path, so that you may steer clear of harm or disaster. Instead, grab tightly to the ways of God
Maintain a firm grip, so that He might strengthen you all of your days and bear your burdens in times of trouble
When we live within His perfect will, we are blessed. For our God is the well spring of life. He watches over all who love Him and guards those trust in Him by faith
He pours out His Spirit to all His children, so that they may prosper in all that they may do
Though we can never be sure of what tomorrow will bring, when we dwell within the will of Christ, our Savior, He will lead us safely through life.. Not free from trouble or trial, but by safe passage to the eternal
How great are the multitude of false treasures. They can distract us away from the truth of God. But in Christ dwells all that is pure and true
All of creation hangs upon His strength and wisdom. In Him alone, are found the threads that bind together all there is.
Grab ahold of God and never let go. Maintain your footing and keep in contact at all times. If you let go, you will surely fall, and there is no hope for those who lose their grip on Him
When you begin to slip, act quickly to regain your hold, so that He might direct you towards safe passage
Feed upon His Words, that strengthen all those who are tired. Grab hold of God. Don’t give in to a weakness of mind or spirit, for He is the only way that leads to life
No other way of human life is safe, or can, in any way, lead to everlasting life
What fleeting reward could ever be so valuable, or deceptive way of sin, so alluring, that we would give away our immeasurable reward in Christ?
So, hold fast to our God, who saves. Grab tightly to our Lord, who’s love is without end, because all of your days rest upon Him. 10/13/2006