I will pray for a forgiving heart and seek God’s will when dealing with others
For I am coarse and hard sometimes. My anger wells up inside of me and I grow cold
But the Lord softens my heart. He speaks to me with words of wisdom and guides me in ways of compassion and understanding. His teachings are a surprise to my attitude. They are a revelation to my nature
Help me, oh Lord, to seek you each day. Remind me to draw close to Your side. For I am easily led astray, my mind wanders on to paths that are not Yours
Help me to learn Your compassion, so that I may bless those I see each day
How great is the wisdom and compassion of God. He sees where I cannot, and pardons when I cry out for biased judgment
The Lord forgives when I would prefer revenge, and He loves, when I can only act out in my selfish ways
Lead me in Your paths. Show me how I should forgive and forget, and not to lash out at those who have wronged me. But, to give them a response from Your will, oh Lord
I know and perceive that You care about all people. That You have a heart for everyone in Your creation. If they are good and seek You, Our Lord rejoices in heaven, and is pleased
But if they have done wrong. You seek them and are quick to forgive them, if they ask. You have great patience for the wicked
Lord, help me to seek the best in others. Let me be quick to forgive them, with a caring heart
May my prayers for others, be continually brought before You. For I know that you care for those around me. For we are all Your children
There are differences between us, but You preferred it that way. There are times when troubles arise between us, but You have shown us how to work through our disputes
Lord, may Your love always shine as the guide for my life 3/26/2001